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S C A R E C R O W (played by Mourncrow)

Scarecrow took a bold stride into the kitchen. He stifled a gasp at the sight of two, human
figures already occupying the room. He sidled back around the door frame. Knowing that something had to be done, that he had to sate his curiosity, Scarecrow gave a timid cough. The sound was slight and almost unnoticeable, but less risky than instantly revealing to the strangers. He slunk into a dismal patch of shadow. The demon rested his head upon his knees, staring anxiously at the door as he awaited discovery.

[Sorry, that took forever! Exams and such... I'll try my best not to neglect the rp!]
Glaceia (played by Katia)

[skip me. Glaceia is too absorbed in play to take notice of either of them.]
Remember Reason (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Remember stood in shock. Was that a ghost? Her eyes peeled away from the girl as Scarecrow entered, from which she'd simply remain silent and gawk at the two of them. She wasn't really too sure if they could see her, or if she was actually seeing what she thought she was seeing. Scarecrow pulled himself away from the kitchen just as quickly as he had entered, so she slowly began to approach where she thought he was. Was she going insane?

The young girl peered around the door and spotted him after half a moment. She jumped and made a noise similar to an "Eep!" but didn't look afraid. Just... surprised.

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