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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » the land of skyrim (open)

Ryku (played by RandyARedPanda)

"I was trying to get to whitehelm..But it looks like I didn't make it.." "I didn't even know this was your shop...sorry about the collapsing..Just extremly tired...."
Kosma (played anonymously)

“ come on come in.” She looked sad and upset.
Ryku (played by RandyARedPanda)

*He slowly gets up and walks in* "Why do you look so upset..?" *he says confusingly*
Kosma (played anonymously)

“ I’m thinking of joining a dark organization the dark brotherhood.”
Unknown user

The robe would rattle as the man starts getting up and peicing together his bones that might have fallen out of the robe

"Nyagh must have drank too much milk" the man would say as he turns the corner trying to attack a few figners onto his right hand "Didnt even make it to my house"

He would turn antother corner as he starts walking down seeing market stalls and a strange man putting a bucket over one of the shop keepers heads as another man in a red suit approches the Robed Skeleton "Do you go to the cloud district often?" the man in the red robe would mutter out "Oh what am i saying, of course you dont" he would say with a smug look

"I hope you fall in a well Nazeem" the robed man would say as Nazeem would look at him sadly then saying "I get that alot"

The Robed Skeleton would continue going up the stairs and going down the twisting and turning streets and then comming up on a lone shack he would get out a pair of rusty keys putting them into the doors lock and unlocking the door he would enter in slamming the door behind him and swiftly locking it

"Home, the only place im welcome these days" he would continue walking around his house past an Alchamy table and a dead nord on an altar made out of stone he would open another door walking into a bed room, throwing himself onto the bed and turning into a pile of bones in the robe
Ryku (played by RandyARedPanda)

"Would joining the brotherhood be beneficial..?" "Iv'e only heard rumors about it so I don't exactly know what they do..."
Kosma (played anonymously)

“ if I did join them then I become there leader. I say in short they do assassination missions.”
Ryku (played by RandyARedPanda)

"What kind of people do they kill..?" "The brotherhood..?"
matthew ebonsword (played by matthew22) Topic Starter

(hey everyone I'm so sorry for not being here :( ill try to be here more often) *matt saw all the people and noticed the shop* hmm... the listener? I believe cicero has looking for her... *matt jumped down and walked towards the shop throwing a sack of coins at the hired thugs as payment as he walks up to the door he stops and whispers* I can do this.. *he flips up his hood to kepp his face hidden all that could be seen was 2 small glowing white dots where his eyes were and then opens the door* looks like you've got quite the party here...
Kosma (played anonymously)

“ anybody there customers want”
Ryku (played by RandyARedPanda)

"Wait..What if im on there list..Will you be willing to kill me..?" *He asks*
matthew ebonsword (played by matthew22) Topic Starter

*matt hears ryku say this and quickly redponds* depends on if the listener is too soft or not..
Kosma (played anonymously)

Looks at Matthew. “ I want to join. I know the words of binding.”
matthew ebonsword (played by matthew22) Topic Starter

nah ive been in the brotherhood since astrid
matthew ebonsword (played by matthew22) Topic Starter

*matt looked around* so what do you sell here anyway?
Ryku (played by RandyARedPanda)

"I have no idea...I just arrived here.." *Ryku says*
matthew ebonsword (played by matthew22) Topic Starter

hmm... you got any armor?
Kosma (played anonymously)

“ magical items. Magical contracts stuff like that.” She was getting ready to close shop and go join the darkbrotherhood.
matthew ebonsword (played by matthew22) Topic Starter

*matt sees her start to close the shop* you heading out?
Kosma (played anonymously)

“ I’m going to join the the dark brotherhood. I’m going to tell the words of binding.”

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