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Forums » General Roleplay » Oakwood High School (Closed)

Zombie character (played anonymously)

He opened his book, muttering to himself. "Seriously, where is the teacher?" He asked nobody in particular, sighing.
Amber Diaz (played anonymously)

*amber opens her book and wait for the substitute teacher is covering our class until more people started walking in she takes out her homework from last night*
Zombie character (played anonymously)

He yawns, incredibly bored. "Does anyone have anything to eat?"
Amber Diaz (played anonymously)

*Amber grabs some candy out of her book bag and give it too you I hope u like skittles I brought them for you jace*
Zombie character (played anonymously)

"Really?" He asked, not completely believing her but also not going to pass up free candy. "Thanks!"
Amber Diaz (played anonymously)

*amber gives jace the skittles she Brought him and says in sweet kind voice your welcome jace the teacher have a staff meeting with the other staff members of the school he will be in real soon*
Zombie character (played anonymously)

"How did you know that?" He asked, slightly confused but also grateful. "Anyways, I owe you one."
Amber Diaz (played anonymously)

*amber smiles I like to do nice things for people and if they don’t be mean or anything I like nice people and I hate rude people but I am not that type of girl who is rude I am nice*
Zombie character (played anonymously)

He shrugs. "Alright then."
Amber Diaz (played anonymously)

*Amber sees the teacher coming in the classroom as all the other students come in*
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

As he saw the teacher comes in, He close the textbook and put his focus on what kind of boring lesson to take.
Amber Diaz (played anonymously)

*amber opens her text book and waits for the teacher to assigned the chapter for then me to read and grabs a highlighter from pencil case*
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

With pure boredom that he doodle on his notebook that he never listened
Zombie character (played anonymously)

He stared off into space, paying pretty much no attention to the lesson.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

He stared at the clock knowing that when will this class end.
Zombie character (played anonymously)

He held a match in his hand and lit it, letting it burn down to his fingers.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

His eyes turns on Jace and on his thoughts "Is this guy even know what he is doing or just being a freak,: He sigh
Zombie character (played anonymously)

He yawned, tossed the match into the trash can, lit another, and started spinning it between his fingers, making a tiny wheel of fire.
Amber Diaz (played anonymously)

*amber looks at and thinks what is he doing with that wheel of fire that will cause a huge fire and burning down the school house*
Rose (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

Foxy woke up and she lets out a soft groan in pain

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