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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Helix Trials

Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She sees Jaxon from a far and notices herself standing there in the mirror. "A room with mirrored walls?" She muttered.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

“No-” He says and runs to the door, which is now locked. “My reflection...” He starts to try prying the door open, which doesn’t work at all. He turns back around and sees his reflection again on the mirror, but directly facing him and not turned like he was. He looks at the girl. “Look.” He points to the odd reflection of himself.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She watches his panicked expressions. She looks at him and then his reflection. "Is... Is everything okay? Jaxon it's just your refl--" She looked over at her reflection which was her holding the shiv and starring at her then to Jaxon. "Oh... I see it now..." She holds her head in her hands and hits her forehead not to hard and speaks up. "This.. this can't be real Jaxon! Logic dictates that this is crazy!" She looks at him with a confused look.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

“Yeah?! Well, there’s no logic at all here!” He looks at the reflection, which then speaks, “What are you running from? You can’t run from reality!” It follows up its saying with crazed laughter. “Reality knows what you did, fool! You kill him and you’re too afraid to admit it!” The reflection states.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Jaxon... my logic brain is telling me... this is a mirror that displays our fe---" She stops mid sentenced when she witnesses what happening in the mirror as her reflection says "Nobody knows you Jessie! NoBOdY WiLl EVER ReMEmbEr YoU! YOU! WILL! END! UP! ALL! ALONE!" The reflection then whispers. "And you know it"
Jessies' eye widen and she falls on her bottom. "No... I'm not alone... SHUT UP!" She holds her head
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

“You blame it all on society but even you know it’s all your fault!” Jaxon walked up to the mirror and stabbed it with the knife, to which it made a giant crack in the mirror. He looked up, expecting to not see the reflection but instead seeing a smirk as the reflection reached a hand and punched the mirror open, hand coming through. He backed up as the reflection started breaking the mirror to make a big enough hole for it to enter the room with them.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She looks over at what was happening. "Jaxon? W-What happened?" Her reflection started banging on the mirror. Jessie grips her shiv. "One of you was enough" She tries to chuckle but air came out. She takes a deep breath. "It's just a zombie.... it's just a zombie... just a zombie! It's not real!" A tear falls as she realizes what she has to do.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He keeps stepping back, not taking his eyes off his reflection, until he reaches the door. He again tries to open it with all of his strength. The door moves a tiny bit but doesn’t open. Suddenly, the glass breaks enough for the reflection’s whole upper body to show. “The door won’t open! Don’t just sit there! Try helping!” He looked at the reflection and at her.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

Her eyes become more cold. She holds the shiv tight and walks to his reflection and stabs him in the temple and twists the shiv. She removes it as blood leaks out and the reflections body droops down making the glass shards below him dig into his chest. She pulls him out as She grabs his hair and bashes it against the floor. She looks back at Jaxon and blinks. "They're... just a zombie..." her eyes feel more real again "Like I said... I am always here if you need me. Even if you think I'm nothing but trouble." She smiles slightly, her hands covered in blood. "Sorry you had to see that." She glances at her own reflection.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He was just shocked, his mouth was slightly agape as she stabbed the other him. “It’s not a zombie...” Then, the reflection stood up. “Hey watch out!” He yelled to her, running over to where they are. He grabbed the reflections wrist and kicked it in the stomach, knocking him to the ground yet again. There was a lot of blood on the other him, but it still remained and it shuffles to stand up.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"How are we going to beat these guys? I mean all I can think of is destroying the mirrors but that means other me will come out... and I mean if the we break them all and it does nothing... what will we do then?" She has a terrible thought and clenches her chest. "If they aren't zombies then how is he still alive anyway!" She goes to slash his throat then tries to break his neck but gets thrown into the broken glass. "Shit!" She begins pulling glass out of her body.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

“Why would you think they’re zombies?! They just came out of a mirror! There’s no way they could ever be zombies!” He goes for an attacking but ends up being kneed in the stomach. He is brought to the floor and coughs, but gets right back up before the other him can do anything. “Wait—I know these moves. I’ve used them against others. I think it only knows what I know.”
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Don't you get it? I call them that because.." she sighs. "Nevermind." She listens to him as she pulls out a huge shard of glass from her side. "Ngh... Well that means he doesn't know what I know." She smirks. "If we wanna defeat these guys you have to tell me what I need to know to defeat you. Your weaknesses. And please let's save the no's for later okay? We both want to get out of here. The faster the better." She gives him a look and then glares at the other him all while trying to ignore her other self. "YoU KNoW hE DOesN't cARe! WhY aRe YOU HElPiNG HiM?! He WiLL LEavE YoU LikE EvERyoNE ELse!" The other Jessie is screaming at her. Jessie knits her brows together trying to ignore her.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

“Telling you my weaknesses will make me vulnerable to you and your reflection!” Then his reflection spoke, “Enough talking! I’ll kill you just how you killed your brother!” His eyes widened and he froze. “No, I-” He was suddenly at a loss for words. It really did know his secrets and it just revealed them.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She looks at Jaxon then at the other him. Shes sighs "We've all done things for some reason or another. Maybe not even a reason at all. What I'm more concerned about is defeating you." She turns to Jaxon. "So fight now and talk later" She pulls out the shiv and runs toward him and slides under his legs as she cuts the ligament and muscle in his heel. Making it hard to stand. She quickly gets up.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He just stands there looking at the floor. “I didn’t even mean to kill him...he was my only family...” With that, memories of his family appear in his head. The reflection falls and grabs its feet. It looks shocked. “It’s not healing...”
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She smirks. "Keep going Jaxon. Talk it out. I promise you I wont judge." She grabs the reflection slices down his back.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He looks at her. “Of course you’ll judge!” The reflection is coughing a lot and tries moving around so it dodges but it doesn’t work 90% of the time.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Jaxon listen to what I am saying! How do you feel about what you've done right now, today, in this very moment?" Shes out of breath a little. Jessie kicks the reflection in the manhood. "If it helps I'll tell you what I did"
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

Reflections, illusionary beings of self; to break morale, but build despair. The red eye of the Goblin glared onward as they fought against illusions. It would have laughed, if it believed that emotions were not weaknesses; it distracted, diverted, gave falseness a point of vantage. It knew better, but they did not.

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