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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Helix Trials

Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

“I...I don’t-“ He took a deep breath. “I feel anger.” He pulled out his knife and started stabbing the reflection and kept stabbing it, even past death. This gave him a feeling of joy for he hadn’t murdered in so long.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"There you go then. Feeling better?" She says calmly. She keeps quiet about herself for the time being.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He lets out a breath and stands up. He then looks at the other reflection. “She’s next.” He began to walk over to the other one.
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

Glaring, gazing far, the time went slow, then sped another artificial construct, meant to make up that which men lost. It mattered little, though they knew nothing of that. They clung onto what they thought they had, only to lose it the next moment; how pitiful.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"You wanna kill that me for me? I'll help if needed but I mean you seem quite capable. Plus I have had enough with glass shards getting stuck in me for one day." She says as she finds more in her skin and plucks them out.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He walks up to the other and stabs it multiple times, eventually killing it. He stands up and looks at her with a slightly crazed look on his face.
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

Staring through false glass, seeing themselves but never beyond; this was the folly of humanity, the reason that the Vex strives for perfection. Humanity could not survive if their goal was to be gained, for such self-centered creatures had no place in the code of the Nexus. The Goblin waited, its eye shimmering with a raging red glow, awaiting instructions from the Axis to terminate the simulants.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She gave a concerned look but smiled after. "Well let's get out of here." She breaks all the glass and walks through an opening.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He didn’t answer, just stared. Watching her walk through the glass opening. His head is clouded, mind dead. He couldn’t think, nor could he avert his eyes. He just stared with murderous intent.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She looks back then looks down and sighs. She closes her eyes for a moment then opens them. "You want to kill me... don't you? I have seen that look before from myself... Right Jaxon?" She knits her brows and looks him in the eyes. Her eyes have no emotion in them. They were distant. "Well, try to if you want to. What's holding you back? I mean I am standing right here. I'm not scared of you. I was you, before the zombies. I killed people I cared about. I liked... no I loved it! I told myself it was self defense but no I enjoyed every second. So if you are going to try just know I will not go easily." Her cold eyes gaze back at him.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

If she’s giving him to chance, he might as well take it. He walks up slowly and stops about two feet away. He then quickly ducks and slashes at her legs to try and get her to fall.
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

Attacking each other; what a curious turn. The deceitfulness of mankind was not surprising, however; it was one of the calculations that led to the deduction of humanity’s extinction. The Vex has begun to gather in a much larger format than before, surrounding them in the dark as they began to fight.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She tucks and rolls right back to her feet. "Don't make me do this Jaxon." Her eyes hold no emotion anymore. "Once we do this, I dont know if I can control what happens next. Dont you just want to go home and be free from here?" She blinks.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He gives no answer, only a silence. He looked at her, intent on death. He didn’t want to kill her, it’s what he thought was the only way. He didn’t think of any other solution. Killing the reflections, he remembered how good it felt to kill someone. It was a weird feeling at first but it felt good, like a drug.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She sighs "Jaxon... we could just continue through that door and who knows? There could be someone worthy of death, you know? If by the end of this 'game' you still really want me dead then... well we can fight... if that's what you desperately want." She shakes her head and her eyes hold her emotions once more. She takes a step closer and holds out her hand. "Let's go to our homes, okay?" She smiles. It looks a bit tired but still radiant.
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

Her pathetic pleas would do little, even if he refused to finish her off; the Vex mind had no intention of allowing this stain of humanity to remain uncleaned, no matter how hard they fought back.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He laughs under his breath, “You don’t understand how this feels, killing. It’s been a while since I’ve done something like this and it feels amazing.” He takes a few steps forward. “You live in a world of zombies, right? Then you probably don’t have a chance to kill someone who’s pleading for their life, wanting to go home to a family and warm bed.” He smirks.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"You don't know anything! Of course I have killed someone begging for me to stop! I'm not the only survivor out there! Zombies are just annoying little things I can kill whenever the hell I want!" She clenches her fists. "You don't get it... I don't want to be that person anymore... the one who kills just because it feels good. Before all the zombies came... I..." She sighs. "What's the point in telling you when it means nothing to you. But I won't be fun to kill if you get the chance to." Her eyes just stared at him. She was too tired to try to talk him back. "I won't scream. I won't cry for you to stop. I won't beg for my life. I'll just look at you. Watch your every movement with emotionless eyes that will haunt you. It'll just be an unsatisfying kill." She goes to turn and head out the door to the next room. "To think... I actually thought..." She closes her eyes for a moment and sighs. "Find your own way out of here."
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

Hadn’t they seen the signs? Did they not know their doom was certain? The maze was meant to kill them, and Thyrkeon desired them dead as well. It watched from afar and yet so very near, the blood-glow eyes beaming in the darkness around them, a ring that surrounded and demanded their destruction.
Artemis (played anonymously) Topic Starter

artemis would talk once again cackling "DID YOU REALLY THINK IT WOULD BE SO EASY? THE CROWN WAS A LIE, I JUST LIKE TO PLAY WITH MY TOYS BEFORE I KILL THEM."She would cackle a haunting echoing laugh

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