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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Helix Trials

Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She stares unamused and unfazed by the voice. "Nothing in my life has ever been easy. So to answer you no I didnt think the crown was significant. Why are we talking about it now? The crown is in the other room." She thinks she sees eyes in the shadows and stares for a moment before returning her gaze forward. "I wonder how Maxwell is doing..." she looks back at Jaxon then forward. She sighs and pulls out a picture of her and her older brothers. "I will be home soon. Just you wait." She walked to the next room.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

(Won’t be able to answer as often or type as much as I do most of the time. I have stuff going on so it’ll be a quick text if you guys are okay with it.)

He follows only 7 feet behind, ready for anything to attack or provoke him, whether it be the girl or whatever is out there.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

(No problem! We all should understand that life can get pretty hectic! Just do what you can and dont push yourself)
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

Inferiors, glass broken, minds scattered in the breeze of humanity. They did not fight, but decided to work together. It could not stand waiting, so it sent three Goblins after them, each eye red with malicious intent and each stomach teal with the liquid minds of the Vex. They fired the first shots, intentionally missing to draw attention, for this was the first of many tests it set for them.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

(Shots of what exactly?)
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He immediately got into an attack position, ready for anything so he could kill it quickly. “Who’s there?” He didn’t look at the girl at all, just at anything that anyone could be hiding at.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She pulled out her glass shiv and turned to face the 3 Vex goblins. She raises a brow and whispers "Robots?" Coming from a place with no magic or higher technology, she was confused. Having only heard about them in stories from travelers, she looked at them quizzically. "3 against 2? And what are you shooting? That is some weird weaponry."
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

A Vex Goblin

Let’s see if that works...
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He slowly walked up. “What do you want?” He demanded. He was ready to fight if they said anything that opposed him and/or tried to attack. He didn’t know what they were, but they looked like metal humans. But not humans. He didn’t know; he was just really confused but still had courage to fight.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She had his back. She looked around to see her surroundings as well. "Do they even talk?"
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

“They do not speak,” a voice echoed in the dark, “but I speak for them.” That was when a Fallen appeared from the blackness, adorned in mechanical parts and pieces. “They seek purification,” he continued, “you are humans; you are impure, yes? Vex seek eradication of impurity. Therefore, you must die.”

Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Impure? Well excuse me, uh metal man but everything is impure. I'm sure they have killed before. In which case, that makes them impure." She groans "This is a waste of time! All I want to do is get back to where I am from so I can save my own people!" She throws her shiv directly into one of the Vex goblins red eye then quickly rolls to pick up another shard of glass.
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

It teleported away, reappearing just behind her and attacking with its unarmed hand.

“Impurity is not described by death,” the Fallen corrected, “but by emotion; you carry such weakness, and must be made to fit into the future. As human, this cannot be, but as Vex, you will be perfect, yes?”
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She gets knocked to the ground but stands up immediately. "Perfect?... No emotions is perfection? What are you? Delusional? You have it all messed up dude." She takes a deep breath. "Humans can hide emotion, but what's the point? I think it's better to feel than have no emotion at all. Besides perfection is so boring. And you things are waaaaay beyond our time. We shouldn't even be here! I was in a hoard of zombies doing pretty dang well then boom... I'm here in this freaking place. You really think I want to be part of some robot infested world?! NO! So let us be and you can go back to your own time and wreak havoc in your own world." She glares at them.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He looks at her with confusion. “What’s a robot?” He keeps his eyes on all of the enemies, making sure they don’t strike for him, to which he didn’t know who would win. He’s good with a knife but doesn’t know any metal mans weak spots at all. Could he even kill them?
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

Jessie wrote:
She gets knocked to the ground but stands up immediately. "Perfect?... No emotions is perfection? What are you? Delusional? You have it all messed up dude." She takes a deep breath. "Humans can hide emotion, but what's the point? I think it's better to feel than have no emotion at all. Besides perfection is so boring. And you things are waaaaay beyond our time. We shouldn't even be here! I was in a hoard of zombies doing pretty dang well then boom... I'm here in this freaking place. You really think I want to be part of some robot infested world?! NO! So let us be and you can go back to your own time and wreak havoc in your own world." She glares at them.

The figure laughed quietly, obviously amused by her proposition. “Whoever said you’d be living in the world,” he crooned, “the future is for Vex, and only Vex; you and your kind have no place in the world upcoming.”
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"My point is I wouldn't even be in your world. PERIOD! You are WAAAAY into the future. I'd already be a skeleton by then. Heck we are probably from different dimensions! For a robot, I thought youd be a bit smarter than that." She takes a deep breath from this nonsense. She faces Jaxon still fully aware of the threat. "A robot is more or less an emotionless metal thing like you see before you. Supposed to be intelligent. My world was working on creating them but that all stopped when you know dead people came back to life." She closes her eyes and opened them. Her smile and eyes widen as she tilts her head. "Well you pieces of junk, let's see what you got." She takes off her jacket and is now in her tank top.
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

“Future, past, and present,” the figure mused, “to the Vex, it matters not, for they are all three; Primordial, Solis, Descendant. They and I serve the Axis Minds, but one among them hold the position over them; it is called Thyrkeon, Conscious made Infinite, and the Infinite Forest it oversees shall bring the perfection of the Void. By its command, they attack. I watch and wait, yes? See if the humans hold power still.” The three Goblins lurched forward, laser rifles firing upon both of them.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She quickly grabs a thick, huge piece of glass to cover her and Jaxon. The lazer rifles bullets (or what have you) bounce off the mirror glass back toward them. She watches from behind. "Well, killing us is wrong! Humans are valuable creatures... most of us anyway. I'll agree that some dont deserve to live but... a lot of us have so much to offer."
Thyrkeon (played by Arcol)

They mostly paid no mind; they simply vanished, reappearing after the beams passed their location. “Vex can see the future, yes,” the figure held out his mechanical hand, “know every move before it’s made; you have no hope. Humanity is a scourge, the ones who stole the Light from my people, and who keep it from Vex; therefore, all must die before the Light, for this is the only way for them to achieve their desire.” They teleported to different areas of the room, firing attacks and counteracting every assault made on them.

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