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Forums » Smalltalk » Anymore Casey's out there....?

Okay, so I noticed that there seems to be not alot of people out there named Casey. My name is Casey, which it seems for quite a bit of my friends, I am the only Casey they know. I have met people who would like to be called Casey, but that wasn't their first name, as for me, my first name is Casey and only Casey, nothing else.

So, to my point. I wanted to see if there were any other Casey's out there in this wonderful place called RP Repository. All my life, I have only met one other Casey, but I rather not speak of what she had done.....

Anyways! If you are a Casey or know another one, please do reply to this!! :3
I went to school with a couple! Lol, one girl one guy.
my grand mother's last name is Casey
There's a guy in my school named Kasey.
My name is not Casey but my entire family has called me that ever since I was born. My mom also used to babysit a guy named Casey :)

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