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Forums » General Roleplay » Shine Bright (1x1)

Iphis (played by Reinage) Topic Starter

Iphis shrugged, raising an eyebrow. He really does care!
"I don't think Clint here would mind.. Would ya, Clint?" She laughed a bit at herself before looking back to Ricin. A quick 'Oh' escaped her before she took on a bit more serious face, shoulders dropping. She mimic'd him with an invisible gun, performing a couple stunts, firing a few rounds. She glanced back at him, return to this 'safe' position he demonstrated, and took over the rifle again. "I think I got it." She smirked, carrying it at her side.
Ricin (played anonymously)

He nodded. "Make sure the muzzle is always pointing either at the ground or the sky, never straight ahead when you're not using it, because you might shoot someone by accident and that would be really hard to explain."
He stood there a moment longer, studying her, before picking Clint up again and dragging him away again.
Iphis (played by Reinage) Topic Starter

She chuckled, looking down at the gun. "Yeah, it's pointing at the ground." She trotted up beside him, fidgeting with the wallet again. "So you're not curious at all? About this Clint guy?" She opened it up again, flipping through the cards. "Maybe he wasn't paying up. I imagine he has some credit issues." she began laughing, then, pulling out a library card. "And some unreturned books!" She looked to Ricin for a reaction quickly, though was beginning to expect little.
Ricin (played anonymously)

The only reaction she really got was a slightly raised eyebrow.
"No. Not curious at all. I am curious, however, as to why you're following me." He shoved Clint unceremoniously into the trunk of his car, checking his pulse as he did so.
Iphis (played by Reinage) Topic Starter

Her smile faded quickly, looking back at the ground they'd covered. "Oh!" She bit her lip. "Actually I hadn't noticed." She shoved the wallet in her pocket, circling around the car.
"But I could get the hang of this-" She swung the rifle to point upwards, minding his words of caution, but nevertheless having a little fun. She snuck around to the passenger side, looking suspiciously side to side, suddenly pointing the gun down an empty alley. "You know, you showing me the ropes.." She straightened up, pointing it back to the ground. "Me, showing you some emotions." A siren blared, it's lights seen at the other end of the alley. She jabbed her thumb at it.
"Might want to get going then, Mr. Classified-o?"
Ricin (played anonymously)

Ricin straightened up, looking over the top of his car at the other end of the alley.
"Get in," he said, slipping into the car himself after slamming the trunk closed. "If you hang around you're probably gonna get arrested, and I have a feeling you're never gonna leave me alone unless I agree to your proposition here. Get in."
He unlocked her door and started the car, jerking his head at her to get in as he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel.
Iphis (played by Reinage) Topic Starter

"Sweet!" She took her moment to be excited before sliding in. Going on an adventure! She was sure to buckle herself in, carefully slipping her only weapon behind the seat. With abrupt conclusion, she grabbed whatever handles she could find.
"Okay. Lets go."
Ricin (played anonymously)

He drove off, checking in the rearview mirror to make sure they weren't being followed.
"Okay, let's get some things straight. If you're going to learn from me, you need to pay attention. No giggling like an idiotic high school girl- no, you stay quiet, because if you're too loud you'll get caught and killed. Got it?"
Iphis (played by Reinage) Topic Starter

Hands still gripping tight to the handles, she nodded. "I'm a good listener. I learn fast. I think I do. I usually do." She bit her lip, focussing on the road for a moment. A thought crossed her mind that she figured she best not say.
I am an idiotic, giggling school girl.
Ricin (played anonymously)

"Alright. Also, follow my lead. Don't do anything stupid and rash just because it's cool or heroic. This business is a dangerous one and it could get you killed, or get me killed, or both of us die together and that's not fun now is it?" He took a left, heading out to the highway and the middle of nowhere. "You also have to be prepared to kill people. If you don't want to end a life, then I suggest you get out now. And most importantly: don't. Touch. Anything. Unless I give it to you, then you can touch it. Pretty much everything I have here in my coat is poisoned. Some invade the skin and get in the blood stream, others get in if you rub your eye after touching it, still others can be inhaled by accident. The most common way is if you eat right after touching something poisoned. So don't touch anything, am I clear?"
Iphis (played by Reinage) Topic Starter

"Very clear," she gave him a sideways smile. "Don't be stupid. Kill people when needed. And-" she waved a finger in the air scoldingly, "Most importantly! Dont. Touch. Anything!" She mocked, chuckling. Eyes shot in his direction fearfully, a serious demeanor taking over quickly. "No, really. I get it. You don't think I do, but I do. Last I saw make-you-feel-bad gas was on the news when the Canucks almost won." She shook her head sullenly, "Don't know how you got your hands on it. Don't even know your real name. But you don't see me pressing those details, do ya?" She watched him curiously with one eye. Funny thing she'd gotten herself into, now.
"Hey, nothing's gonna blow up on me in this car, is it?" She sat rigid in the seat, carefully following his words of advice. Don't. Touch. Anything.
Ricin (played anonymously)

"Good. Because if you don't get it, well, let's just say you won't last in this business very long." His shoulders had tensed ever so slightly when she had brought up the subject of his name, then relaxed once more. Hardly noticeable, but it had been there. "I appreciate that. The story of the tear gas could get me arrested and my name... That's just a subject I don't like going over. Too raw, I guess. Don't make any comment about that or I'll throw you out of the car. And nothing up front should kill you, but I don't recommend sitting in the back." He slowly eased the car to a stop on the most deserted stretch of highway, parking it. He reached into his coat and pulled out a thin, clear needle of liquid.
"See this? This is the knockout serum I used on that guy. Lasts about fifteen minutes and it's been about fifteen minutes. He should be waking up right about now. So let's go check on Mr. Clint, shall we?" He got out, stretched, and looked around cautiously before walking to the trunk and waiting for her to come over before opening it.
Iphis (played by Reinage) Topic Starter

She nodded, curiosity showing in her eyes, an eyebrow raised. She might have mentioned something more if not for a change in pace.
"Wait, you knew he'd wake up?!" She threw herself out of the car after him. "No! You wanted him to!" She trotted up beside him, frowning at the trunk. Her voice lowered just above a whisper, looking up at him like a frightened deer. "What's the plan, then?" She figured there wasn't much of a plan (or none she would be let in on), so she waited readily not for a reply, but for him to open the trunk.
Ricin (played anonymously)

"I knew he'd wake up. This isn't my strongest serum, and the effects last approximately fifteen minutes, depending on the size and age of the target in question," he replied, throwing the trunk open and peering inside. "The plan is to knock him out again."
Iphis (played by Reinage) Topic Starter

She watched him pull open the trunk with large, concerned eyes, nodding at what he said. She took a deep breath, her fingers curling into her palms tightly. Focusing on the trunk, she leaned forward in anticipation. At first, nothing, as though empty. How anti-climactic. Just as her eyes seemed to focus on the darkness inside, a big black boot kicked out, causing her to jump back, a loud "Oh!" escaping from her.
Beyond this, Clint's plan seemed incomplete. Iphis couldn't help but smile at Ricin. No, he didn't seem very smart. Clint lay in the trunk, trying to make sense as to the where, why, how's and who's. Iphis rolled back on her heels with a smirk.
"Hello, Clint." She tipped an invisible hat to him. Note to self: Buy kick-ass hat. Though, this appeared to aggravate Clint some, to Iphis's delight - though she stepped back towards Ricin for safety. Clint sprawled in attempt to exit the trunk quickly, falling over his own bulky body and general distraughtedness. Iphis let an incredulous snort.
"Seems you were right about him. He doesn't seem very clever right now, does he?" She scoffed and took another step away, either to allow room for Ricin to do whatever he wanted to do, or to prepare for Clint to get his act together and stand up. She watched him cautiously, wondering if she could trust Ricin to knock him out right away or if he was the play-with-the-food-like-a-cat type.

[Tried to make this post extra lovely since I took forever to get to it I'msorry;;;]
Ricin (played anonymously)

(That's ok)

Ricin prowled around Clint, a generally mischievous light entering his eyes as he twiddled the needle between his long fingers.
"Hey, Clint. How you feeling?"
He reached down and picked him up by the back of his collar, effectively constricting his air flow as he peered around to look at him. "You like that knockout drug? I'm gonna give you something a little stronger this time, how 'bout that?" He held the needle up so it was visible in the man's peripheral vision.
Yes, he was definitely the cat-and-mouse type of hunter.
Iphis (played by Reinage) Topic Starter

Iphis watched Ricin's eyes as Clint choked out a few words before giving up. It was clear he enjoyed his little job, and for a moment she wondered if it was simply a hobby. She shifted her weight back and folded her hands behind her, awaiting instruction, jumping a little as Clint raised an arm threateningly.
Ricin (played anonymously)

"Oh, how scary!" Ricin teased, watching in mock horror as Clint raised his arm. "Now, Clint, you know that if you attack me or my little apprentice here, I'm gonna have to hurt you, maybe even kill you. You know what black mamba venom feels like when it's coursing through your veins, Clint? Or cyanogen, or lily of the valley, or brown recluse? I don't think you wanna find out, now, do you? I sure wouldn't."
Iphis (played by Reinage) Topic Starter

Iphis rocked forward, smiling a bit, one eyebrow raised as he listed the poisons. Clint grunted, eyes shifting at Iphis. She cocked her head at him. "He says he doesn't know." She smiled to Clint, then more warmly to Ricin, but Clint - unaware that he, in fact, wasn't destined for immediate death, fought back.
Ricin (played anonymously)

Immediately Ricin tightened his grip on his neck, giving Clint something that looked a lot like the Vulcan death pinch, or whatever it's called, squeezing the pressure points at the base of his neck. He forced him to the ground, rifling in his jacket for a certain kind of poison- aha!
"Say hello to the eastern diamondback rattlesnake, Clint," Ricin told him cheerfully, holding up a needle full of yellowish liquid for him to see before lowering it to his neck. "It has a powerful hemotoxin- in case you're wondering, it basically destroys your red blood cells and tissues and is excruciatingly painful. Hey kid, open the jacket up. In the top row of pockets there's an empty space where this needle came from. Take the needle immediately to the right of the space out. Don't do anything else with it, just hold it."

(One of my friends did the pressure point thing to me once, and even tho he wasn't squeezing too hard GAH IT HURT)

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