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Forums » General Roleplay » Meeting someone (1x1 with Kuro)

A young man was moving quietly through the forest, the new moon keeping him hidden, he'd taken a job and was sure that the guy and his men were in the forest. Silv had managed to go unseen so far but he wasn't sure if he'd be able to continue that. There were men carrying rifles scattered through the woods and he didn't know their position.

Eventually he made it through and a slight cry of pain was heard then silenced. Silv quickly moving to somewhere to hide so that he wouldn't be seen and could pick off anyone else he needed to. The men had come running but soon began looking for whoever could have done it, ready to shoot whoever they saw on sight.";
Kuro had been sleeping calmly until she was awoken by the sounds of someone walking closer to where she and Suta, her little dragon was. She sat up just as and arrow was shot at her pillow from above. She got lucky and looked up at the man who shot the arrow. "There you are." She growled as she quickly got to he feet.

Another arrow was shot, and it hit close to its target. He aimed for her heart but hit her gut instead, making her let out a scream of pain as she removed the arrow and gripped the wound. "You will pay for that." She growled at him, her voice shifting between human and animal.
Silverin Blueblade (played by Lorvilran) Topic Starter

Silv hears the scream and runs off to help, hoping that someone wasn't killed cause he'd failed to look for other people. His paws moved a little less noisily than shoes so it was easier to mask his footsteps. He came up behind the guy and aimed his sword at the man's heart, his dagger at his neck thrusting his arms forward quickly to try to kill on the first strike, or at least make it so he couldn't fight or breath anymore.
Kuro was shocked to see someone kill the hunter before she could, but the pain came back in a crashing wave as she fell to one knee, clutching her stomach. The weakness was making it harder for her to fight off her animal genes.
Silverin Blueblade (played by Lorvilran) Topic Starter

Silv walks over to her and puts his weapons away "Come with me... I have stuff for the pain and can stitch and bandage your wounds." He'd smile "There will be more coming and they have guns." He'd walk off to the north.
Kuro glared at him, not trusting him anymore than she could through him. "I'll be fine. I have my own medical supplies." She said as she sat down on the ground, grabbing her backpack and searching through it with her free hand.
Silverin Blueblade (played by Lorvilran) Topic Starter

Silv frowns "Yeah well this place isn't safe, I killed two men tonight... One cause he's a scumbag who hurt a girl, the other to keep him from shooting you again... Now come, it'll be safer where I'm staying tonight." He looked to her "Besides if you can't trust Blueblade, you can't trust anyone."
Kuro looked up at him, not sure whether to believe him or run away. She had to think about Suta, he was the only reason she really had to live in this world, because he needed her to be there for him. She nodded and closed her backpack. She reached over and gently shook the small dragon awake. He looked at her in groggy surprise but looking into her eyes, he shifted into his human from.
Silverin Blueblade (played by Lorvilran) Topic Starter

Silv moved quickly moving some bushes that were there and opening a door in the ground "Go down quickly... You'll be safe till they give up and leave." He sounded a bit worried about her. The door was well hidden even if you were looking it'd take time to notice it.
Even while wounded, Kuro moved quickly and was able to move as fast as a normal, full grown human woman. She clutched her wound, adding pressure to it to slow down the bleeding. She nodded and went down to the door in the ground. "Why are you doing this?" She asked as Suta came in behind her.
Silverin Blueblade (played by Lorvilran) Topic Starter

Silv came in and closed the door "Because he shot you cause he thought you killed the scumbag... He should have shot me... I also promised a friend that I'd never let an innocent die cause of me..." He looked down "So as repayment you can stay here and ask me anything you'd like to know about the man who got you shot..." He was taking a risk but his sense of honor demanded it.
Kuro was surprised by this, she had assumed that he was another hunter sent after her by her master, not that she was accused for killing someone. "I would like you to explain everything that is going on here."
Silverin Blueblade (played by Lorvilran) Topic Starter

Silv smiles "I am the assassin Blueblade. I kill scumbags who hurt others, I'm payed what ever my clients can spare or nothing if I felt I did a particularly good thing. You were sleeping near the camp of a particularly horrible scumbag who I was hired to take out. His men assumed you were the one who killed him and tried to kill you for revenge." He'd sigh "It's my fault for not silencing them first but I didn't think anyone was out here."
Kuro nodded. "I see. I assumed it was another hunter my master sent. I am better known as the run away science experiment, Kuro Sakuranbo. This kid here is, well, for lack of better words, my pet dragon." Suta glared up at her but she only shrugged.
Silverin Blueblade (played by Lorvilran) Topic Starter

Silv smiles "So anything else or have you already labled me as a dirty killer?" He didn't generally care what others thought but he liked to know so he had a clue as to what they might do. He'd go over and take off his shirt, pulling knives from it then pulling out a new one "Don't mind me, I'm just preparing for when I get a new job. You also will only find speculation with the name blueblade as it isn't my real name."
Kuro shook her head, still gripping her wound that had stopped bleeding. "Nope, unless you got questions. Now, about my wound over here. I don't think I need stitches, just bandaged. I heal pretty quickly." She said as she looked around the area.
Silverin Blueblade (played by Lorvilran) Topic Starter

Silv smiles and got some bandages "You're welcome to stay till they're gone or until you wish to leave which ever you prefer." He'd hand them to her and begin putting the knives in a new shirt "I just want to know why you aren't asking more, I could end up silencing you like the thug I killed. It'd make sense to know more so you can make a determination so why aren't you?" He was genuinely curious.
Kuro lifted up the part of her shirt that was covered in blood, and had Suta hold up for her while she wrapped the bandages around her. "I can read it in your eyes that you wouldn't do that unless I was trouble. I don't ask questions unless I can't read your emotions and if I wanted to, I can have my companion here read your thoughts to know if I was truly in danger." She stated flatly as she finished wrapping the bandages around her.
Silverin Blueblade (played by Lorvilran) Topic Starter

Silv laughs "I'd have to kill him if he intruded into my mind... If I invite someone, that's one thing... Uninvited intrusions, I have killed for." He frowns "I may be a good guy but even I have my limits." He laughed and went into another room "Oh and if I see one cop in the woods looking at the ground, I will find you and silence you. I may be killing those who do horrible things, but I'm still commiting crimes."
Kuro nodded. "Alright, as long as you don't kill him, I am fine. I have no value or care for my own life right now so death means nothing to me." She said as she stood up. "Where can we stay at? I should fully heal by tomorrow and be out of your hair."

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