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Forums » RP Discussion » Rules of this forum - please read

Kim Site Admin

Please do not create topics here that are intended to contain the OOC chatter relating to a RP that is ongoing elsewhere
Starting February 20th, 2020, Mods will begin removing "OOC dicussion topics" of this nature. If possible, we will merge them into the IC topic that they relate to. All the chatter that happened here will show as OOC when they are moved.

This forum has always been intended for people to discuss the craft of RP, get feedback on their characters, learn to improve their writing, etc.

We ask that instead of creating a topic that only a handful of people will be able to participate in, you instead take advantage of the new IC forum ability to show IC and OOC posts on different tabs within the same topic.

Old "OOC discussion" topics created before this rule went into effect, but that are still active, will be merged into their parent RP topics. Inactive topics will simply be allowed to fall down the board.

No "Pet Peeves" topics
Sorry, friends, but we've reached our limit -- we know you like venting, but over the years Pet Peeves (or "I don't like X behavior") threads have tended to derail rapidly as people's yums were yucked or the symptoms of anxiety disorders were targeted for ridicule. Or, they accumulated descriptions of hyper-specific situations that could ONLY be about one person. In short, they might be fun for the people posting them, but they just aren't constructive or kind. Write guides on a style of RP you do like, but don't poopoo other people's styles, please.

We will be removing new pet peeves topics on sight going forward, rather than waiting for them to almost inevitably go off the rails.

Thanks for your cooperation!

Last updated 9/23/2021 - added rule about pet peeves topics

You are on: Forums » RP Discussion » Rules of this forum - please read

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus