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Kuro (played by dantefrancis) Topic Starter

Kuro would take a shot at one of the Vex, with the Vex being turned into Arc Energy."Honestly,I did not expect this...Wait, how didn't Pyre-5 didn't get two Light paths?"

As Sirius said, the Travlver might have been more willing to give you more power.

"Well, how sweet of it..."Kuro said as he pointed the gun at another Vex, and Light appeared around the area, "Showtime."
Aragon-5 (played by Arcol)

“That, or the fact I’ve only chosen one path,” he clarified, “I am a conduit of the Arc, nothing else.” He short a group of Vex, noticing the Harpies and Minotaurs closing in as the Goblins and Hobgoblins kept coming.

”Resistance is futile,” Skoliks warned, ”you bring nothing but death upon you; Thyrkeon is the way. To resist is to die.”
Kuro (played by dantefrancis) Topic Starter

Kuro shot at the multiple of the Vex and saw that they kept coming."Jesus...well, I guess Falling back is a choice, right Pyre?"

I second that.

Kuro would continue to shoot at the Vex, realizing that the shots require less light, as it did nothing but shocking them and an ally.
Aragon-5 (played by Arcol)

“Agreed,” he grunted, taking out a harpy with a well placed bullet, “we need to go before...”

That was when he felt its gaze turn to him, entering his being yet again; Thyrkeon was had found him.

“Run,” he called, rushing to get away from the eyes of the Axis Mind, though he knew it was pointless.
Kuro (played by dantefrancis) Topic Starter

Kuro would run along saying,"Phantom, bring the ship to our position!"

Already on it

"Pyre try to cancel it out.The eyes might be there, but it's not trying looking at you."
Aragon-5 (played by Arcol)

“It’s here,” he groaned, “it’s hunting me! I am forever it’s plaything!”

“He’s losing it,” Sirius shouted, “we need to get him out of here quick!”

No escape,” Skoliks announced, “all will fall to Thyrkeon.
Kuro (played by dantefrancis) Topic Starter

Kuro nodded as he shot at Thyrkeon and the Vex."Phantom, get him out of here!"

What willl you do?!

"Buy time..."Kuro said as he threw the Knife at the one of the Vex.
Aragon-5 (played by Arcol)

Thyrkeon is the Vex,” Skoliks proclaimed proudly, “it is separate from the Axis, separate from singularity, and separate from reality. The Light is nothing to the Mind, and new master of the Infinite Forest.

“It’s taken Mercury,” Sirius muttered, “suppose that makes sense, after Panoptes and Drendron were taken care of by Osiris...”
Kuro (played by dantefrancis) Topic Starter

((Yea,sorry man.With everything going on, it's kinda hard for me to reply as I used to.))

Kuro would provide cover fire, as Pyre limped up." is like a virus."

Same word, different meaning.

"Shut up...You're almost to extraction."
Aragon-5 (played by Arcol)

((That’s ok; I recently moved, so I’ve been a bit busy myself.))

“If such a thing exists in the Vex,” Pyre muttered, “it places its own Radiolarian mind into other Vex chassis, even those currently in use, and overpowers their own fluid, grasping control over them. That’s how it’s maintains its life; only when the last one is destroyed, I assume it’ll die fully, but at this point, it’s nearly impossible.”
Kuro (played by dantefrancis) Topic Starter

"Jeez...that sound like hell..."

It does...

"But you live with it.Make sure no to affect anyone else."
Aragon-5 (played by Arcol)

“It is,” he agreed, managing to take out a Vex with his rifle, “I can’t infect anyone as it can, but as long as my mind fluid is kept safe, I stay alive...even in a new body.”

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