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Forums » Smalltalk » PSA - Your cellphones, wallets and money!


I figured that this was necessary to point out - whenever you get home after being outside (after you wash your hands for 20 seconds with warm, almost hot, water and lots of soap) please clean your phones if you have some sort of alcohol or anti septic pads (idk what you guys have where you're from). We always use our cellphones. I also suggest to always handle your wallets with extra care in case you're touching them with your bare hands and I don't think I even have to mention money. So please be careful and I suggest to use gloves when you handle them.

Stay safe guys, let's think of ourselves and our families, other people's families and our collective health. I'm sure we all know at least one person in our lives which has health complications and/or are older, can be in danger because of this sneaky virus.

Take care, wash your hands and protect your pets <3
Great advice!
How to clean a phone.

I’ll add that it’s a good find to take a disinfectant wipe or spray and a paper towel or Chux or something and spray and wipe down your car’s steering wheel, shifter, brake handle, controls, door handles, etc. they contact your hands a lot and are usually neglected in a good car clean.

I just used two Dettol disinfectant wipes on all this and they were disgusting when I was done!

It’s a good idea to do the same with doorknobs and light switches around the house as well.
My entire family has been sick from various illnesses for the past couple months. Anything from the common cold to pink eye, but not COVID-19. So this weekend, we did a deep cleaning of our house. Spring cleaning.

The first and last thing we did was wipe down all surfaces we touch frequently with a Clorox wipe. So that meant all doorknobs, lightswitches, cabinets, walls, and our banisters on the stairs. We made sure to get all of it. We also made sure to do a deep cleaning of our toilets and showers. All of us also did our bedding.

We aren't paranoid, just taking the steps to make sure we all start to feel better.

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