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Forums » General Roleplay » A Result To War (1x1 with Alouna)

The Outcasted (played anonymously)

(XD i wasent sure if our characters were inslaved too.)
Everyone knows the truth of the war,you know,the demon and human war.Unsurprisingly,the demons had won,hell..a demon could get stabbed in the chest,bleed some,pull out the blade and go on and fight,however a human in that situation,your going to have a dead man instantly.We now live in a world where demons have all the control,they control the humans,they control the world.Few people managed to get free from that life before it happened.Some.Most people believe it as a childs tale with the thought of how could anyone escape this new life of ours without getting themselves killed.Well i can tell you,their freedom didnt last,they were soon captured and brought back to a life of misery.But others found a sign of hope in it,a hope of freedom

Nero ran through the streets as fast as his feet would carry,his black boots making a rhythm on the broken,cracked street as he ran,no way in hell was he going to get captured again.He turned a corner and slammed his back to the wall of a alley.He slid further into the alley,then stopped..and sighed with sly relief.
He had managed to escape for now,he placed his hand near his neck,and grabbed the hilt of his sword and pulled it out from behind his coat,he usually wore it openly on his back,but the demon slayer knew better to do that around this many demons,he'd be a dead man in 5 seconds.He looked at his blade,his only blade,but it was one he loved.He looked away from his sword then looked towards the opening of the alley,as if wondering if anyone else was free out there,he doubted it,he knew deep inside,soon,he would be captured again,freedom never lasted for humans,atleast,now it didnt..
Azumi (played by Alouna)

She carried a load of heavy books down the street, another shipment for master. It would have been easier to carry if it wasn't for her long dirty coat making her clumsy but master said to never take it off, and she didn't want to disobey again. Also her long black hair was always getting in her face, her band had broke earlier that week and with master having her run around so much she hadn't hand time to make a new one. She sighed walking down the quiet darken streets. She hated that master always work his best at night. These streets made her paranoid.
She passed the ally way unaware of the man who hid in it. She started to hum a bit to rid the streets from its Dead silence.
The Outcasted (played anonymously) Topic Starter

His heartbeat finally began to settle some,alongside with his breaths from running the distance he had to escape.He noticed the girl black hair walk by,he looked up at his shaggy white bangs,man would he stick out in the crowd with his hair in this gloomy place.Everything was so silent,so quiet,for him atleast.He felt uneasy for a second,then looked to his left,what a hell of a surprise he thought,his thoughts thick with sarcasm.A demon he saw,and seeing a demon around here,without a master or somrthing around meant trouble for you,and the fact he had a blade openly out,check that,double trouble.He lifted his sword and slashed the demon and ran,the demon soon to come after him.(And now they meet.)
Nero turned the corner of the alley and ran away,he looked over his shoulder to see if the demon was following. im not going back.. he thought just as he collided with someone,and his sword went skittering to the middle of the road,atleast no cars went by here.
Azumi (played by Alouna)

Book tumbled everywhere as she hit the ground. She sat up quickly and looked around at the scattered books and then at a young man with white hair. "Are you okay?" She bowed to show respect and to Revive her punishment. "I should have paid attention more. I'm sorry." She had become use apologizing and reciving punishment for things that were not her fault now it seemed like second nature to her.
The Outcasted (played anonymously) Topic Starter

He sat up,and shook his head slightly,that,was unplanned,and so not smooth landing.He looked at the girl,“No need for apologies,i just was to busy running away from a demon.I guess you can call me an escape-e ” he said.He got the books together from where he sat,then got up and dusted off his coat,and pants,then looked over his shoulder,seeing the demon. Oh ****.. he thought,then looked at the girl“If i were you,i'd get back to your place,i may have ticked the demon off..” He knew he would be captured,but the ironic part was,where would they take him.He had no master,no ruler,no limits.
Azumi (played by Alouna)

"Just wait ill handle this." SHe stood up and walked over to the demon, "excuse me why are you attacking my Guard? He is servent to duke Ragi as am I. How dare you try to harm the great Ragi's possessions." She crossed her arms in a disapproving manner. She hid her fear of being caught in a lie, master would surely beat her if he knew.
The Outcasted (played anonymously) Topic Starter

The demon glarred at her, the name sounding familar,the demon glarred at Nero with a cold glare,it knew Nero was just a simple human.But alas,the demon left,no bicker,no fight,just leave and the things alright.
Nero looked at her,“Thanks for the help..” he said thankful,atleast,for now,he was still free.
Azumi (played by Alouna)

"How did you escape? Aren't you magically branded?" She pulled her shirt away some to show her brand mark that was burned into her skin. It was of a two snakes facing each other ready to strike at one another. The burn looked fresh but at the same time not fresh. The skin looked as though it was still burning.
The Outcasted (played anonymously) Topic Starter

He tilted his head,and began looking for a mark somewhere on the upper part of his body,after a few moments he gave up and looked at her, “I dont believe i have one of those” he admitted,“Most of the time im on the run..even if i have no master or pity ruler..” he said walking over and picking up his beloved sword out of the broken road,then putting it back in its case which was hidden behind his coat,after doing that,he then walked back over to her.
Azumi (played by Alouna)

"They will use you in experiments if the catch you with out a brand. I heard that's what they are doing to ownerless human's now. You should be very careful. Would you like to join me, my master always likes the extra help. He is a... Nicer one... He isn't to bad. I am we'll fed and he gives me my own room. And he lets me bathe every few days." She smiled happily.
The Outcasted (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Now there was a tough decision,to loose your freedom,but not have to worry about the anonymous experiments they would do to him if they caught him,and not having a master,who knows what experiments they'd try.But loose your freedom.Well,if he ever ended up hating this,he could always go back to running.He looked at her with green eyes ,and nodded an okay,a simple nod.
Azumi (played by Alouna)

She smiled and picked up the books. "My master is a duke and his job is to find artifacts. That's where you and I come in. He will get leads and send us to get them. It can be dangerous but it is fun to travel. Also we do readings for him, he asks us to take notes, he will most likely put you through some training with the readings." She explained what was expected of her and mostly likely him too now.
The Outcasted (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Well,atleast the job sounded some interesting,he had thought it would be 100% a bore,but it didnt seem to be that way.He simply nodded with all that she said as a response,after she was done talking,he had but one question “Which way to his place?”. he asked.
Azumi (played by Alouna)

"that way" she pointed to the larged housed area where war hero demon and family of the royal demon family lived. "Come on, master will be upset if I don't get these to him soon." He started again with her load of books down the street.
The Outcasted (played anonymously) Topic Starter

He looked up at the large house,if you did a 360° spin,you may notice it looked way nicer than all the other houses around,but since they got used to it,you didnt have to see it to believe it.He followed behind her,he wasent sure how to react to having a master,IF this guy would end up being his master.One thought struck Neros mind ,I hope this guy doesnt regonize me as being the one who goes around killing the demons....He would have asked her if she wanted help with the books,but by that point,they were here,at the house.
Azumi (played by Alouna)

The house, much bigger than a house need to be, was surrounded by the white cast iron fence. But no grass or trees were in the yard. Only two giant staues of large cobras intertwined together and looking like they were going to strike at each other, much like Azumi's brand mark. There was a long path way striahgt to the enormous front door, which also had carvins of snakes in it. Azumi unlocked the door with a big key and walked into a large living room which would be very big looking but there were many tables there with many different artifacts, books, papers and jar with cratures in them. behind a table with his nose in a book was a tall, well dressed in a black suit, Demon. He had long black gressy looking hair that was not done, his ears were pointed but his tail tucked away like a gental man. He wore white gloves and a crest around his neck of a large black cobra.
"Master I am back." Azumi annonced.
"Ah, good bring me thos-" He looked up at the young boy in front of him. "And who is this?" His crimson red eyes glazed at Neararo.
"You know what I forgot to ask him his name, or tell him mine." Azumi giggled, "But he wants to help you."
The Outcasted (played anonymously) Topic Starter

He looked at the two cobra statues,the first thing that appeared in his mind was her brand mark,This guy seems obsessed with cobras he thought .He followed her down the pathway to the door,he questioned in his mind rather this was really a pathway,or a fairly nice nonbusy highway.Once she opened the overly sized door,he followed her inside,quitetly as possible closing the door behind him.He followed her into the livingroom, ammidiately noticing the man,obviously a demon.He looked at the demon with dark green eyes,and a few strands of his white hair in his face,2,maybe 3.“My names Neararo..” he said,he didnt bother with last names.
Azumi (played by Alouna)

"Ahh yes the wanted Demon killer." He laughed, "my servent in of a child mind, did you easily fool her to slain me?" The demon smirked with his sharp teeth.
"Slain master?!" Azumi moved away from Neararo.
"Azumi calm your self, he wouldn't suceed"
The Outcasted (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Neararo looked at the demon still,but said nothing,suprisingly making no move for the sword behind his coat.True he was wanted and all,explains alot doesnt it.If he wanted he would have tried to slay him,but he didnt,despite how fun it wpuld be to.
Azumi (played by Alouna)

"Azumi get to work." He stood up and took off his outer coat.
"Yes sir" she ran over and sat down the books and started to read them
"Can you read? Write?" Ragi walked over to Neararo.

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