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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Meeting a Jedi

Other Female (played by Sweetyceltic)

Avano sighed at least so far the day was a quiet one at the tavern.. Witch he was glad because he was now having one of his splitting migraine's. But despite his pain he worked, he needed the money to pay for another night at the near by Inn. When it was finely time for his brake he sat down next to the bar, so if he was needed he could jump up right then to help out. for now he just closed his eyes, as there was not much he could do for the pain. running his fingers threw his shaggy white hair Avano sighed a little.the pain was enough to make him feel sick. True he looked to young to be working in here, but it had been the only place he could find that would let him.
Sarania (played by UsagiSmith)

A female Twi'lek enters the tavern wearing a brown cloak and the hood over her head. Hiding the look upon her face. She heard about this young male that had some power of the force inside of him. She was sent to find him and try to convince him to join her. Lately, she hadn't had so much luck with having a Padawan. The council sent her out on this mission for her learning to become a Jedi Master and also to help this human male.

As she stepped inside, she saw that the place wasn't that busy at all. Her eyes traveled over the area and noticed Avano sitting at the bar. She waved to the bartender behind the bar, seeing that the human male was about to ask something of her but stopped rather suddenly and went back to doing his job. She made her way over to him and stood next to him, "It seems you look like you are in pain." She stated as she removed her hood to show her Twi'lek blue tails and her blue face.
Other Female (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

Avano looked up " is it that obvious" he said and moaned closing his eyes and bit back a yelp of pain. " I'll be fine in a few hours" he said putting a hand on his stomec he felt sick from the pain being so bad.
Sarania (played by UsagiSmith)

Alema shook her head as she places her hand over his head. She closes her eyes and thinks to him, Listen to the sound of my voice. Let it go through your mind and to the ends of your body. Let it travel and heal you until you feel no more pain Her voice is soothing and very calm to the boy, though no one around her could hear her but him. Slowly started to pull away and smiled softly to him, "Feel better now?"
Other Female (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

Avano sighed " whats the point.. it will just come back.. they always come back" he said shakeing his head and then paused " Wait... how did you.. how did you do that?"
Sarania (played by UsagiSmith)

Alema smiles and holds out her blue hand to him, "I'm Alema..I'm a Jedi Master. The council as asked me to bring you in for training. Maybe, if you are lucky..I'll be your Jedi Master. Though, I still have much to learn myself. But, maybe we can learn from each other."
Other Female (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

Avano blinked " what.. why.. why douse the jedi want me?" he asked in a confused tone.

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