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Forums » Art & Creativity » Come get this Commissh!

Lyndis Topic Starter

Full character sheet commission for a vampire lady with some unique abilities.

Update: You can read about Kat's adventures in her original vampire world written by her creator at
Hello! My name is Lolli or Bunny, whichever you prefer is fine by me! I love your art style!
Lyndis Topic Starter

Pastel_Lollipop wrote:
Hello! My name is Lolli or Bunny, whichever you prefer is fine by me! I love your art style!
Thank you! (and Hello!) The praise is much appreciated.
Lyndis Topic Starter

Commission of a bespectacled succubus for the spooky season!
Lyndis Topic Starter

A couples commission I got a little carried away with the background on.
Lyndis Topic Starter

Rare 3am fanart. I have a thing for pathetic men and Troy Calypso really hits it for me <3
Lyndis Topic Starter

Ya'll remember my boy Ferris from the front page? Well have a glow up~
Lyndis Topic Starter

Xmas gift commission of Rixori, the spaghetti warlock, as a suffering member of the service industry.
Lyndis Topic Starter

Ya girl's not usually one for romance, but these two got me down bad. Have another lovesick and slightly spicy scribble of my steampunk royal OCs.
Lyndis Topic Starter

Half body commission of a smarmy desert dweller named Ridley.
Lyndis Topic Starter

Sketch of a mermaid admiring her gift from a human friend.
Lyndis Topic Starter

Vaporwave portrait commission for DJ Synth.
Lyndis Topic Starter

Added commission of a Werebear form for the half-orc Asradai.
Lyndis Topic Starter

Character reference sheet commission of a grassland barbarian.
Lyndis Topic Starter

I nearly forgotten this character of mine, only referred to over the last decade and some as Pocky Boy, who every four or five years I used to redraw to gauge how much progress I'd made as an artist. What a slap in the face to realize this year marks almost a 20 year gap between the first incarnation I made as a 13 year old weeb and now. Enjoy?


Progress over the years:
Lyndis wrote:
I nearly forgotten this character of mine, only referred to over the last decade and some as Pocky Boy, who every four or five years I used to redraw to gauge how much progress I'd made as an artist. What a slap in the face to realize this year marks almost a 20 year gap between the first incarnation I made as a 13 year old weeb and now. Enjoy?


Progress over the years:

Oh, that's so cool 😁
Lyndis Topic Starter

The siren shifts closer, hoisting herself up onto the boulder. She sat beside the man, tail billowing out below them in the lapping waves, silver scales reflecting the moonlight. Once again, a clawed finger raised to point at the freckled face before her, only inches away from the tip of his nose. “Give me your name,” her words came as both a question and a demand.
Lyndis Topic Starter

My entry for the RPR Mascot Contest! Made for the Sci-fi / Cyberpunk genre.
👁️👄👁️ Hello!!! Loving your ginger lads!
Lyndis Topic Starter

PersimmonPie wrote:
👁️👄👁️ Hello!!! Loving your ginger lads!
Thank you! I very much love me some ginger lads!

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