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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » >>Faray High<<

Moss (played anonymously)

"Good good"
Zero (played anonymously)

"Come, Moss, we must eat"
Moss (played anonymously)

"Uh, Well, see you there princess"
Central Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

"Why the hell do you say that stuff so weird-" She blinked a few times, confused and irritated
Eliza Brodnax (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

"You shouldn't go 'eat' unless told, the school provides us with food people..." she had been sitting on a tree stump
Cami Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

She was quiet as she looked into her satchel to see how much money she had packed. There were thirty dollars in her bag so if she were to buy him the pies then she wouldn't be left with a lot more. "Uhh- Deal!" She smiled and held out her hand, she only sealed deals by shaking on them. she always found it to be professional- Plus she kinda picked it up from Eliza who did the same thing.
Zero (played anonymously)

"Oh, well, forget the mistake then"
Scar (played anonymously)

'Soon, another new kid came' "..." 'He looks creepy yet tired
Central Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

"And- Who the hell are you?" She was getting tired of all these people already, the fact that they all looked the same only further proved her point. They were not what she wanted to deal with.
Scar (played anonymously)

"..." 'Scar sees nothing'
Central Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

"Hello!" She stepped up to him and snapped her fingers in his face, close to smacking him. "Can you hear buddy?"
Scar (played anonymously)

"..." 'He nodes but still does not say anything but his node tells her 'Yes, I can hear you'
Central Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

"Then answer next time, damn." She rolled her eyes and placed a hand on her hip, pointing at him, "What's your name duey?"
Scar (played anonymously)

"..." 'Again he still does not say, but this time he just walks near the school, waiting near the school door'
Chloe Maria Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

She stepped into the building, the air cooling her as she made her way to Valerie's office, knocking on the door before walking in and taking a seat, "Valerie are you ready to let the students in now?" She smiled as she watched her nearly black eyes meet her own hot pink hues.
Valerie Brown (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

Valerie slowly nodded and stood up, pushing her chair under the desk. "Yes, I'll move out to greet, I'll need you to set up the auditorium." She adjusted her black blazer as she walked out. The outfit looked... unnatural on her and didn't at all fit her actual personality but she had to be professional right? She made her way to the grand entrance of the school that separated the dimly lit halls from the outside courtyard. Valerie looked around the small group of students around, nodding slowly. A few people were missing.... She kept her smile nonetheless, "Welcome to Faray high!"
Scar (played anonymously)

'Scar bows'
Zero (played anonymously)

"Hello miss, I am Zero, Moss's Friend, Trainer, and guard"
Chloe Maria Marsay (played by Beauty_Fool) Topic Starter

Chloe nodded and watched Valerie leave, soon following behind out the room before taking her own path towards the theater. There were tables set up with snacks of every kind, a well-lit stage in the front of the room with a microphone on a stand. The stage was surrounded by cushioned velvet flip seats. Chloe couldn't see what else she was to set up so she just sat on the steps leading up to the stage as she waited for Valerie to bring the students inside.
Moss (played anonymously)

"do we go inside?"

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