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Forums » RP Discussion » Group roleplay/discussion dynamics

So, I was looking through the keywords of a lot of Groups, and I found that there are not a lot of what I was expecting. For instance, searching for 'MHA' or 'BNHA' or even 'My Hero Academia' didn't bring up any keyword-tagged groups.
Nor did searching for 'China'. There are a few results for 'Japan', but not a lot. Searching for 'ancient' anything just brings up maybe 3 tags. Searching for Sherlock offers a tag, but the group is obviously private or perhaps deleted, because it doesn't show up in the results.
You may see where I'm going with this, now. I'm mostly just curious as to the amount of attention people pay to their group tags/keywords. Because while I know that's a pretty important thing to have in, say, an RP ad... There are a lot of Groups that I see that just don't have the tags I would expect. Or more like, a lot of the tags I'd expect to be on Groups just... Don't exist.
Is it simply that the Group dynamics are different, or that people are satisfied with searching for roleplay enough to not want Groups of them? Don't get me wrong, I love the LFRP and Find RP tools. I'm just a little surprised that there aren't more groups dedicated to this stuff. Do you guys think there's any specific reason for this? :O
This isn't meant to be rude, by the way. I think it's an interesting subject. O.O

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