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Rin youkai (played by starwolf)

Rin youkai (played by starwolf)

(9good luck XD))
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

Rin youkai (played by starwolf)

Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

*rolls around in the sun*
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

*watches him with a smile*
Rin youkai (played by starwolf)

"whos the bride" *he laughs*
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

*looks at Rin then looks at Riku and smiles*
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

Rin youkai (played by starwolf)

*screams like a girl startled*
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

*looks at his brother then at Felix*
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

"you ok Rin?"
Rin youkai (played by starwolf)

"I'm fine for now I guess..."
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

he nods "just wanted to make sure"
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

Mars was playing pattycake with Saturn.
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

(thats fine)
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

*watches the pair*

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