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Forums » General Roleplay » Will The Rain Ever Fade? (Open)

Isobel (played anonymously)

"Just remembering something in the past.'s something I like to remember." She smiled at him. "The past is the past though, and it's in the present that we have to focus on, make it better than yesterday."
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"That's the truth..." he said.Focus on the possibilities of tommorrow, then the mistakes of yesterday."By the way, I forgot to ask." He said then looked at her."What's your name?"
Isobel (played anonymously)

"My name's Isobel. What's yours?" She was glad of the change in subject. She'd completely forgotten to introduce herself in all the excitement and running from the cops.
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"Aqua..." he answered.It wasent a common everyday thing, to meet a blue haired man, named Aqua, who could control the rain, and maybe even water itself, now is it ladies and gentlemen.
Isobel (played anonymously)

Isobel smiled. "Well, the name definitely fits. At least for as much as I know of you so far."
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He thought about it, "I suppose it does.." he said.
Isobel (played anonymously)

"Well, I don't think there's anything to worry about in here. Just the noxious fumes." She was definitely ready to leave. "If I stay in here I think I might lose my lunch too."
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Aqua walked a little, he kicked something,He looked to see what it was.He crouched down, and picked it up, holding it up to read.Cherry blossom scented air freshener it read."I wonder..." he sprayed a little of it.
Isobel (played anonymously)

Isobel turned her head towards the area he sprayed and took a cautious sniff. "Smells flowery. What scent is it?" It didn't completely eliminate the disgusting smell, but it made a little more bearable
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"The can says cherry blossom scented.." he said.At least they weren't nautious or anything.
Isobel (played anonymously)

"Way to go, Aqua! You saved us from death by passing out." She smiled and took in another breath. She dropped her hand from her face and yawned.
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He sprayed a bit more air freshener then put it down, but kept it at hand, in case he needed it again.
Isobel (played anonymously)

"That makes it a lot better, thanks." Isobel tilted her head, listening to a mouse scrabble through the wall. "How big is this place, anyways?"
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"Pretty big" he said, "then again, most factories are big" he finished looking at the ceiling.
Isobel (played anonymously)

"Well, we better finish up looking through this place. Keep that air freshener handy." Isobel started walking forward...right into another pile of boxes. She sneezed at the dust it stirred up and smiled sheepishly. "You should probably lead."
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He coughed because of the dust.."if we stay here for safety, remind me to clean" he said through coughs.aqua said "okay' and began to lead her on.
Isobel (played anonymously)

She followed where he lead, keeping her light hand up high so at least one of them could see where they were going.
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

A awkward question broke the silence between the two, "why did you follow?" He asked."Risk gettinxg involved with the police?"
Isobel (played anonymously)

Isobel was thrown off a bit by the random question. She shrugged. "I don't know myself really. I guess I just have an urge to help those I can. Lucky for you, too." She grinned at him. "Otherwise you would've been caught."
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"Thank you" he said, for her helping him.He would be in a police car, if it weren't for her, and that guy.

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