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Forums » General Roleplay » Will The Rain Ever Fade? (Open)

blair (played by FoxiMama)

(do you mind i havnt played her yet and mines a fallen angle so well be same but diffrent
blair (played by FoxiMama)

Blake Loltel (played anonymously)

(Well, Blake is part demon... This has become quite awkward :P he's traveling with an angel. Nah Jk. Blake isn't a demon cause he wants to be. Deals with the BranchWood story. Oh that'll be an interesting part when he finds that out.
Plus already being part of a RP that Blair was in with a different character. I can say that this will shape up to be fairly more interesting for sure. Specially if now we have a fallen angel xD Man this changed quite quickly :P)
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

(XD I roleplayed with two people here.
:3 and I don't mind if she joins.Go ahead
Should we have a order of replying?

And p.s Blake,:Aqua already stopped the rain outside.)

Aqua looked at the snowflake, recognizing it from earlier.Its blue light illuminating the area near Isobels hand.A puddle started to surround him, the water from the rain dripping off him.
Isobel (played anonymously)

The puddle reached where Isobel was sitting. She paused. "Please tell me that's water." Hey, it could be anything in this place.
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He noticed the puddle had reached Isobel when she said that."Oh, sorry" he said."Its water.." he said.."the rain got me wet..." he finished.
Isobel (played anonymously)

"Oh." Thank god. She frowns. "I'd hand you my hoodie, but it's still damp too. I'd be cold too, but I've got pretty good insulation under this." A smile plays about her lips. "Are you cold?"
Blake Loltel (played anonymously)

(Opps didn't see that 1! my bad xD 1 sec ill just make it drips. Also what RP Isobel ;P (Send me a message if you don't want to say. xD or just don't reply ;P) i have a lot now with Blake as I'm doing BranchWood Academy PM's atm so it'll become popular for a group that's coming for it. Also i don't think an order has been needed thus far. I don't mind if there isn't one.)
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

His jeans were wet, his longsleeve shirt was wet, his underwear was wet, his socks and shoes, unsurprisingly, were wet as well.He shook his head, which caused a few drops to fall from his shaggy blue hair."I wouldn't say I'm freezing, but I wouldn't say I'm warm." He said."I've got long sleeves on, there just wet.."
Blake Loltel (played anonymously)

"Sheesh... It's gotten so much trouble just from one lousy murder...Who would of thought? I guess it truly doesn't matter though... I mean we are already in this full on.." He just pulled out his blades and began to polish them. The one blade was sparking with electricity. The other had fire flaring off it... "Well never mind that..." He put them both away. "Water who would of thought it would stop me this badly. Only reason i'm not going to tempt anything is cause i don't want this place up in flames or you guys to get shocked."
Isobel (played anonymously)

((Well, in our RP, I'm a crazy needle throwing tiger ;P))

Isobel sighs. "Take off your sweatshirt and get over here. You'll die of hypothermia like that." Normally, it would be best to take off all wet clothes, but she certainly wasn't going to tell him to do that. she took of her own sweatshirt, revealing a long sleeve shirt underneath with large slits cut in the back. These slits were for a pair of jet black wings, one of which she extended out towards Aqua. "And thanks for not taking a chance on burning or electrocuting us." She said to Blake.
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"Your only now realizing this?" He questioned in Blake's direction."Yeah...sorry bout' that.I kinda needed to make it rain, makes it harder for the police to find me in the rain..."
He pulled off his shirt, and she said.That would be as far as he'd got with that.No matter what.He looked at the wing, she has wings... he thought.
Blake Loltel (played anonymously)

Blake yawned not bothering to remove anything. "No worries I would rather not kill those who i just helped" He laughed a little "I mean that would truly be an awkward situation wouldn't it?" He ran his hand through the puddles of water having his gloves removed at this current time. "So... Wings huh? Well then... This makes everything different. Your either a t..." He stopped talking taking thought into what Aqua would say. Instead of speaking anymore Blake got up and went to look out the window to allow Isobel to explain. "So the cops are still out and about it seems."
Isobel (played anonymously)

((Whoops sorry didn't see your post Blake, I'll edit real quick.))

"Well, c'mon! I can't just sit here with my wing out all night. It's like keeping your arm straight out and not moving it for a long time. I promise I won't bite." Isobel is fighting the urge to giggle, and is successful for the most part, only a smile bubbling up to the surface. She hears Blake stand up and move towards the wall. Well, probably a window, cause you stands up and stares at a wall? "What do you mean, it changes everything? And a t-what?" She was confused, but if he asked what she was, she wouldn't be able to tell him. Answering that question required knowing the answer herself.
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He obeyed."Fine" he said, so she would know.He went to Isabel."They'll be out until A.they give up for the night, B.They find either me, r the real killer, or C.Always."
Blake Loltel (played anonymously)

Blake looked back at Isobel. "Wait you don't understand why it would change things? What do those wings mean to you?" He turns around and looks over at Isobel and Aqua "Not like it would really be hurtful if you didn't Understand. I can't be sure of the answer myself..." The slight dark energy pulses off Blake it was very dormant at this very moment. Not nearly as powerful as it was in the past. Meaning that Blake more than recently had let lose the energy somewhere.

"It doesn't matter right now though... So long as nothing unexpected happens. Yeah Aqua you really got your head tangled in something that is conflicted right now. It's a shame too"
Isobel (played anonymously)

She curls her wing around Aqua, and the tips of both fluttered a little. "All my wings mean to me is my freedom, my ability to fly." The biggest question was whether she was born or created like that, but she didn't want to share that with him. It felt too personal to her. She was pretty much clueless about whatever Blake was talking about.
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Aqua shuddered slightly not being used to the feeling of wings touching him.He looked at Blake, he didn't like the idea of getting arrested for first degree murder, or more like false degree murder.
Blake Loltel (played anonymously)

"So Aqua... Why don't you explain to me what took place? I mean we know that you were there when it happened? Or did i hear that wrong?" He looks at the both of them. "So Isobel what brought you here to this town? Although i suppose i shouldn't talk the same could be asked about myself."
Isobel (played anonymously)

Isobel felt Aqua shudder beside her. "Don't worry, we won't let the cops take you in." She shrugged at Blake's question. "I guess I just go where the wind takes me, and it brought me here."

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