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Forums » General Roleplay » Will The Rain Ever Fade? (Open)

Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"Some police cars passed me while I was on my way home from my friends house.They seemed to be headed in the direction I was going in.I just continued going, expecting it wouldn't matter.-"
(I suck at story telling, I'll type it like this>)
Say an hour, maybe three earlier
A young figure walked through the dark streets of the city, walking home from visiting their friends house.Highschool friends forever, right?.The figure looked over his shoulder slightly, seeing the red and blue lights of police cars coming in his direction.The police cars drove past him.There must have been 6 at the least.Something bad must be happening.Aqua just continued on his way, seeing it didn't relate to him, so why pay it bother? He continued On his way home.The night was illuminated in red and blue flashes.Aqua tilted his head and looked ahead.A man was on a balcony.Holding a gun to a women's head.Aqua starred at the man, in the shadows of the night, no detail could be seen about the man.The police pointed their guns at the man on the balcony.The man smirked, if they shot towards him, they'd hit the lady more then the bullets would hit him himself.The man laughed madly and shot the women in the head, and pushed the lady off the balcony. The man made a fleeting escape.Dodging every bullet that was shot at him.Aqua starred at the corpse on the ground.Aqua looked around, the killer was gone.The only people out were the police, and Aqua, all eyes looked at Aqua."There he is!" They called.Shit Aqua thought.Bullets started getting shot at Aqua, Aqua dodged them, and fled for his life.Rain fall, rain pour.Protect me, and drown the city he thought.He didn't mean litterally drown the whole city.The rain started to pour, and lightning lit up the sky, just like the sound of police sirens echoed in the night air.
Blake Loltel (played anonymously)

"Oh.. I see so it went down like that then? The man who committed this crime had no pride. Using someone else as a shield is weak. Even for someone who dips as low as murdering another individual." he nodded at Aqua. "I can see why you got pulled into this... Though these cops aren't the brightest." he looked out the window again. "So it evolved into this mess huh? Unfortunately I managed to go into this as well now. Eh what's it matter people want my head already anyway"
Isobel (played anonymously)

Isobel grimaced as he told his story but listened without interruption. When he was done crossed her arms. "That's rotten. Bet he didn't even know the woman." People that hurt or killed others for hardly any reason at all... She was sick and tired of them. She perked up at Blake's comment. "You too? Guess we've all got bounties on our heads, huh?
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"Welcome to the world in which we live.Killers kill for fun.Where have you been for the pasts billion years..?" He asked.Isobel made a point, but it linked with what he said.The guy probably killed her for the hell of it, for the fun of it.
Blake Loltel (played anonymously)

"Listen when an individual goes and destroys the entire BranchWood Academy almost by himself... Your gonna have hate from somewhere... That kind of thing just happens." he smirked a little kinda glad of what he accomplished for the reasons he did it were still foreign to them though. "Let's just say i had a good enough reason to go and do what i did... Even despite the current fame i have."

"Well thats definitely a good assumption at this point... But, bad because he may kill again if that was his plan of attack"
Isobel (played anonymously)

Isobel raised an eyebrow. "An entire Academy? That seems a little excessive. Remind me not to get on your bad side." Another mention of the killer and she felt the urge to hunt him down, but keeping Aqua safe was more important. Besides, she wouldn't even know where to start.
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Aqua starred at Blake.Full of awe at what Blake could do, also known as destroying an entire academy.

This 19 and 1/2 year old could keep himself safe, it wasent like he asked for help, not that he minded.The more the merrier..
Blake Loltel (played anonymously)

"Isobel I think you miss understood... I took out one man... not the whole Academy.." He placed his hand on his forehead. "Sheesh! im not that bad of a person!" He laughs a little looking at Aqua "You holding up okay??"
Isobel (played anonymously)

Isobel laughed. It did seem a lot more plausible, especially since it was the same school that had trained him.
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He had misunderstood as well.So Blake had just taken out the head master of the academy, huh.He laughed a little to.He looked at Blake and nodded.
Blake Loltel (played anonymously)

"So now that we are all cooped up here... what now? We need some sort of plan. We can't just stay here forever you know." He just was carefully listening to each sound around them.
Isobel (played anonymously)

"Well, they can't just search all over here forever." She thinks for a moment. "I suppose I could fly you guys out of here, one at a time.
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Aqua looked at Isobel."Wouldn't that be a little, conspicuous..? Flying people, the police could see that...anyone, could see that.."
Blake Loltel (played anonymously)

"Well, I'm sure as hell not flying... I'll tell you that much. You can fly i'll figure out a way to follow on foot" he shook his head at. he wasn't afraid of heights or anything just didn't like the sounds of how that would end.
Isobel (played anonymously)

"Not as much if we fly at night. They'll be expecting us on the ground, not in the air." She says in answer to Aqua. "What's wrong Blake? Don't you trust these skinny little girl arms to keep you from going splat?" She holds up one of her arms and grins.
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"I guess your right" he said.He wasent big on flying, but he wasent afraid of heights, he'd be alright.
Blake Loltel (played anonymously)

"Listen as much as I'd care to get out of here. You two can fly off to the sun set I'll just follow from below... How about that?"
Isobel (played anonymously)

She shrugged. "Suit yourself." She turned to Aqua. "You really don't have to fly with me if you don't want to. You could stay on the ground with Blake."
Other Characters (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"I'd rather walk by foot..or something.." he said.Again,not big on flying.
Blake Loltel (played anonymously)

"I do highly suggest you do fly Aqua. I don't think the police are on the catch alive phase anymore. I think every precaution should be taken now. Just don't look down" he laughed.

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