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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » waste land wanderers

Jack (played by TemtoeZ)

As i crawl from the rubble of the building i just blew up, i see many, many lurkers hopping around eating anything that moves, lurkers being a weird mutated whatever are in comparison to a dog and a rat with no fur and it kinda a pinkish green that reproduce like rabbits which is why there are hundreds in a pack. As i try to sneak out they spot me now the dropping down from their perches and crawling up "Oh man this is gonna be the end of me!"i thought until the loud sound of gunfire broke the lurkers concentration on me making them run off. as i look towards the gunfire i think "that might just be worse" as i got up to run.
Grash Graft (played by BurningDawn)

Is this still open? And if so, Is this character welcome?
TemtoeZ Topic Starter

Grash Graft wrote:
Is this still open? And if so, Is this character welcome?
Yep its still open and the character is more than acceptable
TemtoeZ wrote:
Grash Graft wrote:
Is this still open? And if so, Is this character welcome?
Yep its still open and the character is more than acceptable

Thank you, good to hear. I will start off what you posted then.
Grash Graft (played by BurningDawn)

Jack wrote:
As i crawl from the rubble of the building i just blew up, i see many, many lurkers hopping around eating anything that moves, lurkers being a weird mutated whatever are in comparison to a dog and a rat with no fur and it kinda a pinkish green that reproduce like rabbits which is why there are hundreds in a pack. As i try to sneak out they spot me now the dropping down from their perches and crawling up "Oh man this is gonna be the end of me!"i thought until the loud sound of gunfire broke the lurkers concentration on me making them run off. as i look towards the gunfire i think "that might just be worse" as i got up to run.

Having heard the explosion of the building that was demolished Grash was rapidly scaling a nearby building, then as the gunfire erupted he would start scaling the building faster, eventually reaching a portion of the roof that had likely collapsed from flying debris of the the building that was destroyed. from there he slid behind one of the crumbling walls and peered out at the ground below, searching for what had caused the ruckus. He would at the same time pull an assault rifle from his back and held it at his side.

"The hells going on out here?....."
Jack (played by TemtoeZ) Topic Starter

Frantically scrambling into a nearby cover, I start foraging through the rocks. "Come on, Come on where is it!?" as I start tossing piece by piece aside until a brown strap comes into view and I pull an entire bag out from the rubble. Digging in I take out a rope with a hook on the end a revolver some round of ammo and home made incendiary grenades.

Peeking out from cover trying to see what kind of skirmish is going down I see a relatively intact building only missing some of its roof. Pulling out my rope throw it up the building landing the hook into a hold, and I start scaling the building.
Grash Graft (played by BurningDawn)

Grash would not see much below which caused him to furrow his brow,

"So where is this gunfight?" He mumbled.

He then used the short scope on his rifle to scan the surrounding area, stepping out from behind the wall he was against and taking cover behind rubble. The barrel of his rifle steadily peaking from the edge of the roof as he searched, if you looked close enough you'd notice it, otherwise Grash had hidden himself from view by kneeling behind rubble. His nerves were rapidly being set on edge and he didn't like the situation, though he remained silent and still from where he knelt, again, hidden from view all besides his barrel. As the skilled mercenary he was there was one rule of engagement he made, 'First to shoot means, your not the first shot at' which saves you alot of pain and blood most of the time in his job. So there he lay, silent, looking for whoever was shooting. Funny, he'd never thought someone would climb the side of the building like he does, especially with an actual device rather than rock climbing the building. Guess he'll figure it out soon.
Jack (played by TemtoeZ) Topic Starter

Reaching the top of the building jack scanned the roof tops for any snipers, but couldn't spot any so he went onwards. Jumping from rooftop to roof top going to where the shots had rang out. A few buildings later he spotted it, the fight had long ended it was raiders attacking a small caravan. Looking down as the final carvan guard gets his throat sliced by the big raider, and the caravaners getting locked into a modified trailer cage by big grizzled men wearing leather and metal with knives, shotguns, and assault rifles. "These guys never stood a chance with their pipe rifles" I said dishearteningly. "Well who else is going to help?" I said gripping my revolver.
Grash Graft (played by BurningDawn)

He's freeze as someone came into view, he adjusted his aim, then ranged it it in. Though he hesitated, this man seemed to have bravado and was seemingly going in after the raiders who had just knocked a caravan out. 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' he though, lightly chuckled then sweeped his aim back toward the gunfire. With the attention drawn by this figure on another building, Grash could spot the raiders.

"I agree...Never stood a chance." He mumbled with a smile.

He would sight a raider in, preferably this one in metal armor, he gleamed in the sun after all. Hard to miss. Helmet or not, his rifle was a modified M4, chambered in 308. and rifled for medium to long range. Not to mention the bi-pod and short scope he had on it.

"Click, Boom."

He'd say squeezing his trigger, sighted in just shy of that raider's head, in case he had a helmet. Go for the neck, he'd learned. he'd recover and watch his shot, given he was a short ways away and up. Then lined the next shot up in case he didn't take him down.
Jack (played by TemtoeZ) Topic Starter

Hearing a shot from a nearby building as the big boy raider goes down holding his bleeding neck. "Guess that's my cue!" Lighting a fuse on the incendiary grenade and dropping it on the raiders that took cover behind the wagons they were covering in gas "Thanks for prepping the meal guys!" I say as I swing off a power cable down, the raiders taking cover foolishly behind gasoline covered wagons screaming in pain as they burn. Ducking behind an over turn car as shots are fired off at me, peeking out as a giant man with a shotgun runs at me "NOT SO FAST!" quickly firing two bullets out of my revolver one into the chest then the neck finishing him off with one to the brain as the last 3 fire at me with their assault rifles.
Grash Graft (played by BurningDawn)

He nods as the big one goes down, then quickly adjust for another target. But instead he watched that raider go down too, the figure he'd seen won't bad, especially once he'd realized that there were only a few left now. He would line up a shot and slowly squeezed. The rifle making a crisp crack as it fired. The round streaking through the air to it's target, one of the three with assault weapons.

After firing, Grash stood up and looked around, he eyed the next building over, it was roughly in the area of the fight. the roof had collapsed into like that of a ramp. Grash would use it to his advantage. He stepped back for a moment then sprinted for the edge of the building. He'd leap at the edge and fluttered his legs a moment in the air before landing roughly on the opposite building and beginning to slide, he held his rifle tight and kicked as he reached the other edge of the collapsed building.

"Oh Hell! Too far!"

He said before quickly grabbing for the ledge of the building, letting his rifle hang by it's sling, and hung off the side of the building.

"Close...too close."

But now that he was closer, he drew his sidearm while he hung, and leveled it in the direction of the fight. so if anyone came his way, he was ready.
Hello, is this character welcome?
Jack (played by TemtoeZ) Topic Starter

((Yeah its more than fine, also sorry burning down for being dead for the past few months))
Jack (played by TemtoeZ) Topic Starter

Bullets flew at jack while he was sitting behind cover looking for an opening, then a shot from afar cracked off as one of the final 3 go down leaving the other 2 in shock as their comrade falls. The opening I was waiting for had opened taking steady aim I fire 2 shots into a raider killing him and on into the other raider but to no avail, he had metal plating under his jacket where I shot him sending him down for a minute just for him to get back up and fire back 2 of his bullets graze my arm as I duck back into cover.
Jack wrote:
((Yeah its more than fine, also sorry burning down for being dead for the past few months))

(You're totally fine!)
Farren, after hearing gunshots, had climbed up to the top of a high building to look down at what was happening. Two men were fighting the creatures.
Thankfully, she still had her sniper rifle. Along with two shots left. She could either injure them and leave them for the men or, her favorite option, shoot them dead.
As Farren set up her rifle, she decided to shoot them dead. Luckily, her gun had a silencer, so the men would have no idea where the bullets came from.
Shoot shoot bang, Farren thought.
She aimed on one of the creatures, studied and steadied, and shot it. Same with the other. Then she backed up and put her rifle away.
Might as well go down there.
"I'll come back for you," she whispered to her rifle. She put it in a locker in the building and headed down the stairs.
Hey is this rp open and if so is it okay if i join?
Jack (played by TemtoeZ) Topic Starter

Cairo geria wrote:
Hey is this rp open and if so is it okay if i join?

Yeah of course! Just hop right in the starting battle just finished so you can easily slide in however
Jack (played by TemtoeZ) Topic Starter

Suddenly the final Raider falls out of no where, "The hell Was that!?" looking around making sure that all the raiders are done in for Jack stands up clutching his bleeding arm. He reloads his Revolver and keeps it a ready stance just in case anything trys to pop up and attack him. Looking around the battle field he walks over to one of the raiders vehicles untouched by the recent battle and starts to fig through the supplies within in it for a few minutes until pulling out a few medical supplies as he starts treating his arm. "Damn this stings I should have made sure that damn raider Was dead, and jeez all these bodies what a mess" he days as he wraps and knots the bandage around his arm. "Anywho I should go give that guy my thanks for helping pick off these scum" Jack says as he gets done picking off random supplies and ammo he finds around.
After the gunshots stop ringing a young scavenger goes to loot any corpses but arrives to see more bodies than he ever seen before "oh ****" he ducks behind some cover and decides whatever the corpses had its not worth getting shot over he goes to silently leave the area and accidentally kicked one of the guns that littered to ground alerting the nearby shooter to which he immediately throws his hands up panicking "oh sh*t wait wait im not with them i swear. I got nothing on me" he says dropping his knife to the ground hoping the man wouldn't kill him.

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