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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Covenant Earth War (A Large Scale Halo war rp)

Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

Jessica heard the banging, And she then yelled out "Hello!?" She looked around

Jun got on his radio "Keyes that corvette will shoot down that Pelican, If it was not for the fact we are hiding in the ruble they would have finished us, I can complete the mission, I can sneak aboard the Corvette in the sky, steal it and then bring the civilians on!" Cutter then called in "jun, your injuried and you only have 22% of the marines and ODSTs left! and no viechles, John and Jessica are missing! You do not have the man power to do it, But if you can find John and Jessica...And if they can still fight... You might have a shot"
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John pulled up the strength he needed and pushed the debris off of him so he could get free, then he looked around wondering here everybody was. He began to walk away from the debris but instead he just met the ground again and made a loud grunt
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

Jessica looked around, She kept hearing noises, she then called out a again "HELLO!? HEl-" She got cut off by her own choking sounds, she had worn out her voice so much, Today she had used her voice more than she uses it in two weeks!

Jun looked around again, his radar would soon short out if it stayed on much longer, So he started to sprint, while holding his side to try and ease the pain
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John got up and walked around, he eventually saw Jessica and heard her choking. He quietly walked up behind her and grabbed her behind the shoulder and said "Welcome to my world" then grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the other Elephant wreckage.
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

She stayed silent, then finally managed to say "Thank You" but it was painful for her, Jun detected the two movements and sprinted over, he deactivated his motion tracker and his shield recharged, He walked upto Jessica And John "Good thing you two are not easy to kill" he mused
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John looked at Jun "Spartans never die" then he let go of Jessica and pulled his assault rifle out "So, what's the plan?" He said checking his clip making sure it had ammo.
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

"Give the crew of that corvette that shot us down a in person introduction, Then we take their corvette, evac the civilians then we get off this rock before its glassed" Jun said, Then turned to John "And we have two and a half hours to get this done before this planet is glassed"
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John nodded "let's get moving then" he said waiting for Jun then Keyes commed Cutter "They don't have enough time, we need to slow them down somehow" he said as he began forming up a plan.
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

"There is a forerunner artifact in a science facility, If the covies knew about it, They would not dare glass the city without it" Cutter then waited for keyes to respond
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

Keyes nodded "Alright Cutter, what are you suggesting from that matter? That we defend the artifact?" he said then looked to Cortana and she said "Well if it's the only way to keep the covenant from glassing the planet I say let's do it"
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

"Oh no we are not going to guard it, We are going to let them take it, Along with a missile warhead I put inside it" Cutter smirked
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

Keyes took a moment to think "Alright Cutter, but i'm not to sure that its a good idea, neither is it a bad idea lets get it rolling" he said then put the ship on high alert "Cortana get the mac ready, if things go sour we'd best be ready" Cortana nodded "Aye sir" then she disappeared. John was running to find something his large metal boots making a large stomp every time they hit the ground.
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

"Ok Spartans, two corvettes have landed, One to pick up the artifact, the other is landing troops, I suggest you get on the one NOT picking up the artifact, The artificial gravity elevator can get you guys on the easily, We are doing a small operation, So you will be getting two groups of keyes marines and one group of my ODSTs, the rest are going back to the In Amber Clad" Cutter finished, then Jun got up "Alright Spartans looks like we have more covies to say hello too" Then Tegian and Jessica got up, they then started moving for the corvette
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John paid no attention to the corvette and picked up a little item from the wreckage put it in his pocket than ran after the others towards the corvette. Keyes worried "What if they don't make it in time?" he asked then Cortana came up "They have John, and the extra force" Keyes still wasn't convinced.
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

Jun took cover behind some rubble, when the ODST saw this they ducked down as well, Tegian and Jessica did as well, Jun took out his sniper to see if any covies were guarding the gravity lift
Ripa 'Moramee (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

There was eight Elites, seven minors and one Ultra, And four hunters, But what was strange was two were two golden hunters, And about eighteen grunts, two major grunts with fuel rod cannons and finally their was ten jackals four with plasma pistols, three with Needlers, two with Needle rifles and one at far edge with a beam rifle
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John took cover behind a large piece of rubble, he took aim and watched the enemy units. He looked like he was in a trance but he was just focused since he had done this many times before.
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

Jessica spoke up "I saw these golden hunters back on Harvest, They are rare elite hunter units that have beam assault cannons, they are a lot deadlier as well"
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

The marines hung back behind Jun and Tegian while John was in front of all the others. John brought up his magnum and aimed for the grunts he waited for some sort of signal to open fire.
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

Jun turned to the Spartans Marines and ODSTs "I will take out the snipers, John, Try and take out that Ultra before he can use that sword, ODSTs sneak around and hit those hunters in the back, Jessica and make sure those grunts drop dead, They may be cowards but they can be annoying and deadly with those over charged plasma pistol shots and plasma grenades, Marines and Tegian spray down some fire on the elites and hunters, keep then on the defensive" Jun waited for everyone to get in positions, then took a shot at the Jackal with the beam rifle

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