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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Shady dealings (Open)

Zakukhakt (played anonymously)

Meetpoint Station, Entertainment Quarter

If the markets of meetpoint were the glossy reception desk thrn the entertainment district would be its seedy underbelly, many many clubs, casinos and even brothels lined up side by side with just as many backstreets where criminals lurk and sometimes hawk their wares.

One particular criminal stood in the darkness, melding into it with his dark robe and equally dark skin..only a pair of red eyes visible behind his long snout and of course many glowing lights on his gun arm.

The figure spoke quite gutterally but with a few simple words.

“You bring what Zakukhakt ask for?” He wasn’t alone, anybody in this business knew that even if they couldn’t detect the others.
Grash Graft (played by BurningDawn)

Is this still open? And if so, Would this character be welcome?
Zakukhakt (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Grash Graft wrote:
Is this still open? And if so, Would this character be welcome?
yeah sure
Grash Graft (played by BurningDawn)

Would you like to do it here or on the post?
Zakukhakt (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Grash Graft wrote:
Would you like to do it here or on the post?

Just post here bruh
Grash Graft (played by BurningDawn)

Roger that bud.

The figure would see Grash round a corner into view down the backstreet, He was wearing his 'prepared' outfit. That composed of; a flannel, which was grey and black today, his tactical vest that had a K-bar sheathed on it with a handgun holstered to match, dark cargo pants, and his steps were clear with the thud of his working boots.

Grash would walk up to the figure slowly, eyes were alert, and his nerves on end. This place was a nightmare for operatives, hundreds of dark corners to hide behind, cover every six feet, and the ambient light was dark enough you could likely hide tank down one of these roads. He would stop a few feet away and kept his hands tucked in the loops of his vest, better to not make anyone else edgy, and kept his hands clear of his handgun. Then would clear his throat as he looked around the area, seeing if he could spot any tale-tale signs of a hidden shooter or assailant.

"I may have what you want. You confirm it, and it's yours." He would look behind him briefly before looking back at the figure, "That is if you pay, and I indeed have what you want."
Cyphrus (played by Anakisuto)

Grash Graft wrote:
Roger that bud.

The figure would see Grash round a corner into view down the backstreet, He was wearing his 'prepared' outfit. That composed of; a flannel, which was grey and black today, his tactical vest that had a K-bar sheathed on it with a handgun holstered to match, dark cargo pants, and his steps were clear with the thud of his working boots.

Grash would walk up to the figure slowly, eyes were alert, and his nerves on end. This place was a nightmare for operatives, hundreds of dark corners to hide behind, cover every six feet, and the ambient light was dark enough you could likely hide tank down one of these roads. He would stop a few feet away and kept his hands tucked in the loops of his vest, better to not make anyone else edgy, and kept his hands clear of his handgun. Then would clear his throat as he looked around the area, seeing if he could spot any tale-tale signs of a hidden shooter or assailant.

"I may have what you want. You confirm it, and it's yours." He would look behind him briefly before looking back at the figure, "That is if you pay, and I indeed have what you want."

I'm interested. I need to add more about the timeline of identities that Cyphrus has, but I can just tell you guys those.

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