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Olaf's screech ended in an undignified squawk as the Planar Portal he had somehow managed to fumble finally spit him out, dumping him into a scratchy horribleness that filled his extremities and make him immediately want to murder everything in a twenty foot radius almost 0.7 seconds after impact.

Some floundering and flailing of limbs granted him the blessing of being able to stand upright, which brought to attention three things that only made his mood worse:

1: His robes were charred and smoldering from the portal mishap, making him look like some grossly undignified gypsy reaper.

2: He had been dumped into an enormous pile of straw on the edge of what appeared to be a outdoor horse enclosure near the edge of a market, and said straw was now blazing merrily.

3: The keepers of said horse stall and straw pile were staring at him in horror, with multiple horses neighing wildly, and one girl screaming and pointing at him while other market goers began to gather to see what was going on.

If Olaf had still had eyelids, or eyes for them to cover, they would be twitching, and his blood pressure would be skyrocketing.
The morning was going swimmingly.

A peaceful snug lie in; a slow start up; a hushed atmosphere, what a calm beginning to another summer spring day. Even the sounds of the neighbouring markets - the numerous stalls nestled between the various, unique buildings of the grand city - had a enchanting chaotic song to it all. The vendors singing out their best deals, the sounds of bargains being negotiated and sealed, even the humble sounds of fellow citizens having kindly morning chats.

Drake did ponder between being a lazy giant for maybe another simple hour or more before he opened up shop, or to find some supplies and set up his deals earlier this morning. But, surley enough, he quickly chose the latter, as the smells of freshly cooked meats with fragrant herbs and dazzling spices managed to sneak its way into the vast tent - tempting his appetite to seek out a much needed Breakfast.

However... That wasn't the only reason Drake decided to come up to a speedy start. Indeed the market was quiet a loud place at times and yes there can be some mini acts going on throughout the day to please, if not, entertain the market on goers. The shows were commonly small and only attracted the attention of a few passing eyes, but this one. Well it must have been absolutely huge, as the herd of beings, beasts and creatures that rushed towards it nearly knocked over Drake when he emerged from his set.

He was larger than most, so the crowds deemed to skirt around him towards...smoke?
He had only been here a few weeks. Perhaps a month or two tops, but in his time spent at the city Drake knew that most of the acts... Well... Didn't involve fires.

With his curiosity sparked, the giant moved along beside the ever growing bundle of intrigued citizens. All diverting towards the stables? Drake felt as if his morning was slowly turning from calm to utterly bizzare. What he witnessed next however, deemed to set that gut feeling in stone for sure.

Thankfully, due to his grand qualities, and beging about twenty times the size of most other beings around him, Drake managed to peer over the high walls of the stables with ease. What he saw was both puzzling and truly odd - a boney figure standing there, with smoldering charred clothes, having a backdrop of a flaming pile of straw which the stable keepers were attempting to profusely put out... Not to mention a poor stable girl screaming her lungs out.

"What in tha blazes...?" he mumbled to himself as he leaned over the wall futher. If anything, Drake was now entirely confused yet concerned for this... person that seemed to attract the attention of the whole market.

Yes, the giant did want to see if this newcomer was alright and not harmed, but in his befuddled state, Drake couldn't help but just stare at the peculiar sight like every other soul...

Then again... Drake being a creature of a large size, his grand shadow cast itself over the new figure. Indeed, Drake was friendly, willing to help any lost or injured soul. But his grand shadow along with his looming appearance over the stable wall...may have been a bit daunting if not, terrifying...
Olaf the Odd (played by Cosmic_Dandelion) Topic Starter

Olaf had just been about to either 1; scream back at the girl to see how she liked being screamed at by a person of horrifying visage, or 2; attempt a spell to maybe reorient himself as to where in oblivion he had landed, when a shadow fell over him, so of course, as any sane being would do, he looked up to see what was causing the shadow.

And promptly startled himself so badly he almost dropped his jaw once he saw what- or more appropriately, who- it was.

The giant peering at him over the stable wall wasn't really intimidating or scary, truly, but his sheer size had certainly caught Olaf off guard. The fellow was scrutinizing him, and though normally he wasn't bothered by stare-downs or people gawking at his unusual appearance, he wasn't normally standing in an unknown place in the charred remains of his once-fine garments either. So naturally he was a little rattled.

Olaf was a skeleton; a lich, to be more exact. He stood at about six feet tall, with thin, finely shaped bones and a skull with subtle hints of fangs in the two front teeth, and his eye sockets glowing with faint magical fire. The robes he wore had once been rich, thick fabric, but were now ruined by the fires that still burned on the straw pile, leaving his bones somewhat exposed and dirtied rather than hidden grandly like they had before. A wizard, but this wizard was... in poor shape.

"Hello." Olaf seemed to scowl crankily at the giant, making a useless effort to brush the burn marks away from his clothes. "Would you do me the honor of telling me where I am?"
Well...this was definitely a first.

Drake was no grand physician, nor was he practical with the various workings of the body. But he was pretty certain that a skeleton shouldn't be moving about on its own. If not talking for that matter.

The giant simply stood there with a blank look upon his face; trying to figure out if this skeleton had really just spoken to him or if he was beginning to see things because of the lack of sleep he has had over the past few days. All in all, he was utterly befuddled at the whole situation. Even though he was a strange beast himself.

Drake was like no other, and one of a kind. He stood at about twenty to twenty five feet tall, easily drawing most soils around him everywhere he went. Overall, he had a stocky, solid build; thick arms, thick torso, thick demeanor. Much like a bear that had been turned into a human - an overgrown human in any case. His skin tone was that of a peachy hue, his eyes gleaming with amber and gold, whilst the two lower canines stuck up and out from his bottom lip, like stubby tusks. All in all, Drake was a mountain of a creature, yet he wouldn't even dare to hurt a common fly.

He stood completely blank for a few seconds more before he finally blinked a couple times.
"Uh...yeh in tha city of" Drake spoke, his voice deep and gravely, thick with a certain rough accent. He deemed to also speak each word as if he was confused how to speak to - so would anyone who was speaking to an animated skeleton...

"Pardon my words...but ...Wha-Who are yeh, exactly...?" Drake asked. Indeed he was curious, wondering why this skeleton was here and if they seemed to be lost. Or if they just liked to skip around setting hay piles on fire...
Olaf the Odd (played by Cosmic_Dandelion) Topic Starter

"Ah, excellent, I managed to fall into the correct realm!" Olaf mentally patted himself on the back, then remembered he was on fire and cursed to himself. "I liked these robes, hmph. Oh, yes, my name! I am called Olaf the- agh stop that!"

A donkey from the stables had came up to him, disregarding the fact that he was smoking and standing next to a smoking hay pile and was a skeleton, and promptly tried to eat his fingers. This got the Lich to squeal in a very undignified way and scramble over to the wall where the giant watched with a baffled expression.

"I despise asses! Wait, no, I mean donkeys. Asses are fine. Arrrrg." He face-palmed, mortified. "I am Olaf the Odd, normally a wizard and craftsman of grand elegance and wit, but as I am standing here mostly lost and disgruntled, I am now mostly just annoyed and grungy. Who might you be?"
Welp. Aparantly the universe decided that today was when Drake's life was to have a large helping of bizarre craziness dumped into it. And in all honesty he wasn't that prepared for it all, yet somehow he was keeping relatively calm during the whole scenario.

Drake had met many different creatures before; some good, some horrible, some snappy and the occasional strange. He thought at first that this skeleton was indeed strange, if not worrying. But soon the crafts wizard of Odd called Olaf was starting to be rather. Well. Amusing. He did not find laughter in the newcomers discomfort, gracious no. But rather in the way he spoke and how he acted. Truly this Olaf was one of a kind and a bizzare one, in a good way of course.

"Well." Drake chuffed with the small show of a smile, after witnessing the skeleton being chased off by an ass, or a Donkey, which ever one. "Its nice tah met yeh Olaf." His speech was casual if not content, as if he was speaking to a dear friend. Drake had always had the knack of being able to befriend the high majority of the souls he comes across. Perhaps he had the chance to make a new acquaintance too.

"Tha names Drake. Drake Madalias Montshrine. And... Iffin yeh don' mind me askin'. If yeh were meant tah arrive 'ere... How come yeh came tumblin' out in flames; leavin' yehself like... Uh...." Drake gestured to the obvious char grilled and over burnt clothing Olaf was currently "wearing".

"If it's any help. I could aid yeh in gettin' some new wear for tha rest of yeh duration 'ere? Tha markets sell quite a collection of fancy wear iffin yeh now where tah look." Drake offered with a smile, radiating a sort of kindness which could warm anyone. Excluding the fact they have been roared by flames beforehand.
Olaf the Odd (played by Cosmic_Dandelion) Topic Starter

Oh, so THIS was the blacksmith that had contacted him! He was a friendly, if extremely tall, welcoming man, and the fact that he had offered to help him get new clothes earned him extra points. His manner of speech was charming as well, though he couldn't place the accent. 'Country chic,' is what an old apprentice of his would call accents like that, despite the term being near-nonsensical. Ah well. Maybe he'd ask later.

"Oh yes please," the Lich said with an enormous sigh of relief, giving up on attempting to brush away the damage from his clothes, sounding much more at ease than before. "The portal I used was... dysfunctional, I swear I don't always walk around in shoddy charcoal garments."

He glanced around, then seemed to give Drake a sheepish sort of smile. "I believe I'm stuck down here, though."
How Odd indeed...

Drake watched Olaf's face - skull? - oh whatever they called it, in all the wizard lit up with a sense of recognition when Drake mentioned his name. Although, Drake didn't share the same feeling towards the Grand Olaf. Yes, he does see many faces, but he always makes an effort to remember names to those said faces. So when he just so happens to bump into a familiar face, a familiar name will pop into mind too, saving Drake from the hassle of going through introductions once more.

But. This time around it seems Drake has simply no clue in how the wizard knew him. Perhaos working overtime and into the nights over tha past few days were starting to mess with him.

With all that aside however, Drake was glad to see that Olaf was relieved after being offered the chance to get some new clothes; maybe they could get some new boots too, but the decision will be made when the time comes. As for the wizard being stuck here - "It's it's any help, I could also help yeh get a room in a tavern for a couple days. Or yeh more than welcome tah stay with me." The giant chuffed. "My place should be large enough if yeh want tah take tha offer. But! As feh now I think some clothes and boots are tha first items on tha list." the giant smiles.

He explains how the markets have many great nooks and crannies with some smashing bargains, but he knows where to look for a special helping hand from a few good old golden friends of his. But before Drake could even take one step away to lead Olaf toward the Markets, his leg suddenly received a rather hard poke. With a slight jump, he looked down to see one of the stable owners, now with a miffed look staring right back up at him. They proceeded to point at Olaf and then to the pile of soaked black mush that was once a great hay pile.

With a sheepish smile of his own, Drake apologized and spoke about how Olaf's entry into this world was a bit bumpy. However, they didn't seem to be buying it, until Drake sighed lightly, reaching to the side of his belt to a full pouch; pulling out a few fold coins. He handed them to the unpleased stable owner, who promptly snatched them from the faints hand and stormed off.

"Perhaps we should leave 'ere sooner rather than later..." Drake mumbled as he nodded for Olaf to follow him towards the busy crowds of the Thrix Market.

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