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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Shinia (played by FireBlaze22)
    I really like Shinia. For all that she lives alone in a hut in the middle of nowhere and leads a double life--she's awesome in her ability to both confront a hunter and to make friends with him--despite the fact she is a werewolf. Her personality shifts are refreshing and keep the RP interesting--though I can't wait to see how Shay reacts when he sees her as a wolf. XD Shinia's RPer is nice and easy to talk to and full of ideas! So RP with Shinia! <3 - PenGryphon2007

  • Soleil Noir (played anonymously)
    I love Soleil, though my character doesn't. Soleil's a pirate and a darn good one at that. She doesn't take gruff from anyone and least of all from Sai--who's none to pleased with the new holes in his ship! But Soleil does do one thing right--she maintains control of her crew and she has fun being a pirate. She's a blast to RP with, whether you're fighting for her or against her! - PenGryphon2007

  • Maalik-Majid (played anonymously)
    'Hot damn' pretty much sums up what I have to say about this character. Worth playing with! I mean... have you seen him? - Strangedisease

  • Soleil Noir (played anonymously)
    A truly fearsome pirate! My character is terrified of her, and yet she remains truly likable. Whoever runs into her, is likely in for an exciting time! - Strangedisease

  • A grumpy Vampire hiding a heart of gold. He never does anything without the best intentions in mind, and carries great guilt over the things that go wrong. A truly lovable character, though he'd scoff if he heard me say it. - Strangedisease

  • Elysia (played by TornBySanity)
    There is never a dull moment with Elysia around. Frequent mishaps, alarmingly bad luck, and odd taste in friends, every moment for her is an action packed adventure. Her naive attitude, willingness to try new things, and zeal for life will have you head over heels for her in no time at all. - Strangedisease

  • Miles Berkson (played anonymously)
    I love Miles. He's an FBI agent--well, ex-agent now (no thanks to Cody)--with an adorable daughter that he loves. No one would ever suspect his paper-pusher to have impeccable sniping skills either, which makes him loads of fun to RP with in just about any setting. SD plays him well whether Miles is sober or drunk, and it's fascinating to see what he'll do next. <3 Plus he has an adorable daughter whom he'll do anything to protect. - PenGryphon2007

  • Funny how someone who is so good at causing trouble for other people, at the point of his gun, can be so wonderful at tea parties too! A truly multi-talented man. He's certainly full of surprises. - Strangedisease

  • Sai Ren (played by PenGryphon2007)
    Sai is the best captain ever, or perhaps the worst, it's not particularly clear. One thing is though, and that, is that there will never be a dull moment aboard his ship! I'm so taken with him, I'm jealous my character gets to spend time with him. ;) - Strangedisease

  • Hex (played anonymously)
    Oh Hex, you are awesome and cute and angsty. Definitely a worthy character to play with! - Strangedisease

  • Nil'Shar (played by Krieg_005)
    CATFOLK! Nil is annoying, rude and he makes bad decisions, but I love, love, love him for all those reasons. He's a great fantasy character who would make a great match for any party looking to add a bard. Or annoying cat. - TheLily

  • William has long been one of my favourite characters. He's been through so many different lines, but he's always there for my character and always sweet. I especially love he's now a Kingdom Come character! William is the kind of character who doesn't take guff from anyone, but can lay down his life for even the most evil ruffian. - TheLily

  • Ooooh, I love bards and too few people can pull them off. This bard, though, looks nothing short of amazing - plus she's Skyrim based, that has to have points for some people! - TheLily

  • Nebi (played by PenGryphon2007)
    Nebi is the perfect fit to my Ara. He's so sweet and cute and at the same time bad. He's a bad guy who sometimes does the right thing ;) - TheLily

  • Keith is such a great character - he's a good guy pushed into a bad place. He's amazingly fun to play with. If you ever need an FBI agent with a complex, this is the one. - TheLily

  • Poor Evelyn is growing into quite the character despite her sorta boyfriend's idiocy. She's improving as a character and she's super fun to play with! A therapist, she would be a great match for a character who is a little off their rocker. - TheLily

  • Miles Berkson (played anonymously)
    Miles just gets better and better. He's insecure and unsure of himself, but continues to want to do the right thing and his daughter is awesome, even if she doesn't quite understand that people can be bad. - TheLily

  • Beauregard (played by Loki)
    Beauregard is an amazing, in-depth character because of his tendencies to shy away from people, and his need to stay in water at night when he turns into a merman. But that's not all--if you can earn his trust, he's a good friend, patient and willing to help where he can. Plus it never hurts to have a good swimmer on your side who's good at catching fish! (Even if he robs your catch on occasion!) Just keep an eye on those plums--lest he eats them all! <3 - PenGryphon2007

  • Momochi (played by Strangedisease)
    I'm a bit biased, since Momo was made for me, but honestly Momo is one of the cutest, sweetest characters I've ever seen - and she grows up to be a pretty badass girl! If you ever need a character who will defend Good from Evil in a fantasy RP, hook Momo up. - TheLily

  • Mimi LaRouche (played anonymously)
    Mimi is seriously insane. Completely off her rocker. Player beware, you'll probably end up losing a limb or two! She seems to lack an internal voice telling her that things are wrong and it makes for a wild RP. - TheLily