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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • *Kicks self* HOW HAVE I NOT GIVEN THIS WONDERFUL PERSON ANY KUDOS!? Apologies Sanne, you have gently guided me in the past when I needed it most. So at this time let me give you my thanks through this glowing Kudos. Sanne is so sweet and light-hearted she is always willing to lend a guiding hand. Seek her out!!! - Virus

  • This girl is totally awesome. She is very easy to communicate with, which makes for really great rp all the time. I remember us having a rocky beginning, but now I am so glad we worked past that into a wonderful friendship. I'm really lucky to have her as part of my group. - Wooby

  • This is the smartest dude I know. He consistently creates great stories and characters to work with, and is always sweet and interesting as a player. It's never a dull moment. He is definitely one of my favorite people, and I always find myself selfishly wanting to hog RP with him. huehuehue. - Wooby

  • JESS~ The first thought I always have about Jess is that silly face she randomly posts which became the norm when she's around. Quiet, though typically because she's busy~ Jess is friendly and sweet~ Also, pfft! Have you seen her art?! She's so talented it hurts~ <3 - Damned

  • Twin~ Autumn and I are newer friends, but man, I don't know why for the life of me we haven't been closer earlier. She's quite literally, amazing. Fun to chat at and plot with, there's something special about this woman with a heart of gold. But, I guess this answers the question as to who's the evil twin, huh? - Damned

  • OH. MY. NOVALYYN. This girl know how to keep things interesting, I never quite know how to weave a story for her as I do with others. This said her level of quality makes me want to step up my game. KEEP ON RP-ING NOVA!!! - Virus

  • My stupendous Courticorn! Faithful partner and beloved friend, she always knows how to make me smile. Our roleplays are engaging and so full of addictive drama, especially between Ronan and Shiranuhi. She's always eager to plot or to chat and is such a well rounded person in general. You're amazing Court and you deserve all the kudos! - Unicorn

  • I can't believe I haven't given Autumn kudos before now. This little creature right here, let me tell you, has one of the best brains for plot and her RP is always engaging. She's one of the most dynamic RPers I've ever had the pleasure of braining with, and combined with her wicked personality, you're proper missing out if you don't join in with her madness. - -No

  • Eli
    I already gave Eli Kudos once, but I think she's over due for a new one~ Loyal. God, is this woman loyal. A true friend that has always had my back, has always been there even when I wasn't expecting it. I love her, and some day I'll fly my happy butt and see her and her bajillion animals. <3 *careful strokes them characters too bro* - Damned

  • Rah~ This ray of sunshine is a treat to see every day~ Always met with a warm greeting and a heart so large it's incredible~ <3 This woman is both sweet to chat with as well as enjoyable to RP with! Did I mention she's amazing? Well! Now you know! <3 - Damned

  • Dani is one of my newer friends but I feel like we've known one another for a long time. She's so friendly and easy going, I always look forward to seeing her every day. Her roleplay is beautiful and I really need to get some more of it, because unf, Dani rp is yummy. <3 - Unicorn

  • Taciturn
    My bro, my twin brother. We are more alike than anyone can even imagine (to the point that we are actually considered the same person!), but also so vastly different. There is no one I look up to more than him. His fantastic writing ability inspires me to do better myself, and his level headedness helps calm over my own instability. I couldn't ask for anyone better to be my twin brother and I don't know where I would be today without him. <3 - Esoterica

  • Love, love, love, love, love this chick. (Can I say it a few more times? love, love, love, love) She is so sweet, and kind, and all around wonderful. She will drop everything to help someone else if they're in need, and she'll go out of her way. Not only that, but she's so much fun. I could spend hours skyping and laughing my ass off with her, and I look forward to the countless times ahead of us that we do this! Skye, you're amazing. :) - loverbuckets

  • JESSIE! Since the day we first met, I've been utterly smitten with this girl. She's absolutely stunning when it comes to roleplay and deliciously deviant when playing the 'bad guy'. I really cant describe how much I admire her and anyone who has the chance to rp with her wont be disappointed. LOVE YOU LONG TIME! <3! - Unicorn

  • I've been in an RP with him for quite a while and Gamers seems to have some pretty good ideas in his characters. I've enjoyed RPing with him in Oceans of Fire. :D - MugoUrth

  • Happy Birthday Kudos! Corvus, Clio, Lia; so many fascinating characters all rolled up into this beautiful, talented lady right here. She's one of my favorite artists and though we've rped on few occasions, I really hope I have more opportunities to indulge in her captivating roleplay. <3 - Unicorn

  • <3 It's been awhile since I last spoke to Lachey but I was so happy to have found her again! Not only does she have these amazing, in depth characters and a stunning roleplay style but she's just an awesome person OOCly to chat with. I missed you girl and I cant wait to start rping again with you! - Unicorn

  • His characters are quite fun to RP with as they are to read. My character hasn't interacted with him much, but I do enjoy reading his posts in RPs I'm in with him. :D - MugoUrth

  • What can I say, RoyaleX318 is a pretty serious RPer. He puts a lot of times in his posts, and overall RPing with him is pretty fun. Good job Royale. :D - MugoUrth

  • Jess is such a wonderful person! Sooooo nice and so fun to hang around! I hope to get to know her as well as some other people I've known for years around here x3 - Moki