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July's Office Hour Summary

Posted by Kim on July 23, 2016, 2:49pm

This month, we tried something a little different! While people asked questions in the Just Talkin' Chat, I answered them live on the air via Facebook Live. You can see the entire chaotic recording here, if you want. Also, follow us on Facebook to stay up to date with my continuing attempts to talk with you "face to face" :)

Amongst all the excitement of chatting and rambling about the multiplicity of desktop dinosaurs (and robot boots under the desk), there were some RPR-related questions asked. Here's the summary:

When can the tote bag winners from Epic Week 2016 expect their bags?

Aha, good question! In the grand tradition of epic week I am a bit behind on sending those out. I finally have all the addresses gathered and the paperwork for international customs filled out. So I apologize for being behind, but if you don't have your prize yet, it's in this box:


And hopefully I'll be bringing this box to the post office later today. If you're in the US, it should be a week or less, and if you're outside of the US, I haven't a clue. It will depend a lot on how long it takes to go through customs. But you'll get it!

I know you've been asked this before, but with the growth of the site, are you going to consider making the tote bag things available to purchase for a limited time? I've always wanted one but I'm never lucky enough to snag it in a raffle lol.

The double-sided tote bags turn out to be hugely expensive to print in small runs -- we'd need to successfully have 100+ pre-ordered to make it make sense. I was really uncomfortable asking people to pay in excess of $30 for a tote bag and shipping besides, which looked like what would happen if we did an ultra-small run.

So maybe people can let me know, how many people actually want to (and could) purchase a tote bag, and if so, what kind of price would you view as reasonable?

What are the next big updates/features you plan to add?

This is my favorite question every month. :)

My overarching theme for the year is growth. That means more people on the site, more RPs being found and conducted on the site, and even, yes, personal growth because I'm cheesy like that.

So I've actually been spending some time lately working on figuring out new ways to advertise the site. That's actually a question I have for all of you: What other sites do you use that are fantasy/sci-fi/roleplay adjecent, where the types of awesome nerds hang out who like to RP? For example, at some point someone suggested the Cartography Guild to me, because it's a website devoted to designing realistic fantasy maps and that's super useful for RPers. I've been talking with them about buying some ad space there.

Speaking of ads, I'm working on a system to allow RPR members to affordably purchase the ad space on our own site, instead of the Google Ads or site ads that are there now. :) I know some people would want to use it to advertise their groups, some would want to advertise their art, some would want to advertise their costume making services, some might even want to advertise books they've written and published, and it seems like that could be a huge benefit to the site AND its members.

I've also been putting some work into updating interfaces for Epic Members to make it easier for them to take advantage of the benefits that come with their membership, and working on a system to let Epic members who don't know CSS still make some basic customizations to their character profiles. Similar to the way that Epic Members can customize their user profiles already without using any coding.

I'd also like to go back to groups soon. Some time back I devoted roughly a year and a half to doggedly working on groups. After that, I didn't work on them much at all, because so many other things had been put on hold. And for awhile, groups were obviously the most advanced part of the site. Now the rest of the site has caught up and even crept ahead of the group interfaces, so it's time again to focus on them and their needs.

The other thing that has been heavily on my mind is completely redesigning the new user experience, and providing people with better tutorials, interactive walkthroughs, and other things.

Some other minor updates are brewing, like being able to detect which categories you have on your characters and suggesting relevant RP Finder concepts that match. So imagine finishing creating a character via the character wizard and instantly getting pointed to 4 or 5 actively forming RPs that generally match the preferences you've set for that character.

Kim, what's your favorite RP you've ever been in?
Wow wow wow this is a nearly impossible question to answer. One that is coming to mind is a RP spanning many years that I was part of back in Highschool. We did it on Furcadia. I ran home from school every single night to play. There were nobles and pirates and demons and demi-gods and a grand sweeping high fantasy narrative with politics and romance and betrayal. Actually I still occasionally play with people from that group every now and then, we do nostalgia scenes where our old characters re-unite and go on mini adventures. It feels great.

How many of your family members are on RPR?

Both my parents actually have accounts! I don't think either of them RP, but my dad was a major part in my becoming a programmer and he likes to get on and check out the features I'm working on and give me feedback about implementing them, and my mom likes to get on and read the news posts and give me feedback on my writing style. They are both very supportive.

My younger brother actually does RP, we played in one tabletop game together even, but so far as I know he doesn't have an RPR account.

On a merchandise related note, have you thought any more about RPR dice? 0: I'd buy at least 50. Perhaps a poll could be made to weigh site interest for the tote bags, etc.

Oh boy, I looked into it briefly, and again ran into this issue where it was very expensive for a small run. It's still hugely tempting, though. Maybe if enough people express interest we could try to gather enough pre-orders to do that as well.



July 27, 2016

For those keeping track -- that big box of epic week prizes DID INDEED make it to the post office, along with all the requisite paperwork. :)


July 25, 2016

Aha! Thanks for the update on the mystery gifts. :D I shall just hope our postal service continues not-going-on-strike for however long it takes the border to clear it, hah.

Small-run merch does tend to be non-cheap, unfortunately, especially if it's something print-on-demand (and usually low-quality, at that), and even with smaller runs of things you're usually looking at a minimum quantity of 100-200 units set out by the manufacturer.


July 25, 2016

Oh! So excited Can't (actually 'can') wait to receive my tote bag!


July 24, 2016

I would totally buy the bag and the dice. ^-^


July 23, 2016

It's this sort of activity that keeps me coming back. There's something so refreshing and rewarding about being part of - even if only in some small way - a place like this that supports creativity.

Can't wait to dig deeper.


July 23, 2016

Well dang. Part of me was hoping to participate in this office hours because I'm trying to get back to being fully active on the site. But alas! I was at work when it happened. Bantha voodoo! Heh.


July 23, 2016

omg. Admin Treehouse <3


July 23, 2016

I'm so sad that I missed it this time around! (However, I would've missed it anyway since I don't have a computer.)

However, all the questions asked are as fascinating as can be! And of course you can sign me up for being one of the many people who want RPR dice and tote bags for sale~ (Even if it's just the dice, I would buy them with what money I had.)


July 23, 2016

this was so cute! i think for ease of mobile/tablet user participation in office hours there should perhaps be seperate occasions for livestream q&a and for the usual text chat (the voice to text tech seems a bit unreliable and transcribing each video would be extra work for you), but it's something i'd love to see more of! you mentioned wanting to be more in touch with the community in chat recently, so i think this is gonna be great for everyone. :D