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Thanks for Trick or Treating the Forums!

Posted by Kim on November 4, 2023, 1:00pm

A jack o lantern with a sinister, jagged smile, glowing from within.Thank you to all participants of this year's trick or treat the forums! :D

At this point, nearly all the candy and jack-o-lantern accolades have been given out. In fact, this amount have been given out:

Lit Jack-o-LanternCandy CornCandy CornCandy CornLit Jack-o-LanternCandy CornCandy AppleLit Jack-o-LanternLit Jack-o-LanternHalloween CandyCandy AppleCandy CornHalloween CandyCandy CornHalloween CandyLit Jack-o-LanternCandy AppleLit Jack-o-LanternCandy CornLit Jack-o-LanternHalloween CandyCandy AppleCandy AppleHalloween CandyHalloween CandyCandy CornCandy CornCandy CornCandy CornCandy AppleHalloween CandyCandy CornLit Jack-o-LanternLit Jack-o-LanternCandy CornCandy AppleCandy AppleHalloween CandyCandy CornHalloween CandyHalloween CandyHalloween CandyCandy CornHalloween CandyCandy AppleLit Jack-o-LanternLit Jack-o-LanternHalloween CandyHalloween CandyHalloween CandyLit Jack-o-LanternLit Jack-o-LanternCandy CornCandy CornHalloween CandyHalloween Candy

There's still more to go - check your PMs, you might have one from me asking about how you want your candies ;)

If you think I've missed you, please let me know via PM! Just shoot me the link to the topic that you're in, and the name of the character I should be looking at. With so many of you participating, it's entirely possible I've overlooked some intrepid trick or treaters!