I'm almost afraid to say it for fear of jinxing it, but for the last two weeks every test of our time-out fixes has come back looking good. There shou...
For all of you who have been waiting and hoping for a widget that allows you to make character sheets containing alternative (or downright obscure) stats, this one's for you. Plus, new templates and new features.
What would be interesting enough to you to want to get a notification about? How much detail are you really interested in? Which details are the interesting ones?
You've been asking, I've been working, and now it's finally here; As of today, you can befriend other players directly. To get started, go to a player profile and choose "Befriend".
Most of you know that we've been holding raffles for various game communities to try and get them interested in joining [i]our[/i] community. Names were pulled tonight, so let's all congratulate the winners!
Between 1 and 2 a.m. PST on June 7th some maintenance will be done. Please take care when using the site, as the connection may be temporarily unreliable.
The patch that fixed the image parsing problem created some entirely new problems. No need to adjust your bbcode, it will resume working as soon as we've patched our patch.
Want to know what the heck is going on around here? How to get your characters featured? Why your favorite feature hasn't been released yet? When that bug you hate is going to get fixed? Get your questions answered in this omnibus post.