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Kudos for Sin-fonie

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • I absolutely adore Sin-fonie and cannot recommend him enough. He is extremely friendly, patient, encouraging, helpful and overall a joy to talk to. Sin-fonie's writing is also wonderfully detailed and engaging. I never feel bad about needing more time to get back to him, and I consider myself very privileged to be his friend and RP partner. <3 Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Sanne

  • How long has it been? Three years - Four? - that we've been by each other's side? And how many worlds have we weaved together, populated, raised and destroyed, then rebuilt from ashes? How many love stories, tragedies, reunions, victories and defeats have we written together?
    If I could, I would put all these worlds in globes, keep them like trophies and pridefully look upon them. I once was a god, alongside you, of a universe with a thousand planets. I will never forget that. Wonderful writer Long-term partner - Silovit

  • Thank you for being you! While I don't know Leighton very well or very long I find they are a wonderful person with so much to offer. I am thankful to share in the same community! - Kruhee

  • Leighton is great. Despite all that they go through, they keep on keeping on. They have heart, and with how much ghosting is a part of the rp community no matter where you go, Leighton always makes sure to keep you up to date so that you don't worry. That's huge to me. I definitely appreciate all that you do, Leighton. Keep creating the beauty that you do. <3 - Demilicious

  • It has been too long since we last spoke, but this lovely guy is so wonderful. The characters he creates are a dream to read over, and I love seeing him randomly pop on my dash. I am happy to call him a friend. He's so sweet, lovely, and delightful to be around and deserves so much adoration. <3 - Hades_

  • I'm so happy to have met Leighton, and you will be too! We've been talking for a few months, he's been such a caring, sympathetic friend who will always listen to what you have to say. I've found confidence and motivation through his words that I have cherished! As a roleplaying partner, his immaculate details and descriptions seemingly gets me lost in just a starter he writes. You will never get bored of reading his replies, ever! Roleplaying with Leighton always assures a good RP!

    ily!! <3 - halwa_noori