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Kudos for Murder

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • murder has become one of my closest friends and favorite writing partners over this last year. we come up with the most compelling plots together, and i love how our minds often go to the same place when we're brainstorming. their characters have such amazing depth to them, and are mysterious enough that i desperately want to learn more about them through the story. thank you for being you, murder! Great sense of humor Creative ideas - Picksey

  • Jacob (played by Murder)
    Where do I even begin with you? Jacob is sweet, glorious chaos. Violent, destructive, controlling and yet there's a tenderness there that should be more coveted than gold or diamonds. He's a disaster you want to offer yourself up to, if you happen to be broken on the inside. Jacob is a honey trap that I cannot get enough of. I certainly drown willingly. Drives the plot forward Long-term partner - Demilicious

  • M is... ugh. I hate her so much, but it's only because I love her. Obsessed with her in every way, M writes captivating characters with prose that makes me hungry for more and weep 'cause it's so pretty. I want ALL of it. She's too freakin' good. We don't deserve her, and she makes me swoon all too easily. Wonderful writer Long-term partner - Demilicious

  • M is quirky, snarky, a sweetheart underneath her hard exterior (although she may Murder me for saying that), and overall extremely easygoing, fun and no-nonsense as a writing partner. I wish I had more of her attention in Tam'nýer-a', but every time we wrote together it was amazing fun and I cannot fault her for being a busy powerful woman now, do I? <3 Creative ideas Wonderful writer - DorianM

  • M's writing storms are now famous in Tam'nýer””a and so impressive to witness! Someday, maybe, I'll get to that level (working diligently towards my goal through bugging M to write with me :D), but in the meantime, so happy to have you as part of the group and among the staff, you bloody menace! <3 Great sense of humor Wonderful writer - DorianM

  • I love watching Murder when she gets on a writing streak. Her replies are quick and witty. There is understanding in her writing and each reply has been thought out entirely. Her characters are filled with so much personality and personal depth. I have not written with her as much as I would like to but perhaps that will change in the future. Creative ideas Long-term partner - Krispythekritter

  • Murder has become a great writing partner. Her intrepid nature in building characters, diving into unknowns, and creating stories with her writing partners is truly unmatched in many ways. I have enjoyed every single reply, thoroughly and viciously. I adore her humor and her kindness. All of her characters are unique and fun to not only read, but interact with. Creative ideas Concise posts - Hades_

  • Aráa (played by Murder)
    Aráa is a beautifully designed character, beyond mere aesthetic. His grace and wit are nothing short of enchanting. There is also always a gleam of something lurking within those wisteria coloured eyes. Aráa is a character that has many layers, and while you want to always know more, you cannot help but sip him and savour him like a glorious wine. ❤ - Demilicious

  • I am overwhelmed by how phenomenal this woman this. Gods above and below, this bitch is my main ho. M is seriously "mmmm". She writes incredibly well. She can build an in depth character with all the trappings of a tangible human being. She can weave tension, small insignificant moments that hold worlds within them, lust and own a room with her words. Her writing is delectable, and as a person, she's stupendous. I really cannot sing her higher praises. Love you so much. <3 - Demilicious

  • Murder is a very talented rper, I love the story we have together and she is a very fun person to talk to as well. All of her characters are well made and she's just a joy to write with. I highly urge everyone to at least try to rp with Murder, you will not regret it! - Aggy1231

  • Murder is a marvel of writing talent and amazing fun. Since she joined Tam'nýer—a' we already had some good RP threads together, and fun OOC plotting, and I am looking forward to the mischief we will still be creating. Her characters have both charm and depth, a winning combination if ever there was one! <3 - DorianM

  • Murder is an absolute treasure. Every time we talk, I adore her more. Murder is one of those rare human beings where everything clicks in this glorious platonic bliss. We can banter endlessly (work & life permitting), and she is an incredibly talented writer. Seriously. You wanna wrap yourself up in a character as if they were a warm blanket? Make her acquaintance. You won't regret it. She's stupendous. <3 - Demilicious