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Kudos for CURSEDOG

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • I’ve given her and her characters kudos in years prior and have meant every word, but I’d like to add this year that she’s been such a good friend, as well. And in RP, no matter the scenario, setting or character, she does the homework, understands the assignment, and works to make her characters and arcs emotional rich for all involved. Good job all around, you. Have a snowball. 😈 Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Rigby

  • Wow is all I can say about Cursedog! Their RP is spectacular, well-written, and always so much fun! Writing with them is the highlight of any scene I have! Never, ever pass this one by! 10/10 recommend for everything! Great sense of humor Wonderful writer - IceyLady

  • faolan is an amazing friend and i’m so happy we’ve been at each others throats for the last year now. she’s always there for me and i have to mention just how GREAT she is at writing. it’s always hot and it’s always ready. i love this weirdo. Kind and understanding Long-term partner - Rowboat

  • I've given much-deserved kudos to her characters over the years, but I can aim at the author herself now - her mind is a very weird and wonderful place to visit. I've been lucky enough to witness and dip in and out of a few sprawling and often-heartrending plots she's had brewing for a couple of years, and have enjoyed meeting a whole cast of nuanced and troubled people along the way. I dig it. You'll dig it. You'll dig her. Exciting stuff will always lie ahead. Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Rigby

  • Mercy is an adorable person whomst I love very much and has done nothing but make me feel comfortable and welcomed when I started rp'ing again. Not to mention her writing is perfect and each character she plays is so well thought out and full of depth. It makes finding out more about them super rewarding and fun! Genuinely Mercy is a wonderful and talented friend! ;0; Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Ghost_Hips

  • Cody (played by CURSEDOG)
    I enjoy Cody wholeheartedly. Between the few interactions my character has had with him and the blurbs on their profile: it's just a really good time (reading about a really bad time). I hope I get to pet the dog more soon and I hope I get to discover more of this amazing story: packaged in a massive roguish bastard. 10/10 Would pet the dog again. Mwah <3 - Rowboat

  • Mercy is somebody who I wish I'd gotten friendly with much sooner, but am grateful that I've had the chance to now. Not only is she an exceptional storyteller and the puppeteer of some deeply nuanced and compelling characters, she's a very good human, and a very good friend as well. Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Elle

  • Mercy is a wonderful rp partner and friend and has helped me to meet new people and get the hang of this whole rp style so so much!! I have a great time planning and running rps with them, plotting little fun tidbit interactions with characters, and just goofing in the meantime. Both Cody and Herr Winter are complex and nuanced characters with a lot of love put into them and a whole lot of story to worm their way into your heart and mind, and I'm glad to be able to rp with them! Great sense of humor Wonderful writer - Roanroot

  • Haven't written one of these in eons, oh jeez. Mercy is warm butter on bread. Mercy has a subtle warmth to her that makes you lean in a little more and I really have been enjoying our occasional scenes together. Not only is she amazing at communication but also her writing is a treat and she's very, very talented. Skillful in word-choice, atmosphere, and descriptions: she's worth it. (Especially medical scenes, yum) Look no further than Mercy if you want to get a little sp00ky. Great sense of humor Wonderful writer - Rowboat

  • A talented, insightful, strong, sweet and storied badass. Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - ARCHITECT

  • Cody (played by CURSEDOG)
    What a beastie. Great goofs, and fun peeks at hidden lore. 10/10 Great sense of humor Creative ideas - fauxgauld

  • Cody (played by CURSEDOG)
    I’m having a grand time unintentionally torturing this character in a way that I don’t think is the norm: placing them in the company of an obnoxiously cheerful cloudcuckoolander who is wholly incapable of being fazed. This has proved to be a highly entertaining dynamic and I absolutely love the contrast! Theo has interacted with a lot of characters, but I do not believe he has every encountered one that feels like a such direct foil. Cody may be a bad dog, but they’re a great character. Wonderful writer Drives the plot forward - Tar

  • Cody (played by CURSEDOG)
    Never a dull moment! Whether it is actively writing with them or watching them in a scene, they are an engaging character and just as engaging of a writer in a way that'll keep you coming back for more. Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Anonymous

  • Cody (played by CURSEDOG)
    Cody is an excellent person to roleplay with. I always look forward to any scene that I am involved with them in. Be it an arena fight, public roleplay or the rare private scene I relish every opportunity I have to roleplay with them. Helpful Wonderful writer - Athala

  • Cody (played by CURSEDOG)
    We haven't written together but I wanted to say that your writing is utterly beautiful. Wonderful writer - Anonymous

  • Cody (played by CURSEDOG)
    Cody is a bad dog. But they are never just a bad dog. Perpetually out for themself without quite knowing who that really is, yet unflaggingly loyal to their friends, Cody is tough and vulnerable, terrified and terrifying, and always a delight.

    Their writer is similarly a joy, eager to introduce multifaceted plots upon plots, just waiting and ready for the right motive and the right character to uncover them. I will always look forward to more and am eager to see what's next! Creative ideas Drives the plot forward - Rigby

  • The realest person out there. An incredibly talented writer and all-around fun person to hang around. I have been very fortunate upon my return, to get to connect with them in a way I regrettably didn't in the past. Thanks for leading this dumb lost wolf around and being so helpful in helping me acclimate. Great sense of humor Wonderful writer - JustAWolf

  • Cody (played by CURSEDOG)
    I've had a blast roleplaying with them and getting to know them. I hope for many good times to be ahead of us. Creative ideas Wonderful writer - JustAWolf