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Kudos for VoidedCharisma

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Void is honestly one of the best role players I've come across so far! Their attention to detail is glorious and they actually give you insight into the characters thoughts which is my favorite style of writing! Their responses always have some kind of unexpected element that keeps me on my TOES when reading. The amount of times I've gasped, snorted, or downright choked on my drink while reading their replies is insane. Absolutely ADORE them. Definitely give them a PM! Ugh I'm running out of tex Creative ideas Wonderful writer - CatNoLastName

  • So, I am here, to say that my friend Charisma is pretty awesome. They are so kind and nice when in OOC, and when they are IC... they are like a god with just this aura that screeches 'I-am-a-awesome-writer'. I can't wait to do more RP's with them in the future! They are so cool! Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - KilNi

  • Absolutely love roleplaying with Void they are understanding , have a great sense of humour and they're a brilliant writer that makes each reply exciting to read i hope we continue to rp in the future😁 Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Ashen

  • Void gives posts that aren't necessarily concise or long. They are flexible with their posts and I'm always excited when I get a message from them, as they have quite creative ideas and drive the plot forward well. They're a pleasure to work with. Wonderful writer Drives the plot forward - anitaberry

  • Not only is Void an amazing writer, he's also a very sweet and friendly person! His characters are deep and interesting, and his posts are creative and detailed. I would highly recommend a roleplay with this lovely user! ^^ Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Archaic

  • Void here is an excellent RPer~ Our RP together has been very wonderful and I am always excited when I see I have gotten a message from them! Void writes some excellent characters and makes very lovely posts, and is excellent at driving the plot forward and making everything feel engaging and fun! Void is an excellent person to pick up if you ever see them posting an RP ad! Wonderful writer Drives the plot forward - Section

  • I've only just started roleplaying with Toast, but already I'm excited. They have an amazing handle on how to make a story flow, and all their characters are beautifully written. Wonderful writer Drives the plot forward - CassandravH

  • A fun and approachable individual who knows how to handle pacing, tone, and character well. Being capable of both adapting characters in an excellent manner making them his own as well as creating well-made characters of his own. Good-humored and open to a variety of RP ideas while also handling plot progression and introduced conflict and characters in what may be a sudden manner well, rolling with the punches so to speak. Their writing is very lively and a joy to read, with great length range. - Werren