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Kudos for rule-63

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Playing in TGT without you around is...I don't know. We grew up writing together, you taught me that you can balance a serious depth of character with fun, charming, laugh out loud writing, and I know I wouldn't have fallen in love with this hobby and setting without you.
    Seeing your character in connections even now, and knowing you made such an impression on others both OOC and IC, is all I could hope for.
    Miss you terribly. Great sense of humor Wonderful writer - konnie

  • You were one of the first people I wrote with in TGT with any regularity, and from the moment we stared chatting you were always so striking and unique, so unabashed of who you were and so evocative with your expression of it. I wish I'd stopped by when I could've, I wish I'd kept better touch, I wish you were still here and cherish the time we did have. Thank you. Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Anonymous

  • I have never failed to enjoy a rp with this fantastic human. They have put so much work and originality into not only their brainchild but their overall rp. In all the time I've spent rping I've never been so engaged by a character, and never enjoyed an enemy to my brainchildren to much. They're an amazing individual too, and its super easy to talk to them about literally anything. - Cami

  • A fantastic and engaging rped who never fails to surprise me, their character Omryn is intriguing and complex without being over powered, a sweet dullard of a character whom I have fallen head over heels for. You will not be disappointed with rp here. - Spoody

  • Omryn (played by rule-63)
    I was grateful to get a chance to rp with Lyubov, and all the hype was right on the money-- she's a fantastic character with many dimensions all of which I got to play with. There are so many aspects of Lyubov to enjoy and I really loved seeing a soft side to the crazy witch. A wonderful experience just meeting her, I hope for many more chances to encounter Lyubov in the future. Worth your time! Worth ALL your time. - oldmusic

  • An absolutely amazing person, who managed to make me feel completely at ease and confident while rping. I highly recommend her character, Omryn, who is fantastically insane in all the right ways. <3 - BobbinK

  • Omryn (played by rule-63)
    I haven't given her kudos yet? Shit. This character is perfectly displayed as a evil, conniving dumbass witch cannibalistic bitch that she is! I love her, and the writing is just.. UGH. I can't get enough of it. Haha. I enjoy every interaction with her, and the player is a amazing person. - Michonne

  • This person right here has been one of the greatest folks I've spoken to in a long time. Made me feel instantly welcome in rp and a blast to talk to ooc! If you haven't spoken them yet, you are definitely missing out! - Jynx

  • Omryn (played by rule-63)
    I've admired this character from afar for a very long time and never had the guts to ask for rp. It's makes me so sad that I waited so long! And if you haven't yet, you should be sad too! The character is all kinds of fun, both terrifying and wonderful! And the player is equally as awesome! The plots are always fresh and definitely keeps my character on her toes! Absolutely adore the creeptastic ogre! <3 - Jynx

  • Omryn (played by rule-63)
    I love RPing with Lyu because this bitch is crazy. Unpredictable. Scary. She could break my character and I'm okay with that. - notIsaidthecat

  • THIS GUY. Seriously, if you haven't had a chance to RP with them, I highly suggest you take the chance. Lyubov is creepy and exciting and unpredictable. Her story sucks everyone else around her in, both physically and metaphorically. Don't miss the chance. - notIsaidthecat

  • A delightful person. The RP is wonderful and deep, and I would not want to miss the interesting ooc conversations. Truly somebody you should not miss to get to know better. - Jane

  • Omryn (played by rule-63)
    This character is all sorts of creepy and that's a GREAT thing! She plays the role of 'crazy/creepy witch' amazingly and you never know what she's going to do next! For a long time I just admired the char and was too afraid to ask for rp, now I absolutely adore rping with Lyu and will never EVER get tired of it. If you get the chance, hit her up because you will NOT be disappointed!! - Augustus

  • Omryn (played by rule-63)
    I'm totally scared of Lyubov. Not my character, like me, personally. She's the perfect crazy old witch, and she'll keep you on your toes. I need to get more RP in with her. Super great writing, to boot! - Auberon