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Kudos for Snipehunt

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Snipe is stuck with me yelling ideas at her at all hours. Rather than try to get me to slow down she asks all the right questions and doesn't get upset when I move onto the next idea. She is a 10/10 friend who I am lucky to have. Kind and understanding Creative ideas - Cacophony

  • Having met on another site, we've been friends for a long time but never got the chance to rp much. And yet, what I have seen is amazing. Each character has been so fun and unique and the detail in her writing is beautiful. The emotions feel real and the setting lush. Plus, we so easily settled on a plot that's perfect for both our characters. Snipe is such a gem to write with! Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Murkysoulwaters

  • I'm just dropping by to say, Snipehunt is a fun person to talk to OOC! Great sense of humor, really chill, and you can sense the writing prowess even in OOC chatter. Great sense of humor Wonderful writer - Abigail_Austin

  • Snipe and I met through Furcadia, and in a sort of wonky, stilted way, developed a bit of a relationship. She's someone whom I appreciate deeply, not only because of her kindness and understanding on a personal level, but also because of her abilities and flexibility on an RP level. Though our characters have parted ways, I hope to be able to play with her again in the future. - JayBird

  • I've roleplayed with Snipe on and off for more than six years now, and she always has really fascinating characters with lots of flaws and little in-jokes. I'm looking forward to RPing with her again! - TimeHeist

  • I think your characters are thoughtfully balanced and original, I'd love to RP with them sometime! - Septima