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Kudos for Pippy

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • One of my oldest friends on here, Jade is somebody who you could just happily adopt. An adorable horse lady, with brilliant designs and concepts, I couldn't say a bad word about her. If you get a chance to write with her, grab the chance, her girls are a pleasure to interact with ♡ Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Bobbin

  • This girl literally is amazing. She has been a supportive friend through a lot and has always been there supporting my closed species. She's a great girl and her horse is also like super adorable let's be for real. A stellar writer and a top notch character creator. Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Nekomanics

  • Pip is a incredibly dedicated roleplayer. The mere fact she sat for half a day in pain with her lower back to roleplay with me and my friends shows tenacity that most don't have. I met her through Har and I have little to no regrets do far! She's kept communication up with me and understood what I'm looking for from the get go. Thank you Pip! Fast responses Long-term partner - Michonne

  • How she doesn't have more kudos, I will never understand. A wonderful writer and a beautiful person behind the keys. She is kind, generous, sweet, and just an all around delight to be around. I wish there was more time in the world to talk and plot with her, but alas, real life gets in the way a lot. Being apart of my closed species has brought a great spark to it and I hope we only continue to further our bonds of RP and friendship for the future to come. <3 - Kirasha

  • A creatively beautiful person. Between her characters and her over all personality she's just a gem to interact with. I love the fact that she plays such a beautiful concept for the Suesai. She is always cheerful and friendly and a welcomed addition to this little online family. - Nekomanics

  • Why i've never given you kudos before i'll never know, safe to say it's well overdue. One of the kindest people i've ever met, a friend for life through a random chance encounter. Your characters are gorgeous, inspiring, and downright enchanting. No word of a lie, when I see a notification with Blain's name attached my wee heart beats like crazy with anticipation, she is an absolute legend who I demand you beg for roleplay. <3 - BobbinK