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Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » CSS not just on Character Profiles!

I've been messing around with CSS Code recently, and I was thinking how cool it would be to have CSS Code usable on our User Profiles for Epic Members! It would also be cool to have it available on Groups to edit them farther. I was wondering if anyone else has been wanting this in the past (I couldn't find anything on it in the search, so I believe that this is a new idea (if not, then I'm all for hearing those ideas as well!)

The idea would be to allow an advanced editing for the User Profile, and not just the coloring that you can do and the decal around your profile icon. The reasoning for this would be so that players could configure their User profiles just as much as they can with a character profile! Also it would be nice to be able to have a background on your profile. Also, to get around those who aren't new to CSS Code, you could opt out of it until you feel ready for it. Or, you could ask around for help.

That's all that I can think of now! :D
Kim Site Admin

It has been suggested before, but not recently. I'm fairly resistant to allowing modification to things that display in the "main shell" of the site, as it could allow someone to do things like hide the navigation of the site on their profile, or put in a different logo than ours.

Groups already have CSS available to them, though:
Sanne Moderator

Kim wrote:
It has been suggested before, but not recently. I'm fairly resistant to allowing modification to things that display in the "main shell" of the site, as it could allow someone to do things like hide the navigation of the site on their profile, or put in a different logo than ours.

A good example for this is Neopets: they initially allowed CSS to be used in full on all profiles, but the bigger the site grew, the more abusive people got with the coding. They started to forge information on their profiles, hide important details and in many cases, broken CSS made a profile unusable. They eventually had to start implementing 'banned CSS codes' and designed a whole system around disallowing specific CSS coding. That made coding a nightmare for the users, and every time something new was released a year or so down the line, they had to update the shebang all over.

In short, even if there are ways to restrict CSS to userprofiles in some way to prevent this abuse, it's a headache on both ends and in my opinion not really worth the effort. I'd rather have some extra options in the customization we already have than to have CSS at this point.

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