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Forums » Help » Help resize an image?

I have an image I want to use for my profile, but it is over 100kb and I am not sure how to shrink it. Can someone help me do that?
Sanne Moderator

You can simply re-size the image in Paint! Open your image in Paint, then click on the "Resize" button near the top left. Make sure to select "Pixels", then remove about 100 pixels off the image at vertical or horizontal. (Make sure 'maintain aspect ratio' is checked!)

Click OK and the image should re-size. You can check at the bottom of Paint how big your image is. If it's not below 100KB yet, keep re-sizing until the file size is smaller than 100KB. :)

(Click the images to make them larger)



Let me know if this worked or if you need more help!
Katia Topic Starter

Thanks a lot!

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