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  • Dylan's sharp eyes spotted a notification that was hanging around past its freshness date. (11 years ago)
  • Loki helped to isolate a potential memory overflow issue in notifications. (11 years ago)
  • Sanne pointed out that timestamps on forum topics returned in search results had been overlooked. This useful information has been restored to forum search results. (11 years ago)
  • Sadrain suggested making your username in the header be a link to your profile, for more convenience for all! (11 years ago)
  • Rubix found that waking up chats that had gone to sleep due to inactivity caused them to experience amnesia, wherein they couldn't remember their names. (11 years ago)
  • Kaiser helped to improve an error message, so that what had actually gone wrong and how it can be avoided will be more obvious. (11 years ago)
  • Rubix discovered it was possible to make a chat window shrivel and die by using quotes in the topic title. Chat has been given some natural defenses to resist that kind of nonsense. Thanks, Rubix! (11 years ago)
  • Sanne pointed out that when someone used the chat on a group forum, and they had both a title and the position of moderator, the two titles would crash into one another. (11 years ago)
  • Sanne helped me to create some precautionary CSS rules to keep dice rolls all neatly lined up, regardless of the font size or type the page is being viewed with. (11 years ago)
  • Sanne reported that character icons were big and honking when epic members previewed the color changes on their own profiles. (11 years ago)
  • Eureka! After months of tinkering with a bug report submitted by Jane, there was a puff of smoke and it was once again possible to add pages to character profiles with ampersands in their title! (11 years ago)
  • It's a bird! It's a plane! No! It's Sanne'S LATEST BUG REPORT! Rogue accolade spotted flying over the community page -- Rattataattatattaa pew pew! (11 years ago)
  • Kyra45 discovered a zombie accolade, shambling across the community page. Zombie beheaded! Pow! Kersmash! (11 years ago)
  • Hachi's social calls were interrupted by a redirect issue on character pages that could cause a login to not stick. But Hachi don't take no guff! They tackled the bug to the ground until officials could arrive to correct it. (11 years ago)
  • Krissy pointed out an issue where subscribed topics didn't turn up under the "subscribed" section of notifications. (11 years ago)