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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Unlikely Adventurers

Irini (played by seafoamvi) Topic Starter

Irini hasn't moved an inch from when Rohir first opened the map. She pitied Rohir, who was trying so hard to decipher a map for the wrong town. "My Lord, I suggest you try this one instead." From her dainty bag emerges a map, hovering in limbo in the air. It's engulfed in a pink shimmer, and with a graceful flick of her finger, it is unfurled and smoothed, and makes its way into the clammy, hot hands of Rohir. She fidgets with her hairpin while observing Rohir's puzzled expression. "Perhaps we get acquainted with one another's abilities and proficiencies. I can assume there will be threats present on our way." She smiles fondly. She raises a flat palm, and two glowing spirit koi circle a fountain of radiant energy springing from her hand. She closes her eyes and bows her head for a moment, and the fish disappear into Rohir. If her blessing worked as intended, his mind would be a little clearer. At least, that's what she hoped. "You can go first, Lord Rohir." she beckoned at him. With a map the wrong side up in his free hand, guns at his belt, and a cigar in his pack, she could have guessed, but she figured she would be polite and allow him to indulge himself- it was courteous.
Rohir (played by EmberFire347)

Rohirs horns smoke a little as he takes the map and jumps when the fish enter his body, "Got dammit not again!" he says as he pats the area where the fish entered. he soon calms himself down after he realizes that he is, in fact, not dying. "well thank you miss irina, but you see, what i was doing is an incredibly advanced technique that take years of practice," he says as he sneakily burns the old map behind his back, "but i do appreciate the attempt to help." he smiles at irini, "as for my abilities," he twirls his guns, "as you probably guessed, im the best at slinging lead this side the the realm, but thats not all," he lifts his hands to the sky and his eyes begin to glow that ferocious orange, "i also have the power over hellfire!" a massive, albeit a bit too flashy, cone of flames erupts from his hands, the fire licking at the sky as it shoots further and further up. Rohir stops producing the flames, "but i dont believe ive introduced my traveling companions," he holds out his pistols, "this here is Pain," he gestures to the gun on his right, "and this one is Ecstasy." he gestures to the other. "and this," he pulls the rifle off his back, "this here is my girl Maria." he quickly pops the bullet out the chamber, catching it mid air and tossing it back in, releasing the slide and tossing the gun on his back. "i know i know, pretty impressive, but dont be too down, im sure your powers are also quite formidable miss iranus."
Irini (played by seafoamvi) Topic Starter

She raises an eyebrow at the fish comment, but ignores it. "My Lord, my name is I-ri-ni. As in peace of the land Irini." She smiled politely. "Your guns are magnificent, though. I'd like to hold Maria. She's a pretty lady." Irini felt incredibly out of place and out of her element, but she tried to share his enthusiasm. "As for me, I don't have much to show. I'm not very impressive at all, truthfully. I'm very weak right now. That's actually why I'm here today."
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