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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Sun Symbol (SOLVED)

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This topic is for discussing clues and potential answers to the Sun Symbol in Epic Week 2023. Please stay on topic. Remember, these riddles are designed to be challenging and require a group of people brainstorming together; don't feel intimidated if you don't know the answer right away. Every little idea can help. Research is not cheating; it is expected!

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What's Infamy mean?
It means being well-known for a bad deed/quality!
Okay! So maybe someone or something like a gargoyle? Was there anything about a gargoyle in 2021? Maybe like an event for people who just joined?
I know this is a jump but could this be related to mythology? A lot of bad qualities and deeds come with mythology. I don't know how much weight it holds I just know that's what my mind thinks, Possibly one of the bad decisions the sun gods made or something about a gargoyle from mythology. Especially since the sun symbol appears closer to that of the Shamash sun symbol. This had something to do with a Mesopotamian god it is also compared to that of a star of Ishatar which means all pointed rays attached is a comparison picture. 2 different types but the similarly is still there.

1st one

2nd one
Tried Shamash which is the name of the god no luck
Judging from "There's a whole host of 1-star reviews of him, but one in particular takes home the most-recommended medal for the effort involved in making it.", it might be a chef of some kind? Or someone that creates something.
Could be a chef and if we go with the mythology point Shamash had a sister known as the queen of the dead her name was Ereshkigal so that could be a possibility as well, are there any potential ideas chef-wise? Based of the symbol and the "infamy" he's got that but that roles out Ereshkigal as she was a girl. If i jump of the mythology boat I could see the chef of some kind
I think the infamy part reminds me of a song but I don't know what song... Lol. And the fact that it says ur-Yelp instead of just Yelp seems to be a pretty big clue, but I'm drawing some blanks on my ur- prefixes here. Uruk-hai, ur-Dragon, I think there's something from Forgotten Realms that's ur-related as well.
I think you all may be on to something with the Mythology thing. I looked into it a bit, but it only took me down one big demonology rabbit hole. I did find some things that were kind of interesting, and may be worth looking into further. You guys may have better results than I did.

So basically, I looked up Shamash which led me to this character called Gilgamesh, and another called Humbaba.

Humbaba is like a demon of some kind, pretty heinous, overall infamous. The Lord of dark and evil- you know, typical demon things. Humbaba has connections to Greek Gorgon's in some way.

From there, I found the Epic of Gilgamesh. TEoG is essentially like a combination of Perseus and Medusa, and Hercules feats, only it takes place in the Third Dynasty of Ur rather than Greece or what have you. It's a poem about a man (Gilgamesh/Perseus) who goes to slay a monster (Humbaba/Medusa). His decision to go kill the monster was pretty much over a fight.

For those who don't know, the demon Humbaba/Medusa does have one star of relevancy, which is Algol, the Demon Star- which is in the constellation Perseus.

Not sure if this will help anyone, but I thought I would throw it out there. Like I mentioned, I just kept hitting dead ends.

Things I tried out: Uruk, Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh, Humbaba, Enikdu, Demon Star, Algol, Pazuzu, Huwawa, Enlil, Utu, Medusa, Perseus, Cedar Forrest, Enikdu.
I did a google image search, this could be the Mayan Abundance Symbol, I did a google image search on it and it bears a striking resemblance to another thing on google.

That said, I cant find anything else about this specific symbol, do a google image search for 'symbolo abundancia maya' and you'll see what I mean.

Edit, never mind, the symbol is the star of Shamash.
I think mythology is a good line of thinking, with the whole Star of Shamash and "Ur-Yelp"
My first instinct was Akhenaten, what with the whole "ancient mesopotamia" and sun/star-based clues, but it's probably wrong. A guess that might be worth trying is Ea-Nasir, solely based on the "1-star ur-yelp" reviews, but I think diving deeper into Akkadian mythology might be the way forward.
I was reading a little into mythology from The Epic of Gilgamesh, and reading about Utu/Shamash, but it seems he was seen as more of a benevolent god...? So maybe the one star reviews are from other demons. Or it's a demon adversary of somebody.

I would suppose from the clues that it's someone who put particularly hard work into making trouble for somebody because they were angered or provoked, but I don't know what it is. I'll read about Ea-Nasir next. :)
Ilmarinen Moderator

I very much think this is about Ea-nasir! Several complaints about Ea-nasir were found about his poor quality copper, the most famous of which is a clay tablet written by Nanni. This would require a lot of effort on Nanni's part. XD
Sadly Ea-nasir (or Ea-nāṣir) aren't accepted as the correct answer, but it might still be related to him and his awful copper
Ilmarinen Moderator

The third clue seems to imply that the copper was the least of Nanni's concerns. I know he was also pissed that Ea-nasir's servant treated his servant rudely ... was there any larger-scale problems that came about as a result of this?
Ilmarinen wrote:
Was there any larger-scale problems that came about as a result of this?

I don't think so..... I'm not entirely sure that the clues hint to him anyway. Theres (to my knowledge) only one tablet (review) of his copper, and not much came of it
I didn't find much on a cursory search of Ea-Nasir. Perhaps it's the copper itself? Or copper/metal-merchant? It being a complaint with several one-star reviews certainly seems to fit, but not much has been uploaded to the complaint tablet's Wikipedia page, about Ea-Nasir himself.

Edit: "Other tablets have been found in the ruins believed to be Ea-nāsir's dwelling. These include a letter from a man named Arbituram who complained he had not received his copper yet, while another says he was tired of receiving bad copper.[11][12]"

From Wikipedia.

Although there are multiple bad reviews cited here, I don't know that any particular effort was put in for revenge or punishment or making anybody unhappy, as a clue seemed to me to imply... Maybe I'm not looking hard enough?
You're totally right ... I thought I remembered more tablets, but blocked it out completely when I couldn't find anything about them at a cursory glance.
Ea-nāṣir might be bang-on for some of the clues. He lived in Ur, he got a bunch of really bad reviews, and you could definitely call him infamous. But the last bits about extra effort and a conflict starting from a small scuffle don't match quite up with what we have yet.

EDIT: According to this article, Nanni's tablet was covered back to front, which might make up the 'extra effort' clue, but I'm still not sure about the third clue... I already tried "Nanni" and "Complaint tablet [to Ea-nasir]" to no luck
I could see that, it's still a Mythology related thing and I know its not a good thing to come up with but what about the legend of king midas and the gold? I know its something small but Mythology is big and complicated i think the Ea-nāṣir lead and the akkidian mythology thing. I'll definitely try my best to take a look as I have a whole book on mythology but I'm swamped with school work but i think were on the right road

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