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Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » "Quantity" when shopping (ADDED)

I apologize if this has already been suggested/already in the works.

It would be nice, whether it be in the normal shop, moa's goods, epic week and events/fundraisers, if there was a "Quantity" option when adding things to one's cart, instead of having to go back and keep adding individual items each and every time. Like, perhaps a different window pops up where it asks how many, or, when you click the "add to cart" button, it then shows on the shop page under that item, a - or + to add more or remove.

I apologize also, if this is already a thing, and I just somehow cannot see it (the computer I am working with is 10 years old and because Chrome can only update to a certain point/does not support older OS's in newer updates, it could be that it's just not something I can see. I doubt this very much, but there is that slim possibility).
seconding this.
anyway to support the site easier, and buy things for freeens =)
Kim Site Admin

I added a button to easily add another copy of an item to your shopping cart once you've got one in there. It's not exactly a "quantity" field but it is quite a bit easier than what we had. :)

I know it's a bit late in the fundraiser event, but at least it will be useful in the future! :)
Auron Topic Starter

Kim wrote:
I added a button to easily add another copy of an item to your shopping cart once you've got one in there. It's not exactly a "quantity" field but it is quite a bit easier than what we had. :)

I know it's a bit late in the fundraiser event, but at least it will be useful in the future! :)

Thank you Kim! I look forward to abusing using this feature in the future.

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