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Forums » Introductions » It's been a hot minute


First off, I love the username! :D Secondly, a big howdy-do to you and welcome back to RPR! There's a lot going on at the moment with the Lemonade Stand and the influx of newcomers so you'll want for nothing in your genres. Fantasy is a hot ticket 'round these parts.

I have to say, I really like the way you put it too, the flexible lengths. Sometimes you get a wall of text because you need a scene to describe and layout the visual for your reader/writing partner. And other times it's just a smidge of dialogue to keep the ball rolling. The versatility is exactly what I think of when writing as well and I couldn't have worded any better myself. I may use that phrasing eventually.

If you have any questions or wanna catch up on the things that's transpired, feel free to ask anyone around here. We're all glad to help. :) It was very nice to make your acquaintance! Take care and I hope you find what you seek!
welcome back! i've been getting more and more into urban fantasy lately, it's such a fun genre for worldbuilding!

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