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Forums » General Roleplay » The police department Open to all))

Shepard (played anonymously)

“She made a good choice. Ren on the other hand would suspect her for playing some sort of angle. That’s how he is though. Always looks for the worse, and works backward to find the good. He’s tedious.”

“ To answer your question some jerks, from another department stormed into the chief’s office. He called us in there to hand over our case. Their lead was real upset at the thin file, threw it on the ground. Told us we could keep it. Ren must have noticed something strange from the encounter. He’s doing that thing again. Also our antics never help anything.”

Shepard glanced at the thick file thrown on her desk. “Seems like a couple of late nights. Let me know if I can do anything for you.”

(( OOc It’s fine. No worries))
Alyusha Korxanadu Sakurai (played anonymously)

"From another department? Those guys?" she questioned, "From the Sheriff's Office, maybe? Though, they didn't look like any deputies I've ever seen and the guy leading them definitely wasn't the sheriff."

Alyusha tapped her chin in thought. It was a little odd for a different department to just come barging in demanding access to a case outside of their jurisdiction.

"Feds, maybe? I got fed vibes from what little I saw of them. Might be why the Chief was so flustered." she mused aloud before looking over at him with a slight grin, "I mean, you guys' jackassery aside, of course."

"I mean, those weren't IA boys..." she rambled before shaking her head, "Oh, nevermind. It's not my place or problem, anyway."

She then returned upright and let out a breath as she opened the thick file and began to flip through everything to get a sense of the damage. She blew her bangs up as she realized that she was in for a long day. She glanced over at Shepard and gave him a small smirk before looking back down at the papers.

"Don't make an offer you don't intend to make good on. Because honestly, my proud DIY-er ass just might take you up on that." she told him.
[OOC: Mind if I join in?]

"Mamaaaaaa..." Just when Vanille took some tour on her free time, she met a lost blonde kid whom cried her heart out calling off her mother. Vanille rushed over to the child and tried to calm the kid done. "Oh my... Are you lost? Are you looking for your mom?" Vanille kneeled down when she talk to the kid to have eye level with her. She understand the feel of lost from your parents as the most scary experience any child would have. She stood on her leg back, gazing around if she could find any hint of the kid's parent being nearby. Her eyes then caught the shape of the police station.

"Listen, kid. I'm not a bad person. I will help you to look for your mama. We will go to the police station so the officer can also help us to find her. Do you hear me?" Once again, Vanille kneeled down to have eye level to the kid when she explained their situation to the lost kid and when the kid nodded to her as a sign of acceptance, Vanille then hold the child's hand and walk toward the police station together.

"Hello, excuse me?" Vanille and the kid entered the police station and wait for any officer to reach them out.
Ren Haruno or Yakimura (played by Sinceritymornings) Topic Starter

((Welcome glad to have you.))

A giraffe beast woman sat behind a screen and a thick wooden desk. She leaned her head out. Her brown eyes peered down at the little girl and Vanielle. “Sugars what’s wrong?”

Ren finally moved. He spun around. “Front desk,” he quickly spoke. He darted from the bull pen, into the walk way, past the break room, and lockers. Finally he reached the wide open space.

His boots clacked on the tile but switched to a tap for the sudden shift to wooden floors. “They cram us in, but have so much space out here.”

Ren stretched by placing both arms behind himself and pulling. He released the stretch as his eyes wandered the scene. People came and went. A multitude of conversations created a large mumble, that made anything hard to distinguish.

He approached the front desk, but noticed two girls there. Ren raised an eyebrow but didn’t approach. His gun and badge visible.
Shepard (played anonymously)

“I will make good on what I offer. I’m a man of my word. That offer doesn’t have a time limit.”

Ren’s bizarre action’s caught his attention momentarily.

Shepard raised an eye brow and then turned his gaze back to Alyusha. His thoughts landing on his partner. What could he have noticed? What did he realize?
Vanille were kind of surprised to found the giraffe-beast woman picked up on them. Along with the blonde child holding on to her hand, she took a front step closer to answer the officer. "I'm sorry, Miss. I think this little lady has lost. She was crying and looking for her mother." Vanille said to the woman. Vanille kneeled once again to have an eye-level to the child as she wanted to ask some information to her. "Do you mind to tell me your name?" Vanille drew a genuine smile to the child in hope that she could make her relieve for a bit. The child nodded and talks slowly.

"My name is Kaela." snorted, Kaela tried to talk more. "I look for bird. Then mama gone." her eyes glistened for holding the tears once again. Vanille then patted Kaela's head to make her calm for a bit. "Rest assured. The officer here will help us. I believe on them. You believe me right? We're promise to help you find your mama again." Vanille raised her pinky finger to have promise Kaela to find her mother.
Balor Bong (played by Clumsylemon)

Balor was escorted into the police precinct by a large man in a black suit she was being flanked by another two emotionless looking men. As she is walked past the front desk she she slides down her aviator sunglasses to glance at the small upset girl and the women helping her. She gives a small soft smile before sliding her glasses back up on her face. The large man pushes some officer out of their way who was also standing near the desk but this seemed to rarely register on Balor's radar. Upon seeing her the two men in the chief's office who the chief had just been sucking up to shot up to attention waiting for Balor to be guided into the chief's office. The large man who had been leading Balor stood in-front of the door scanning the officers in the precinct.

Balor greats the chief before taking a seat he goes over the files provided to him with Balor. She tanks him then informs him her and her team will be taking over half but would like some of his officers to join the task force as they know the area better.
Ren Haruno or Yakimura (played by Sinceritymornings) Topic Starter

The giraffe beast woman smiled. “I’m sorry to hear that sugars. We will get this all sorted I promise ya. Now kaela, you just wait right there. I’ma phone someone right now.”

Ren stumbled back slightly.“Nah don’t bother. I’ll take care of it Bea,” he spoke up, as he wove around the newly appeared group.

Bea raised one of her brows up. A sudden sway of one hip joined in. “Not your department honey, I need to get an officer.”

Ren waved her off. “I’ll take care of it.”

Bea gave him a look. “Honey you are lucky I find you charming.” Bea turned her attention back to Kaela and Vanille. “Don’t you worry about a thing, he’ll take care of you’ll.” She then snapped at Ren. “Don’t you dare magically forget to write that report.”

Ren waved her off again and slowly approached. He squatted down to be at kaela’s level a few feet away.“Hello, my name is Ren, and I help people who are lost. Would you like to sit down? He turned his attention up to Vanille. “Do want the nice big sister to stay?” His tone appeared soft. “You must be really scared and that’s okay. We’re going to find your mom. Do you happen to know a phone number or an address? If not that’s fine.”

Bea sighed, it was going to be along day.
Ren Haruno or Yakimura (played by Sinceritymornings) Topic Starter

((Welcome, welcome,))

The chief glanced over. “Miss Bong,”he stammered are you sure? I mean my department…” We are very honored to work with you. Hold on a minute.” The chief leaned away. “Shepard, Ren, get in here.”

( Sorry was working on my post at the same time. It’s nice to have you.)
Shepard (played anonymously)

Shepard’s ears perked up at the groups sudden entrance. His attention drawn away from Alyusha. That’s twice today. He turned around watching them. His arms folded. His lips slightly curled when he heard the Chief call him in.

Shepard casted a weary eye to his partner’s desk.

He slowly walked to the chief’s office. Shepard nodded at the guys watching his co workers.
Ren Haruno or Yakimura (played by Sinceritymornings) Topic Starter

The chief glared seeing just Shepard. “I can see both hands free Shepard. Where is Ren? Never mind, just fill him in later.”

The chief pointed at Balor Bong. “This is Balor Bong a respected decorated special operative, runs a unit. You will show her respect, you will be friendly. You will keep Ren under control!”

“Anything you do goes through her. That means no self investigating. Any and all cases you two are working on are now under her jurisdiction. For now she is your Boss. Her office is your office, her word is law,” The chief spoke firmly. “Is there any one you recommend Shepard? While we are at tell me you know where Ren is?”
Shepard (played anonymously)

Shepard’s posture tensed, he narrowed his eyes and then relaxed. “I recommend Alyusha, but she just received a huge case file, someone personally asked for her. There are a few others as well, but they haven’t come in. Most of them are working on something.”

Shepard glanced to the side. “Ren, he shouted something about the front desk. The first visiting department set something off. He didn’t like the fact the guy dropped, the file and walked away.”
Balor Bong (played by Clumsylemon)

Balor narrowed her eyes in the direction of the officers. She leaned in and whispered something to a man in black before she turned and thanked the Chief. she wiggled her finger at the beast/dog man "you Steve" honestly she couldn't remember his name nor did she have time. "I need some more info on this file" She stared walking expecting to be followed she stopped whipping her long braid over her her shoulder. "Lets Go" she pushed into an empty office throwing the file down on the desk before sitting and nodding at the chair "So tell me Shawn you seem to be the more level one of your partnership, " She glanced out the large window at his partner "what else should I know, Will you or him cause me problems" her lip curled before she glanced down at file looking over the pictures of the dead body.
Shepard (played anonymously)

Shepard followed her his posture tense again. He took a seat and glanced at the file.

“It’s Shepard ma’am, but you don’t care. Let me rephrase that it’s either you don’t care, don’t have the time, or you’re trying to see my temperament. As, far as problems go I’m use to working with little to no respect given to me. People still look down on beast folk. I will not purposefully disrespect you or your staff, but I won’t be pushed around either.

“Ren, ma’am he’s a bit different, but he cares. He’s an obsessive-observing brat who’s talented in multiple areas. As far as trouble goes, Ren will obey, but give him an inch, he will take a mile. You give him a dime, he will bring you ten dimes back. He’s worth the trouble and risk.”

Shepard turned around and seen Ren with the girls. “He probably got side tracked. Earlier he mentioned the front desk. He seemed to be lost in thought after the first encounter in the chief’s office. My opinion Ren suspects something and it’s related to our case. If you want to speak to him. I’ll take over what he’s doing. Trust me on this. You want to meet him. He can tell you everything about that file.”
Alyusha Korxanadu Sakurai (played anonymously)

"Well in that case..." Alyusha chuckled when Shepard assured her that he would make good on his word.

Of course, she would go over everything first to make sure there wasn't anything specific to her or her specialties, scan for anything that was easy or redundant and then begin to categorize the rest of it in order of difficulty and/or time needed. As she started to go through the files, she peeked over towards the front desk where a woman and a little girl came in for help. She watched for a moment as Bea assisted them before Ren took over.

Right around that same time, Alyusha noticed a woman barreling her way through the office. Well, perhaps not 'barreling' but she did have a security detail with her and when one of her escorts pushed a fellow officer out of the way, Alyusha instinctively stood up a moment. Nothing seemed to happen insofar as a response, so she sat back down slowly but shook her head as she murmured 'not cool' under her breath. She made it a point to check up on him when she had a minute. Meanwhile, her demon-slit eyes watched the posse make their way over to the Chief's office. She squinted her eyes a bit as she looked the woman up and down.

"Hello. Why do you look familiar to me?" Alyusha murmured under her breath.

She either was or looked very much like an Air Force pilot that she ran into a couple times while she was still in the Corps. Just as she was thinking, the Chief called Shepard and Ren back into his office. She laughed a little and shook her head.

"That's twice now." Alyusha mused aloud to Shepard as he got up to report to the Chief once again before joking as he made his way past her towards the Chief, "If he calls you in a third time, drinks on me. You'll need it."

Once he was gone, Alyusha let out a breath and got back to work. Those papers weren't going to sort themselves out. She took a long swig from her can of coffee then put her paper-pushing face on.
Aunn walked into the police station with her usual air of flamboyance, but today it seemed a little too over-the-top, even by her standards. She had a guitar slung over her shoulder in a casual manner. Rather than her true appearance, she appeared to be a human with bright red hair and hazel eyes, bearing a more defined face as well.

She glanced around, taking in everyone's appearance, as well as their demeanor. "Hey everyone!" she said chirpily, now surveying who would be most friendly, at least to her evaluations. "I'm, uh, new here, if you couldn't tell." Aunn grinned, mostly to herself. This is gonna be so much fun!
Ren Haruno or Yakimura (played by Sinceritymornings) Topic Starter

((Welcome, Welcome))

Ren momentarily, pulled his attention away from the girls. He glanced up at Aunn. “Welcome, you have a lot of exuberance… If you’re looking for the bull pen, you’re in the lobby. Beside the front desk there’s a hall you go down it, past the break room, and locker area. Glad to have you.”
Balor Bong (played by Clumsylemon)

Balor leaned back in her chair a softer scowl on her face then before "You have some loyalty and trust in your partner, that's hard to find" she rubbed a temple then leaned forward pointing to the dead man In the picture "Joe Ricci his wife is the youngest granddaughter of the Yakuza leader," she let out a bit of a sigh " this is not the first of the families spouse's to be killed of his 11 grandchildren 7 are married and 3 of their spouses have been murdered this week but no actual blood family members, we are looking at some kind of internal war" she then stood and pointed toward the door for him to leave "Oh Officer don't mess up my case, becasuse my task force goes missing when they disappoint me" She waited for the beast man to leave before the large man in black came walking back in to sit and watch as she continued to flip through pages of reports.

Finally she stood stretching and walking out of her office glancing around to see the coffee that's when she opened her eyes and saw the can coffees labeled she turned looking back at the desk her eyes landing on red horned person with the same name. She walked over standing staring over Alyusha until they finally looked up, The harsh expression of when she first walked in where gone from Balor's face and a kind warm smile was on it "Can I ask a favor" she spoke like they were old friends "Can I have one of your coffee's" She grasped her hands together like a child begging for a toy at a store "Don't worry, It will be an even exchange see Bruce there " She pointed to the large man in black " when you want lunch you tell him and he will get you anything from anywhere in the city" She still smiled waiting an answer.
Alyusha Korxanadu Sakurai (played anonymously)

"This one is done…this one is done…this one doesn't matter…" Alyusha murmured to herself as she placed some papers off to the side.

The stack that she was placing them in was starting to get bigger, which made Alyusha let out a small sigh of relief. Luckily, a good chunk of the file folder was either completed or unnecessary. There was still a huge stack left of papers that she now had to sort through to establish priorities, but probably about a fifth of the original file didn't need to be touched by her any further.

"Yo, Alyusha! You still tagging along for drinks tonight?" came a voice from the side.

Alyusha looked up to face the guy the voice belonged to. It was Preston, one of the newer officers. Alyusha smiled at him and nodded her head.

"Unless something happens, I'm still down." Alyusha said, "Was everyone meeting up at that sports bar or the usual place up the street?"

"Nah, Christine said that she found this awesome hofbrau about 20-ish minutes south. The others agreed that it sounded good and it's got a bunch of good reviews on Yelp. I can give you the address if you want." he told her.

"Yeah, could you? I love me a good bierhall." Alyusha nodded.

"You got it." Preston said, "And if you can't make it, we understand. I see that fatass file you're going through."

Alyusha laughed a little, "Thank you, Preston. I'll try to make it but I appreciate the understanding."

He clicked his tongue and flashed her two thumbs up before disappearing off to his sector. Alyusha watched him with a small grin on her face. It was nice to see him adapting so well, considering he went straight from high school to the academy to the beat. When she turned around, the woman from earlier was standing there. Alyusha looked her up and down a minute and was about to ask her if she could help but then the woman asked her for…one of her coffee cans?

"Yeah, sure, you can have one." Alyusha said.

But before the woman could leave to grab said item, Alyusha held her hand out.

"Er, but before you go, can I ask you something?" Alyusha inquired.

She looked her up and down and leaned back in her seat.

"You look really familiar to me. Were you in the Air Force by any chance?" she asked her, "I was in the Marine Corps, 1st Raider Battalion. I think I saw you when I was in Afghanistan. Kunar Province? You were providing…I think it was CAS or…maybe it was QRF? Or maybe something else altogether but you just look really familiar to me so I just wanna ask."
Aunn nodded and walked over to where Ren described, taking a peek around to get herself familiar with the station. She found her new desk quite easily, though. However, it didn't seem like she cared about it as much as her new co workers. She walked over to Alyusha's desk and looked over her shoulder for a while before introducing herself. "Hey there," she nearly whispered, still exuding excitement. "I'm new here, and I was wondering where I could get started?"

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