This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Greetings and Welcome! I hope you find something you like here.
I do not do RPs in the private messaging system. Public or private forums preferred.
The Boring Bits About Me: For time purposes, I'm in the Mountain Time Zone. I am generally online during the weekdays, but not much during the weekends. I enjoy chatting OOC, but it's not a requirement or anything. I don't do Discord, mostly because I never remember to actually check it. I have no issue with adjusting characters slightly to fit into an RP idea.
Post Length Preference: I think all post lengths have their place from one-liners for a fast-paced conversation to novels for epic scenes, but I prefer if there's a nice variety of lengths. My personal sweet spot is around two-three paragraphs as I do a lot of typing for my job, so I tend to avoid constant full novel-length posts. I won't say no, they are just harder for me.
My Biggest Weakness: I tend to make way too many characters and think that any lagging RP can be improved with another character. Sometimes it works. Other times, I end up with enough characters to man two football teams and a dead RP.
RP Styles: For writing style, I strongly prefer the third person. I'm willing to give just about anything a try. I prefer to stick to more PG-ish levels with lighter plots, but I'm willing to try out the occasional heavier plots. I'm not much into fandoms, but I'm willing to try provided it's nothing cannon. I'm a bit of a sucker for the "fish out of water" cliché and strange friendships, and I really like slice-of-life type RPs where unusual characters are stuck together for random reasons (like a supernatural creature and a human, two humans of the opposite gender when they expected the same gender, two supernatural types that don't get along, villain and hero...). I also really enjoy friendship stories of pretty much any kind. Romance isn't a big draw for me, but it can also be a lot of fun. I like playing around with silly stereotypes and clichés a lot. I most enjoy open-ended RPs that can just go on and on and ramble, but am very much not opposed to an RP with a planned ending.
Desires for a Partner: Patience. I tend to be a little slow and a little dense at times. Communication. Lemme know if you do or don't like something, if you have some ideas, if you need a break, whatever. Someone willing to bat ideas back and forth and try to meet me halfway in the creation of an RP. Everyone has times where creativity dries up, and that's totally fine if sometimes one or the other of us has to do a bit more pulling just as long as you are willing to try. At least one post every couple of weeks. More makes me delighted, but anything less than once every two weeks, and I'll loose the thread of the plot. Obviously, life happens, but whatever kind of consistency in post speed you can give me will make me a very happy camper.
Dos and Don'ts: Please do communicate. Please do not control my characters without permission. Please do not self-insert, at least in an obvious fashion (personal aversion after some bad RP experiences). I don't like zombies. At all. I really like vampires, but I can be annoyingly picky about the type I play
A bunch of Random Idead
Found Family Troupe:
"Found family" is one of my absolute favorites, everything from "over the course of our grand and noble quest, we gradually came to realize the loving home and family we longed for is in each other," to "I woke up in a dumpster with a group of idiots who forcibly inserted themselves in my life and increased my problems by a thousand percent, and despite my desire to kill them, I would die for any one of them at a moment's notice even though I've only known them a week."
A family member has been replaced by an alien. The alien is actually really, really bad at impersonating the person they replaced no matter how hard they try, but, honestly? You don't mind. You let them believe they are fooling you because the alien is a vast improvement over the original. - I would prefer a multi-person family for this, but we can talk about exactly how big/small we want it if you're interested. I am willing to play either alien or humans or a mix.
Misplaced Lives:
Someone from an ordinary world suddenly find themselves transported into a fantastical world where they have to learn how to live in this new environment. Or, someone from a fantastical world finds themselves sucked into our normal world and stuck. We can either both be a person who's been misplaced, or one could be the misplaced person and the other could be the family/person/whatever who helps them get settled in.
OR it could be someone from a fantastical world that ends up in our "real" world. It could be a fictional world from either an existing book, show, or movie, or it could be something we make up for the sake of the RP. It could be a completely random invented character.
Any number of ways this could play out.
All in your head:
A young man is absolutely convinced aliens are in charge and controlling humans. He came to this "revelation" after a head injury he claims reset his brain. Everyone else says it's just the damaged part bringing out the paranoia. He refuses to believe this, as is proven what he writes in his journal: "Life seemed completely normal, but the thing is that I believed they were observing me because I was in a play. We all were. Every alien was assigned a human, when that human was born, the script for the play was imprinted in their brain and so we would live our lives for the entertainment of our designated alien that would watch us in some sort of theater." Is he right? Or is it a story his mind came up to cope with the pain? (I don't actually know these answers, I'd be happy to go either the way of the aliens being real or fake.)
Hive Mind:
For who knows how many generations, humans have lived on a spaceship of aliens many, many times their size. For the most part, the aliens ignore them and sometimes even try to entice a swarm of humans to live on their ships because as far as they are aware, humans are basically... space bees. To the aliens, humans are intelligent, but not self-aware people, only smart beasts/insects. Sometimes a pest, sometimes helpful, always a fact of life. They even have interstellar guidelines instructing how to properly deal with humans. The potential benefits of having a swarm of humans on your ship include: disorganized spaces becoming transformed into fully organized and efficient spaces, items left about being spontaneously turned cuter/cozier/tastier/more efficient, broken items being either fixed or temporarily repaired or entirely repurposed, disturbingly creative and loyal tiny allies against intruders, and happy noises coming from the vents when the humans are content.
The potential detriments of having a swarm aboard, particularly if they are not well managed: unauthorized tunnels popping up everywhere including restricted zones, theft of items deemed cute/cozy/delicious/extremely hazardous by humans, equipment being sabotaged in the most impossible of ways, and strange communications that seem to translate to anything from passionate love sonnets to disturbingly specific threats.
When treated properly and given proper supplies near the area where one wishes the humans to inhabit, the aliens can find the humans to be a very beneficial and even pleasant creature to have on board, and as humans are strongly symbiotic and territorial, they will often fight on the side of their alien counterparts to ensure the safety and security of their habitat. However, that strong symbiosis can also mean that they will form attachments to anything from the AI cleaning robots to carnivorous fungi. It is best give them the supplies to keep them comfortable and encourage mutualism symbiosis and steer them away from commensalism and parasitism. When done correctly, the human swarm may even begin to leave treats or even go out of their way to try to make things more comfortable or efficient for their caretakers. Just remember to never, ever break their trust. Ever.
Vampires at School:
Vampires are rare as they are difficult to "make," but the world has recently decided to accept their existence. Reluctantly in some cases, and enthusiastically in the case of others. Schools especially like to hire vampires as they are very good at making children behave, highly knowledgeable in any area they are interested in, and often willing to work for the little a school can pay as they do not have a large food bill or usually a family to support. In this particular instance, a vampire has been hired as a history teacher (or perhaps a translator of dead languages or similar) as the school is under the mistaken idea that the young vampire is a lot older than they really are. In truth, they are only about 50 years old or so, and now they have to scramble to keep up the pretense of having been personally there during multiple historic events. It's a good thing they have at least one friend who is a few hundred years old, but that one friend couldn't have seen everything. How is this vampire historian going to keep up the ruse?
Family secrets:
An old vampire has been running from a family of monster hunters for several generations now. The family is totally willing to take jobs hunting other monsters, but those are just to fund their one true goal: to kill this elder vampire who killed their great-great-great grandparent. Despite the fact that he could potentially kill them and get them off his back for good, the vampire keeps running. That's because he knows something they don't: he is their great-great-great grandparent, and he made a promise a long time ago not to reveal that fact. However, as each generation of monster hunters gets wiser, stronger, and craftier, it looks like he is going to have to do something drastic before everything gets out of hand.
Space Share (basic):
A pair of roommates, housemates, or flatmates, whatever you like. The twist is one (or possibly both!) isn't as they seem. Perhaps they are a ghost who needs a living person to help pay the bills, or perhaps a strange race like a werewolf looking for a place to hide, or possibly just a woman and a man who didn't expect to be sharing space with the opposite gender. Maybe a new ghost or ghoul needs help making ends meet or needs help with the outdoor stuff, so maybe they try to pass themselves off as an agoraphobic human in need of a hand. Open for this one to be a romance depending on the grouping. If we go the fantasy route of having one (or both) be something supernatural, they will need to hide their true nature from the other for a while. Looking for a lot of awkwardness and comedy in this one.
Space Share Part 2:
Someone (or multiple people) move into a house. Unbeknownst to them, the house is haunted by multiple ghosts. At first, the ghosts try to be the ooky-spooky malevolent ghosts like they are "supposed" to be, but the person(s) who come into the house are such a mess (just out of a breakup, lost their job, new town, whatever the reason) that the ghosts start pitying them and start actually trying to help the person. I'd prefer to play the ghosts, but I'm flexible.
Space Share Part 3:
You share a place with a wizard/witch in a mostly non-magic area populated primarily by non-magical humans. Magic is not exactly illegal, but it is somewhat discouraged. Therefore, it's important that the wizard/witch not rock the boat too badly and get themselves in trouble with the neighbors. The problem is, they don't seem to fully grasp the seriousness of the situation. They are a cooky, absent-minded sort, mostly harmless, but horrible at tidying up after themselves, and they are constantly making a mess. You are the stable one in this situation as weird people show up in the middle of the night, random creatures pop in and out of portals, and magic concoctions occasionally burst into flame or worse. You like this wizard/witch well enough and want to keep them out of trouble, but how are you going to do it when they seem intent on walking straight into it? (I would rather play the wizard, but I'll play either.)
Beauty in the Sewer:
My character lives in the sewers, forgotten by society and mostly happy to have it that way. The twist is that he shapeshifts into a horrible dragon-like monster, and he has absolutely no idea how or why. He cannot remember anything before the sewers, but the whole thing stinks of trouble. Your character finds and befriends them and possibly attempts to help them, and the monster tries to help them. This takes place in a more modern setting, but we can play around with when and where and all that.
Elf Among Us:
I've taken this out and put it back in so many times...
These elves are actually from another planet and are hiding among humans. There are not many of them, only a handful centered in a single city. They have been trying desperately to get back home again after their craft crashed a few years ago, but so far they haven't been able to figure out how, being a bit unclear as to how they ended up on earth in the first place. The Elves in this story are trying to hide, so your character doesn't really notice much difference between them and a regular human at first except for perhaps some odd phrases and the occasional misunderstanding. The Elves are tall, humanoid beings who don't stand out much other than being on the tall and lanky side, and there are only men. I would like to play the elves.
For your character, or characters, I would really like a fairly tough person, maybe someone who hesitates to ask for help, and my main elf character is able to help them and that's how they meet. Something like that. I'm pretty flexible, though, so if you like the idea, feel free to approach me with any type of character you have.
Romantic Theme:
Country A and Country B have been at war for a long, long time. Country A is smaller and finally decides that the best method is to declare peace and marry off one of the princesses or princes to the king or queen of Country B. I originally pictured this with a princess with Country A and a King from Country B, so that is how I am going to describe it, but the genders can easily be switched around, as can many of the details. So here's how I see it: The Princess is absolutely petrified of going to marry the King as he is rumored to be a monster, that the entire country is filled with monsters. When she gets there, the wedding goes off uneventfully, and she finds that while the king is not exactly warm and fuzzy, he is not a monster, exactly. He shows her no interest at first. She is determined to make the best of things, so she starts trying to be a proper queen. Perhaps even earn the trust and respect of the king.
I picture this as being a fantasy setting with one country being primarily fantastical and the other being primarily human, but as I said, I'm flexible and we can change up most of the details here. I would like to play Country B, the stronger country.
Elf Among Us, Beauty In the Sewer, and Space Share Three are currently in my top three most wanted list, but I'll take anything.
If you see anything you like or have an idea you think would suit, let me know.
Magic is rare, but not unheard of. Mundane characters may or may not believe in it. Magical characters may form small and exclusive pockets for study, protection, etc.
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Romance is desired but not required, and will balance evenly with other plot.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played one-on-one.
I have made some adjustments and am going to bump it.
(These all sound really neat!)
I like that romantic themed one! I have a setting that would fit it- the one I made for my webcomic! Although the king would have to be an emperor and it is a furry setting, is that okay? And the setting has a dedicated character for the emperor.
I absolutely love Found Family, usually if it's a 'Saved and Savior' type thing.
For example, M/C is saved from a dangerous situation by Y/C, and then they become a Found Family.
Please PM me if you're interested in maybe discussing more.
For example, M/C is saved from a dangerous situation by Y/C, and then they become a Found Family.
Please PM me if you're interested in maybe discussing more.

I have made some adjustments and updates to this list, and I am looking for one or two partners for any of these ideas. Currently, I would most like one that is focused on something light-hearted or comedic with serious topics optional. Purely serious ideas will be considered, as well.
I'd be pleased with the romantic theme or the Space Share 3!! I think these are really good concepts.
I'm interested in a few of these!!
Lovely to meet you!
The "Misplaced Lives", "Space Share 3", or "Vampires at School" sound very cool, if you are open. If not, I understand. You've got a lot of great ideas and I wouldn't be surprised if people already snapped them all up.
The "Misplaced Lives", "Space Share 3", or "Vampires at School" sound very cool, if you are open. If not, I understand. You've got a lot of great ideas and I wouldn't be surprised if people already snapped them all up.
I have recently reopened this, so I think I will bump it up the list.
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