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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Porter's Courtyard and Garden (Open) (FFA)

Selene (played by st4rz)

"I know I bought it from a arrogant merchant, I managed to work down the price and get it way cheap!" Selene said proudly.
Allister (played anonymously)

Allister crept through the garden, trying his best to avoid people.
He stayed seated at the bench and watched the fountain. He stretched his arm across the backrest of the bench and extended his legs in a resting comfortable position.
Oliver (played anonymously)

Oliver is using leafs to make an herbal painting, humming a song loudly.
It also appears he has a few pieces of grass in his mouth.
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

Gekiyaku suddenly and inexplicably appeared behind Oliver. "YOU!" She shouted. "You were friends with my brother! Where is he!? I've been searching for him endlessly!"
*rests his Head against a tree*
Oliver (played anonymously)

Oliver looked up at Gekiyaku, the grass popping out of his mouth in a comical way. "Your brother?" He raised a brow. "Does he have a name?"
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

She thought for a moment. "Hmmm... I forgot! It was something like... Kake... Kuzu... Kaze... AH! KAZEHIKI! Such a forgettable and bland name... He should be ashamed! I will punish him when I find him for having that name! How does holding 26 spoons on his head sound, hmm?"
Oliver (played anonymously)

Oliver frowned, "I think it's a nice name!"
He paused for a moment. "Do you have 26 spoons to put on his head?" He seemed genuinely confused.

"Either way, I know him! He's a good friend, but I don't know where he is, sorry.." He stated.
James chirped and fluttered his wings.
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

"Of COURSE I have 26 spoons!" She says as she reaches for a bag and upends it, out pouring a comedic amount of spoons that could in no way fit into that comparatively tiny purse.

"WAIT! THAT BIRD! WE CAN USE AERIAL RECONNAISSANCE! Oh, who am I kidding... I already tried the bloodhounds..."
Oliver (played anonymously)

Oliver looked at all the spoons, surprised. "Oh!"
James got startled by Gekiyaku's sudden outburst and proceeded to try and hide into Oliver's shirt. "Oi! James! Come back!" He stuck his hands down in his shirt, attempting to try and get the bird out.

He glanced up at Gekiyaku. "You're scarin' James!"
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

"Wait... Birds can't be scared! They are all government drones sent here by Luo Tiyanyi to catch Dong Fang Zhi Zhi! I won't believe your lies, child..."
Oliver (played anonymously)

James popped his head out of Oliver's shirt and fluttered his wings aggressively, maybe trying to protect Oliver, thinking Gekiyaku was a threat.

Oliver grabbed him and then held him gently in his hand. "James, please calm down!"
Oliver (played anonymously)

James proceeded to give this* look to Gekiyaku.

*said look
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

"Anyways, I best be off now! Kaheziki won't find himself! Thanks for the cheese!" She dashes off.
Oliver (played anonymously)

Oliver was left there confused. "Okay, goodbye?" He said with an awkward smile.
Ronal (played by randomentity777)

"What a beautiful place. I guess that some humans can still appreciate the beauty of the world around them."
Attheia de Alger Obelia (played by Alliyus)

Attheia, and 11 year old girl was sitting in the garden, twirling a white flower in her right hand. Her long black hair grazed the ground. Her royal diamond-jeweled blue eyes examined the flower in her hand.
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

The beautiful garden was far greater than had been described. As she ventured into the garden's courtyard, her eyes were met with brilliant hues of soft greens. Gentle pinks and baby blues also filled her vision as she beheld the many flowers that painted the space. It was just as elaborate as she could have hoped.

At the moment she didn't see anyone around. Perhaps she wad the only one resisding here for the day? All too eagerly she spun on her heels, whistling a strong whistle. "Vivi! Come on. No one's here."

Timidly a stead trotted out behind the woman. The horse was immaculate...almost looking to befit the very garden itself. Lorelai brought herself onto the horse and with one more careful look around the two were off- frolicking through the wonderous open space of the gardens.
The fighter remained quiet as he sat at the fountain. He would pull his hood up onto his head to obscure his face as he relaxed. He would glance up at the equestrian and her horse before returning his gaze back to the fountain.

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