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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Forever Fall Campgrounds

Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Wakes up early, in the quiet of the morning she goes off for a hike in the woods. Taking the the path of Woodland Wanderings.
Luna (played by Alliyus)

Luna, the delusional person she was, was running away from a ghost, something in the shadows that nobody else could see. She ran right into Natasha, colliding. "Oop-" She fell onto her back.
He remained quiet as he sat in front of the fire
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Luna wrote:
Luna, the delusional person she was, was running away from a ghost, something in the shadows that nobody else could see. She ran right into Natasha, colliding. "Oop-" She fell onto her back.

She stumbles back after someone collides into her. She regains her stance and looks down to the person on the ground, then looks around. "You look like you've seen a ghost. Do be careful though, you're lucky you ran into me and not into a tree or boulder." She looks out into the forest, with her ears forward. She saw and heard the spirits of the forest.
Luna (played by Alliyus)

"I-I-I Sorry ma'am!?" She bowed in apology. A large dark silhouette was looking at Luna from within the woods, barely able to be seen. She had seen something, and was spooked.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha spies the shadow, with no change to her demeanor. "I am a black cat, because if this, I am deemed unlucky by standards. When dodging cars and thrown objects, and those that threaten to steal my fur. It's hard to find most things scary. Ghosts and spirits are also usually misunderstood." She said calmly as she looks at Luna. "Your fear is what draws them." She smiles gently.
Luna (played by Alliyus)

She hid behind Natasha, looking at the figure in the darkness. her eyes widened. She looked down. "Oh, Agu scared me. This silhouette is a dark Entity, her name is Aguilar, she watches over me. I just got startled." She calmed down, standing next to Natasha.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha nods and starts to carry on with her stroll. The forest and the colors were soothing to her being. Her gold eyes and her other senses taking in the radiant and vibrant colors and sounds. Her ears swiveling as she listens. "Well, we all have points when we're startled even by those we know."
Luna (played by Alliyus)

Luna followed, being alone in the woods scared her, she was still quite very young. She looked up at Natasha with london topaz blue eyes. "Do you ever get scared?" She asked, tilting her head, falling a little behind Natasha because of how small her legs were. She jogged a little to catch up then walked next to her.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha slows her pace, then glances down to Luna, "Of course, take storms for instance. While I love the sound of the wind and the rain, and even the sound of thunder. But at the same time I do fear them, and thunderclaps are so loud that I jump to them." She keeps her eyes on the path as some uneven footing was up ahead.
Magnolia (played by Alliyus)

Magnolia and Luna were talking. Magnolia was typing something on her tablet, while Luna was making flower crowns.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha stretches up high, it was a long day and she was looking forward to relaxing. Taking a bag of marshmallows from the treats buffet and sits down on a log close to the fire. She spears some marshmallows one at a time, holding them to the fire until golden brown, occasionally having you put out a flaming mallow. Then eats the crispy, sweet treat.
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

Hazel walked over to Natasha and jumped, floating a little and plopped a white flower crown, perfectly made, on top of her black hair. She landed on her feet with a muted thud. "Good evening!"
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha wanders around the campgrounds, seeing what the day brings.
Cecilia Alexeievna (played by Alliyus)

Loud cracks! Went off in the woods. A rifle in hand, Cecilia was hunting deer.
Adelle (played anonymously)

The wolf hears the gun shot and follows the path to the recoiling sound. She approaches someone with a gun aimed at a deer, “Excuse me, please, there is no hunting allowed on these grounds, The creatures in this forest are all protected. Hunting in these woods is too dangerous as campers may wander. You also may be shooting at creatures like myself” She sighs, wishing the rangers would up some signs.
Cecilia Alexeievna (played by Alliyus)

She lowered her Light Cone and looked at the wolf. She nodded as the sniper suddenly vanished into thin air. She bowed. "Apology."
Adelle (played anonymously)

The wolf nods, satisified with the encounter, “Thank you, I am Adelle. It is my duty to keep the grounds and forests safe for all, including yourself.” She dips her head in a bow.
Cecilia Alexeievna (played by Alliyus)

She smiled. "I can handle myself." Her legs were almost metallic, protoshetics. She took a step back. "Pleasure to meet you."
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Finds solace at the campgrounds, seeking the connection with the surround nature. Looking for a moment of peace. She sinks down onto a log near the bonfire, staring into the roaring blaze.

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