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Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » Translation for Cross- Language Friends

Hey Hi!

I have a question. Do we have the potential for integrating say Google Translate or something for people? I know that's often not 100% correct. So, if there's a better thing, I'm into it.

I flubbed a conversation with someone I was very excited to talk to, but I wasn't really understanding that a lot of what I was writing was perhaps mistranslated/ distorted/ misunderstood.

However, I do use slang OOC and casual speak or idioms, so, I know that can still be a bit of a task.
Google browsers have built in translations and there is a browser extension for other browsers. There is also one for DeepL, which is known to be more accurate.
.the.MILK.theef. Topic Starter

Jooters wrote:
Google browsers have built in translations and there is a browser extension for other browsers. There is also one for DeepL, which is known to be more accurate.

I was thinking so. And, like, if I'm really unsure I guess I'm a person who would also not be afraid to ask for clarification.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean with 'integrating' the translation tools?
Or what would be the problem of using the mentioned and other searches off the RPR website?
.the.MILK.theef. Topic Starter

Sin-fonie wrote:
I'm not sure I understand what you mean with 'integrating' the translation tools?
Or what would be the problem of using the mentioned and other searches off the RPR website?

I personally tend to have good luck with copy-paste translating and asking follow-up-clarification questions.

But, I was taken by surprise recently when I seemed to upset someone as they were having a hard time understanding me.

I am probably doing too much, but, the issue had me thinking about suggestions.

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