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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Fate's Circle Temple

This was Drael's year to pass out the toys and candies. He sat by the double doors what were off white with platinum trim around the door. There were also two stripes across both doors which met in the middle and formed Fate's Circle's crest. The door stood approximately 40 feet tall with two rings which served to open the door. The massive structure itself was massive and intense, only accentuated by a series of ten spires that reached up into the sky. The structure itself was pearl-colored with blue flecks in it.

The path to the massive, palatial temple was made of the same material as the blue flecks on the temple. It stretched a football field in length. Alongside the path were different obelisks which had different writings on them. No two writings were the same. If anyone could take the time to read it, it was the tale on how Fate's Circle was formed, as well as the history of each member. However, about 75 feet from the door, three statues stood tall. The statues each stood 15 feet tall. They were of one male and two females. Beneath them were signs.

One female's statue read "Hotaku". It was that of a nearly intimidatingly beautiful woman with an angular but feminine face. She was holding a two daggers.

One female looked similar, but her face was much more round and smooth. She had a dragon wrapped around her body and a direwolf at her side. On the sign, it read "Aleu".

The male looked similar to Hotaku, but he had an intricate chest plate, and in his hands, he held a weapon that resembled a halberd, but it hand a sharp blade at the end. This placard read "Wulvenreign"

All three statues were facing the front gate and were staring off into the horizon. If the guest hadn't figured it out by now, these were statues commemorating the three members of Fate's Circle who fell in battle.

Before Drael pulled the wagon carrying the bags full of candies and small toys and trinkets, Drael allowed his wings out and he flew upwards so he was face-to-face with the statue of Hotaku. He reached his right hand out and delicately cradled Horaku's face with a sigh. He would then land and make his way over to the large wagon and waited.
Jooters Blaccat (played by Jooters)

Jooters poked his head in through the entrance and looked around, his witch's hat poking up dramatically with his surprise.
"Woooaaahhh... this place is massive!" He said.
Drael Chæzkath (played by VoliminalVerse) Topic Starter

"Hello Joot. This is where we all live. Mathius, Charlotte, Fumizuki and everyone else"

He took a seat outside the temple and sat to the right of the doors.
Robin Hollyhock (played by Jaws)

It was a tradition for the villagers of Sonnenstadt to dress up as their god, Apollo. The knight of Sonnenstadt himself was dressed in a tunic of gold and white, sandals, and a laurel wreath atop his flax blonde hair. On the shoulder where the tunic covered, there was a golden sun medallion of his knighthood. Tonight he wasn't alone and was accompanied by his younger sister with a similar outfit to his but with suns made of golden glitter on her tunic and a handwoven basket. "Last one to the candy is a rotten egg," his little sister, Olympia, said with glee. He chuckled and ran after his sister to approach the large man by the wagon.

"Trick o' treat!" Olympia shouted excited and held out her basket. Robin stood right beside her with a smile on his face. "Guess I'm the rotten egg," he said. "Every day of the month too," the younger rabbit teased. "Hey! I thought it was only for today, you cheeky," Robin replied.
Drael Chæzkath (played by VoliminalVerse) Topic Starter

He chuckled a bit before dropping two bags of treats into the basket. "I suppose you win" He grabbed another bag and held it out to Robin "consolation prize..."

The bags looked small in Drael's hands, but they were rather generous sized bags.
Robin Hollyhock (played by Jaws)

Olympia's eyes widen in glee at the size of the bags in her basket. "Thank you," Robin said and held his big bag with ease. Olympia however had trouble with carrying her basket due to the weight of the treats. "You carry it, rotten egg!" She pushed her basket into her older brother's hand, and he accepted with no protest. Olympia then ran off with Robin trailing behind her.
Kellie (played by SaharaSunset)

Two children came trotting up to the grand entrance, looking around curiously. One was a little boy dressed as a black cat and the other was his older sister, dressed as a princess.

“This is a big place,” the boy muttered, clinging to his sister’s arm as they approached the scary looking man.

The sister nodded but dragged him along. “Yea! But there’s more treats here. I think that man has some.”

From afar, their mother watched them, making sure no one threatened their children on such a day. The two children finally ran up to the man handing out the treats and held up their skull and pumpkin buckets. “Trick or Treat!”
Drael Chæzkath (played by VoliminalVerse) Topic Starter

The truth is, the kids were likely safer with the "big, scary man" as he has fought and destroyed entities of pure evil. He watched the children approach.

He reached over to the wagonnand grabbed four of the generously-sized bags and placed two into the boy's bucket and two into the little girl's bucket.
Kellie (played by SaharaSunset)

The glee radiating from the children was palpable, even the previously shy boy smiled and thanked the man. They giggled and ran back to their mother, showing off the treats and candy they had just been given.
Drael Chæzkath (played by VoliminalVerse) Topic Starter

He took off with one flap of his wings and landed near their mother "I apologize.....I forgot to give you yours. Enjoy your All Hallow's Eve" His voice was deep and thunderous, almost enough to cause the air to shake when he spoke. The bags had a myriad of candies, pre-packaged cookies, and even small toys.
Dr. Todd Swordson (played by VoliminalVerse) Topic Starter

"DAD! It's Fumizuki's house!" Luke stood there looking down the walkway astonished.

Todd stood next to Luke clearly impressed. He would walk Luke up the walkway to Drael.
Kellie (played by SaharaSunset)

Drael Chæzkath wrote:
He took off with one flap of his wings and landed near their mother "I apologize.....I forgot to give you yours. Enjoy your All Hallow's Eve" His voice was deep and thunderous, almost enough to cause the air to shake when he spoke. The bags had a myriad of candies, pre-packaged cookies, and even small toys.

The mother smiled. “Oh that wasn’t necessary and I don’t eat much sweets but the gesture is deeply appreciated. I’ll divvy them between my kids later.”

They gave a small nod and lead their children away to find more places to acquire sweet treats. More houses to demand candy from. More people to watch and places to explore.
Dr. Todd Swordson (played by VoliminalVerse) Topic Starter

"Mr. Drael! Happy Halloween! Trick or Treat!"

Todd followed Luke laughing "Hello Drael. Good to see you again"
Cavalia (played by Kim)

A place that tells of legends! The perfect place for this adventuring merchant/bard. A half-filled bag over her shoulder, she galloped up to the temple, skidding to a halt with a spray of dirt from her hooves. Just to complete the effect and make sure everyone saw her, she reared, pawing the air with her front hooves while shaking her head as if trying to do a hair flip. Her hair is a bit too short to pull that move off, but it looks cool regardless. She casts a beaming smile around, looking for whoever was giving out the treats here.
Drael Chæzkath (played by VoliminalVerse) Topic Starter

"Good to see you too, Todd"

He gave two bags to the little boy with a smile. He then looked at the Centaur and perked a brow.
Cavalia (played by Kim)

Identifying Drael as The One, Cavalia turns her 5000-watt smile on him. "Hello there, friend! Nice temple you have here. Are you perchance taking part in the tradition of treating?" she asks, waggling her eyebrows excitedly.
Drael Chæzkath (played by VoliminalVerse) Topic Starter

"I am" He responded. He reached over and grabbed two of the bags that contained treats.
Cavalia (played by Kim)

"Aha!" She turns and executes a fancy sideways trot, crossing her hooves in front of one another like a grapevine, to approach Drael. "Then -- Trick or Treat!"
Drael Chæzkath (played by VoliminalVerse) Topic Starter

He handed the Centaur the two bags of the treats. "Wonderful" He said with a polite grin..
Cavalia (played by Kim)

Though she already has a large bag over one shoulder, she flings the strings of the bag around her neck like a scarf so she can accept the two profeffered treat collections from Drael in the most unnecessarily dramatic fashion ever. Taking one little bag in each hand, she rears in a circle, belting out, "BEHOLD MY TREATS! THERE SHALL BE NO TRICKS FOR THIS TEMPLE THIS YEAR!"

For good measure, once her front legs have come down again, she kicks out her back legs. "I bid you the best evening, good sir!"

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